Thursday 18 September 2008

Weekend with my parents

Well sat,30th aug, started with the usual boring lessons.. 1st was 中国现代历史..and seriously..the teacher is really boring.. in any case, history is alr boring.hahah...well at least i kinda find out how much i didnt know abt china's history even when i tot i knew well at least most of it..haha..there's somehow like plenty of impt ppl tt i dunno.. take the opium war(鸦片战争) for instance. well most ppl shld know tt its due to losing tt war tt Hong Kong was given to the British..(of cuz HK was then returned to china during the yr2000) then sudd, got so many characters popping out here and there and they did this and that which are impt during the events of this war itself..ultimately..i jus slept...hahha..

next was lunch! well my housemates and all walked ard for a while..passed by the hk restaurant we ate earlier, the korean restaurant, then later walking down got pass by a chi restaurant..but quite ex one(china's standard of ex)..end up..we decided to go back to the korean restaurant..But well cuz we walked ard abit too long, and knowing how 'fast' the korean restaurant serve their food.. we decided to go for this cheaper looking small eatery.. ordered some 香肠炒饭..

well the fried rice is nt bad..abit oily of cuz..but really cheap(9rmb which is S$1.80) and quantity quite after lunch went to a nearby convenient store to get the v impt item called coffee then walked back to classroom.

after the break has lessons on 中国文化交流..smth abt china's culture... well this week we all watched a movie..hah..abt life of a nobel and their cocubines one of the more modern dynasty..well its those kind of movies i wont even think twice of watching if i hadnt even stepped foot in china..heck..if i hadnt step foot into tt lesson i prob wont even see the movie.hahaha..well its oso directed by zhang it shld be gd..of cuz..there's no car chase scenes or battles btw big armies but still..great movie..ahha

after lesson, my roomies all went home to have dinner(curry rice was on the menu tt night for them..) but for me..i stayed back at 人民广场 to fetch my parents.haha..yea!! my parents came to china to visit me..and of cuz at the same time sponsor lunch dinner..hehehe...FMS leh..(father mother scholarship) of cuz need some benefit ma..haaha

well after fetching my parents from 人民广场, we all took train back to 徐家汇 and walked back to shanghai jiao tong, cuz my parents v interested in seeing the place(so i heard my father was a pro mugger, i think he see unis/schs will remind him of his sch days then he high..and will start preeching me abt sch life la, need to ask prof qns la, mug hard la..blablablabla)..well walked ard the sch compound abit..then my mom translated some of the status and memorial stuff ard jiao tong. there are 2 at the entrances.. 1 of them is dedicated to those who built the uni and lost their lives in doing so and the next one is dedicated to those uni students and teachers alike who fought during the wars and died-ed.. and along the way it was mentioned tt jiao tong uni was completed in 1844..oh yea..its more than 150 yrs old now..hahahaha

after walking ard, there's only 1 other thing we can eat!! hehe..brought my parents to steak king cuz imo its the best restaurant ard tt area...or at least those tt ive tried la..hahaha.. my father ordered snow fish+steak, my mom and i ordered the stirlion steak..and of cuz..i got to kope some of the snow fish.hhehehe...dinner was sponsored too..hahaha( we werent brave enough to try the fried french and the alcohal..ill prob leave it to next time when i visit steak king again)

after tt, walked ard 徐家汇 area, enjoying the lights and all...after tt..its back to 人民广场 and we made our way to 南京路步行街..walked ard abit enjoying the lights, the crowd, the atmosphere..then after tt..they went back hotel and i went back home..

sun, 31st started out with me fetching my parents from 人民广场 again cuz well their hotel is really near there..haha..anw..brought my parents over to my house here in shanghai.. apparantly they were quite pleased with in the accessibility, the cleanliness, the convenience of this place..and of cuz they were pleased to get free herbal tea from celest..hahhaha..(i would have provided herbal tea too! but mine ran out jus b4 my parents came and i forgot to buy..honest!!=p)..after tt my parents and i took a cab tt celest booked and went to the train station.. oh yea..forgot to mention, my parents are gg to nanjing on mon,1st have to sort of tell them where to enter, buy tix, where the cab will end up etc. well..actually celest helped me explain most of everything..hahaha..

after buying tix to nanjing for my parents, we all travelled to my fav eating place in shanghai, 南京西路...the small eat street..hahaha...1st stop, coco! where i exchange 6rmb for 1pmt...of cuz the pmt was given to my parents..u gotta start giving them money u earn u know.haha..then after tt, went to eat the 生煎包 at 小扬生煎.. long queues at the store didnt deter us of cuz..

after tt..went on to the bbq place..again long queue..but it wont stop 3 hungry stomachs!! totally feasted lor.. bought 6 oysters(the store gives 1 free one so total 7 oysters), 6 chicken wings, 9 bbq octopus,3 scallops..oh yea..mega feasting..hahaafter the feast, took mrt to 陆家嘴to the super brand ultimate test for shoppers in china.. well walked and walked and walked in the seemingly endless mall..along the way i looted a shirt, my father oso looted a shirt, and we bought some egg tarts from the portugese hk restaurant in the mall itself.. after tt went back to my parent's hotel cuz they say they wanted to freshen up.. it was 4pm, i lied down on the some tv..then the next thing i was 6pm..hahahaha..apparantly i jus koed without realising it...must be learning real quick from celest..(celest is famous for visting zhou gong at most times of the days esp when her activity mark down on her timetable is "lecture")

anw..went back to 南京路步行街 cuz my parents were hungry and they saw this nt bad looking restaurant while walking on sat...anw..sat down and ordered our dinner!

asparagus with white stuff(forgot what the white stuff is)

crab roe 小笼包

well...those 2 dishes arent enough to fight Hunger..we need help!! help to defeat the evil Hunger and his plans to dominate all stomachs!!

So let our powers combine!!

Captain peking! He's our hero!

Gonna take our hunger down to zero!

He's our power magnified!

And he's fighting on our stomach's side!

oh yea..captain peking saves the stomach once again from hunger!! (and did i mention the peking duck was yummy too?hehe) well after my parents and i were saved by captain peking, walked ard abit then headed back home alr..gotta work on mon u know.hahaha

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