Monday 8 September 2008


Sat, 23rd our(gip students) 1 mth anniversary in china!! hooray!!! *throws colour paper and blow whistles and drinks pudding milk tea* .. so of cuz here for 1mth alr...what else..its time to reflect..ahhaha..

well ive definately became more independant.. well ironing, cleaning clothes,house and all..isnt easy..really...hahaha..i still dunno how to cook without burning the food or the kitchen down but im gg to work on it pretty soon.. and my chi has improved! 我是新加坡人但在中国,非讲华文不可!但还是很多华文字我不这么会读。所以呢我会努力的去学,读到我容易了解老师给我们的现代历史文章!hows tt?! hahahaha...i used to be so bad tt prob i cant read whats most of the food off the at least can understand roughly what it means..with the help of celest of cuz..hehe

speaking of celest...we've invented a new currency tt exists only btw us called pmt(pudding milk tea) so far current conversion rate is 6rmb=1pmt or S$ alr oweing 15pmt as of 23aug..celest is aiming for free pmts till the 3rd time she goes to shanghai..we'll see how it goes...

anw ok end of the reflectiong thingy and onto what i did on sat..hahaha.. day started out with sch of cuz and with the help of the "boring lecturers corps", the Z monsters again massacred gip students, 100s fell prey and slept as long as throughout the entire lesson..then came lunchtime..and this time my housemates and i decided to visit this korean restaurant with really slow services..oh yea i mean slowwwww..way slow..haa..but their food was nt bad..i shared a fried korean年糕 with celest and ordered a seafood fried rice for my main course..

korean 年糕

seafood fried rice..a tad bit oily though.

so after lunch the gip students regrped and came up with a strategy to stay safe from Z monsters..unfortunately it nv worked...

so after recovering from our injuries while fighting the Z monster celest and i proceeded to the train station to buy her tix back to nanjing.. and decided to pon training..hahaha..well we need rest u know! and the Z monsters alr injured us so celest said she doesnt really need to train up her IFSK(imba flying side kick) and to avoid a small pimp in the making who keeps smacking her we took a short break from training..

well it was my 1st time to the shanghai railway station(上海火车站) and i must say...its so far the highest number of ppl/sqkm ive ever seen in my life..ppl from all over china wearing anything from branded clothes to rags carrying bags to luggages 3x the size of their 4yr old jus stunnded with the amt of ppl there..haha..anw.. squeezed in and bought tix and headed out to find...dinner!

walked ard a little and saw a big sign tt says 'delicious teppanyaki at lvl 2!' celest's and my eyes were like glued to the sign for a while and agreed tt we shld have this delicious teppanyaki at lvl 2...prob is..we have no idea how to get there..oh ya..u might say "alamak lvl 2 take stairs la", stairs lead to some chi restaurant and a shopping centre which has nt even a single trace of teppanyaki or anything close to it at all! searched high and low for 30mins for tt ultra elusive "delicious teppanyaki at lvl2" shop but still it remained ended up celest and i decided to settle for ajisen ramen.. ordered a pork rib ramen..fantastic!

sun-26th aug...celest and i went to our fav place for eating in shanghai, 南京西路..of cuz 1st stop is for some pudding milk tea(pmt) at, we went to a small shop besides tt sells 酸辣粉丝. tried the 撒尿牛肉丸酸辣粉 which is translated to as "pissing beef ball sour hot with bee hoon like stuff". well it tastes much better than it sounds, honest! hahaha..soup was rather sour at 1st..but after adding some power chilli paste..the sour and hotness was at its optimum!

there it is...the "pissing beef ball sour hot with bee hoon like stuff", and it only costs 8rmb(S$1.60). In singapore the only similar stuff u can buy with S$1.60 is "pissing nothing with no beef balls and nt hot nt sour plain water" or 2 cups of kopi..

then went for the usual bbq..this time at a diff store than before cuz the queue was too long...

lamb satay

took a short walk nearby and behind small eat street..there were some clothes shop, some medical store(celest went to chec out the price the 减肥茶for her bro..wonder whether it works for my bro too..)..then bean!! eh wait..on closer inspection..its coffee bean-ery!!! (china loves piracy)

coffee bean-ery with ah mm patrionisng the otherwise v ulu store...

saw some really cool looking sculptures..

and a hotel which declares tt it isnt dead..

after the short walk behind and ard small eat street..its time......NOoooooo..its nt time to go home and zzz or say gd bye to celest for now....its time for ROUND 2!!!!!!!!! oh yea..round 2 of our feeding frenzy, where u eat or get eaten!! and the the right hand corner..2 ppl with the ability and courage to eat any food including "pissing beef balls in bee hoon like stuff" and fried silkworms pupae(only celest ate tt so far in nanjing) at any time.. Dr Willame and Celest the goddess! and in the left hand corner...8 er..8 fishes with 8 limbs each..bbq-ed octopus in styrofoam box!... ROUND 2! FIGH-- er EAT!

of cuz its obvious who won...

anw the bbq octopus taste gd, though it would have been better if it was slightly hotter(temperature wise)..

after tt..celest headed back to nanjing while i went back home in shanghai...

Mon-25th it was a normal day..or so i tot..drizzling here at home in 陆家浜 i jus took out my 8rmb cheapo umbrella(but lasted longer than my housemate's 30+rmb umbrella..heheh) and walked to the mtr station...took train to 宜山路站as usual and..well..exp-ed a slightly heavier rain..but still cont on to 漕河泾开发区where my workplace is..and woah.. saw miniwaterfalls at each steps...i was like..ok..must be super heavy outside..and true was raining like mega heavily...ok..walked abit and guess what?? pavement to my workplace is flooded!

megasianz lor... then again..since i was abit wet i jus stepped into tt puddle of flood and stuff..still ankle lvl..nt tt bad yet...

and after taking a short walk...i reached.knee lvl flood water! arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! (it was still raining then...i 1 hand hold umbrella, 1 hand dig for camera and take those pics...)

end up a really sianz chinaman at work....
well at least i went to work..half of the other ppl in my company(except the gip students) either pon or was stuck in traffic jams.....

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