Wednesday 24 September 2008

TKD training no. 2

ok..before i go on with the events tt happened on the 6th sept.. i jus wanna say... i found out what TNARUATSER actually stands for.. apparantly one v sharp reader who jus read once thru my last article pointed out what it stands.. and so... ok keep the suspense and let u all use ur blaine(brain) for a while... try spelling RESTAURANT backwards... yup tts right.. and u'll get what TNARUATSER means..hahahaha

anw..after the short teaser..back to The Adventures of Chinaman!!! ok..6th sept, sat.. the ultra boring history lessons came 1st.. 3hrs of pure agony listening to the teacher talk smth tt i truely dun understand.. then after tt..its lunch! hahaha..this time..our housemates, celest and myself decide to try out shanghai jiao tong's can A.. finally after 4 weeks or so of sch, we decided to try the sch canteen.. sch canteen is pretty big..ard like can A tt kinda size la..with lots of stalls.. and there's 2 parts to can A. the noodle stores(part2) are all located behind. my housemates, celest and i went to walk ard the 1st part of can A. but then again..after checking out all the stores...feels like they can all combine to form one or 2 stalls only and save the space.. cuz.... 9 out of the 10 stores at the 1st part cells 菜饭.. yea seriously..9 菜饭 stalls..selling slightly diff stuff but otherwise still 菜饭...

so far the 菜饭 doesnt really look appealing..or mayb i havent had a closer look due to the end up..we all decided to order our lunch from can A part 2(the noodle place)..checked out the menu and saw this '红烧牛肉面' ..sounds i ordered tt.. and after a short '红烧牛肉面' came... and frankly..its nt only a disappointment.. its a big disaster.. i think i can cook better lor!!!!! hahahahah

well..then again..this shld not be called 红烧牛肉面 shld be renamed to '很油马铃薯烂面'..seriously.. what kind of 红烧牛肉面 does nt have a single 牛肉 inside but only got potato cubes?!?!?! after fishing for like minutes and eating all the potato cubes..i found none,0,nil,jiro,零 beef cubes or any form of meat inside the noodles...tio con lor.... 2ndly.. the noodles if u all can see, its in some weird shape.. apparantly its supposed to be some kinda 刀削面, where the chef skillfully cut noodle shapes out from dough into a pot of boiling hot water.. the chef in jiaotong obviously has not much of a skill in slicing dough and well..weird shaped noodles came out.. and its oily as most chi foods are..and its pretty tasteless...ya..tts the gist of the '红烧牛肉面'

after the dreadful lunch, we went to the shanghai jiao tong's nanyang mart and checked out the place.. and guess what...we saw smth tt u wont expect a uni to sell.. oh yea.. smth illegal.. PIRATED CDS.. hahaha...well apparatly shanghai jiao tong uni is a staunch follower of the 'pirated stuff rox' club and their nanyang supermart sells pirated cds... bought an ice cream(there wasnt any melamimieene in milk scare then) to get tt inital sugar rush so tt i can stay awake for the next lesson...

well after the lesson, celest and i headed back to nanyang supermart to buy our pirated cds... and oh yea..the pirated cds are pretty cheap.. 1 movie disc cost 5rmb(S$5) and 1 set of 4 discs(usually dramas) costs 15-25rmb(S$3-5)..bought a few discs.. then while browsing thru the store again..celest and i saw this pretty cool looking notebook..and we decided to buy them..well for me at least its a usuable souvenier..ahha

shanghai jiao tong notebook..(pic koped from celest)

after tt celest and i went over to metro to have our dinner which definately is alot alot alot alot better than lunch...

the dan bao fan with curry and pork cutlet!! ahahaha...well granted curry wasnt hot enough(temperature wise) but still anything beats this afternoon's lunch..hahaha..

well after tt.. celest and i went back to jiao tong uni and had our tkd training no 2! hahaha...finally..after like 2 weeks of absence due to my parents coming and celest needed to do some stuff..haha.. well apparantly the original china shifu of the club isnt a temporary guy took over..he's 4th dan too.. training began with the usual streching...lots of them in fact.. then temp shifu came over and asked celest and i what our actual belt levels are.. well u see..for the 2 trainings tt we went, celest and i wore white belts..cuz no belts ma..then nv buy from the china shifu oso.. then now..our cover is blown!!! we cant act noob anymore!! eh wait..wrong.. we didnt act noob.. i mean.. celest did act noob cuz she's still the goddess.. i didnt act noob! my original skill was noob..hahaha.. then after the temp shifu blown our cover its time for dynamic stretching..where another person helps u stretch.. and who did i partner with?? no..not celest lor.. ITS TT FAT PIMP BOY WHO LOVES TO SMACK BUTTS!!! T.T..sian diao lor.... he seemed so happy to partner me la... then again..he rested his fat body on me trying to press me down to stretch..and saying how nt tt flexible i me...... seems like an eternity has passed b4 we swap its now my turn to 'help' the fat pimp boy stretch... ah but i still humanly lor.. i dare nt lean all of my weight on him.. and he still say like 'nt gd enough, lean more' then ok la..i did la.. kinda like taking revenge too but still ya.. dun dare to jus sit on his fat back to 'help' him stretch... then he jus remarked "你没吃饭阿?" .. then i was like "对阿,我还没吃饭" then u know what??!? he told me got good dim sum and all and kinda like asked me out to eat.... argh.. sianness!!! hiaz..ive always had this dream tt a chio bu would ask me out for dinner after a hard day of training... guess reality is tt harsh huh.. =(

(anw what did celest do all tt time while i was being tortured? she jus enjoy show and laugh...well in a way she cant do much too unless she wants to get smacked in the butt by the fat pimp boy but still, T.T)

and finally the stretching was over.. so we proceeded on to pattern... celest went on to do her koryo, kum gang, and tehbek(she learnt tehbek then...) and well..i went on to revise my il-yuk jang cuz i do plan to grade when i return to sg(if any ntu tkd 21st comm is reading this pls take note!! =p) UNFORTUNATELY, the fat pimp boy is a blue he was sort of at my side of the court...sianzzzz.. but still at tt moment he was quietly learning pattern.. after a while..i noticed this white belt girl(yellow actually..she didnt update her belt) like standing there nt sure of what to do.. so i went to ask her like whether she wanna learn pattern and what belt lvl she is.. so i found out she needs to learn il jang(yellow belt pattern) then i proceeded to teach her..... in chi.. oh yea.. at 1st i tot... ah shldnt be a prob la..i mean if really cant express in chi jus use hand motion lor.. but wrong!! hahaha.. end up she is still v beginner and nt tt gd memory for pattern yet and ya..i really had to like translate every single movement from 'low block' to 'turn 180 degress from the left' ..

then...then the fat pimp boy has somehow finished learning his pattern and since he had nth better to do he decided to disturb me and my pupil.. 1st.. he jus ran and keep knocking into the tkd girl lor!! she was trying v hard to remember and do the pattern, and i was trying really hard to translate and teach her the movements.. the fat boy jus sudd ran into her... then my pupil jus pushed him away and told him nt to disturb... then the fat boy jus ran into her again... well prob cuz his ears are stuffed full of fats too tts y the tkd girl's words arent getting to him... anw..ya so he did tt a few times and seriously irritated me and the tkd girl... so after like the 6th time he knocked into the girl, he decided it was bored... and i was like 'phewww' but Noooooo, fat pimp boy isnt done... he starting running and knocking into me!!! i was like 'argh, can u jus knock someone else?? how abt tt white belt girl over there with v cool hair doing tehbek(celest) .. she v gd to knock into most kena 1 tight slap or mayb a few side kicks or she will jus tehbek u to death, nth much la, shld be quite fun...' but of cuz..fats in the fat pimp boy's ears prevented him from hearing me and he went on with his torture.. so i chose to ignore him and cont teaching the tkd girl.. and then..i was like.. "OMG..y the #%^& is he rubbing against my back???!!!" ah pimp boy rubbed against my back... i have no idea y.. (im blaming the internet for this...) but ya..he did tt.. then i raised my voice to him abit..then finally, fat pimp boy stopped disturbing me.. and jus when i can concentrate teaching the tkd girl, the lesson was over... thanks ah fat pimp boy.........

well after a really hard and traumatising training on sat, celest and i decided to reward ourselves at the famous small eat street on sun, 7th sept... as usual..1st stop.. visit the money changer called coco..and changed our money to pmts.. then after tt.. went on to try china style takoyaki..hahaha

takoyaki taste abit salty..but still its gdddd..hahahaha..then after tt..went for bbq chicken wings.. i had probs eating the chicken wings with jus chopsticks lor..dunno leh..jus cant eat..somehow la.. had to resort to barbaric ways like using my hands.. i have to use hands and seperate the bones to eat but celest somehow can fit her mouth in between the 2 bones for the chicken wings to eat the meat..

next..celest and i went to 小杨生煎 to of cuz eat..生煎包 hahaha..

and this time we tried something diff from the 小杨生煎, called 牛肉酸辣粉

oh tastes as gd as it looks...hahahahah..then walked ard abit..then after tt..tried more lamb satay + scallop...

mouth watering oysters on a nt so clean bbq pit..well savouring food by sight..haha

and lastly..well went to another bbq store for octopus with a dash of salt..

ah wrong..correction! hahahaha..somehow celest and i got salt with a dash of octopus.. i mean..seriously... tt octopus is super mega salty... alr decided nv to go back to tt bbq store for octopus(there are several bbq stalls ard small eat street..)
after tt..celest took a cab to shanghai railway station for her train back to nanjing..and i went back home..looking forward to next fri(12 sept) then cuz china has a long holiday due to the mooncake festival(13sept-15th sept holiday) and im gg to visit nanjing! =D

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