Monday 22 September 2008

and its september!!

and so..chinaman has alr been stranded in china from 23rd july to sept alr...kinda looks like a pretty long time really..but time does fly..esp during weekends..hahaha..anw..1st sept started out like any other week..boring and full of monday blues.. and after work..guess its a pretty mundane go back home dinner/go out eat dinner and sit in front of com to slack..well till thurs night till the weekends..hahaha..then again..on mon,1st sept..i decided to try to break the mundaneness by preparing my own dinner.. oh yea..nv really done it b4..all ive mostly done is taking away food from outside stalls(dabaoing is a taboo in uni..those gg to uni will understand..) cuz im afraid of burning the kitchen down if i try to cook from scratch.. and now..with some ingredients like cherry tomato and instant-easy-to-cook ready to prepare my own dinner! hahaha

ok..technically i didnt cook..i mean..except for the easy to cook meat..well which i jus put the entire packet into boiling water for 10mins..and voila..meat rdy to eat..hahaa..then i bought 蛋炒饭from a small store below(5rmb only! or S$1), added the cooked meat and cherry tomato..and it becomes my 1st v own i prepare by myself v ownage and v tasty and v cool meal!!!
oh tastes nt bad too..well of cuz due to the meat being optimumly heated and cooked..hahahaha..

well then tahaned and fought off the Z monster while being pierced by hou yi's i mean zhang yan's arrows for the program from mon, 1st sept, to thurs, 4th sept, and finally..weekend has arrived! hahaha..yay! ok..fri, 5th sept, went to have lessons as usual..watched a movie called 疯狂的石头 v super confusing. its a plot where ppl wanna steal this precious stone which is worth a fortune. some guy managed to do so at 1st by swapping the real stone with a cheap imitation he bought b4 visiting tt museum.. then the story progresses tt robbers steal from each other, they cant tell which is real or fake, ppl saboing each other, badguys got caught, and somehow police officre gave the real stone to his gf as a gift(he tot it was fake)

sounds boring right? oh is. and y izzit so? 1st off..actors' / actresses' v fierce.. and i tot i was used to china's chinese accent..i was wrong... sudd i found out each state got their own diff kind of accent one! mega sianz lor..its of the actor's dunno where in china's accent hor: wu(3) qian(1) wan(4) (五千万) sounds like wu(2)qian(4) wan(4) x3 the original word speed of most shanghai ppl ive heard(except Captain Safety..Captain Safety pwns most prcs in wpm-words per min) doesnt help if i cant really read the subtitles in time b4 they disappear.. had to seriously stay guard against the Z monster for tt movie..

well after lessons, celest needs to go to 静安寺 to reinburse her cab rides and all from her she's collecting $$$$$.. so took train over to 静安寺 and both of us decided to have our lunch 1st.. some pics of 静安寺

well into the shopping centre itself and went down to the basement to see rows of restaurants + a supermarket full of jap stuff! wow! hahaha... of cuz jap stuff turns celest crazy..if she isnt alr crazy in the 1st place...anw.. went on to scout ard to see were we wanna have lunch la.. then..this hk style restaurant caught our eye..and b4 anyone eyes could even blink, b4 the hair from a prc girl can touch the floor when it dropped from her head, celest and i were alr in front of the counter taking our queue number and patienly waiting. food has such vast amt of motivational power..

after waiting for a while, celest and i went in and instantly ordered some mixed roasted meat and a bowl of wanton mee...

roasted meat angle 1

roasted meat angle 2

wanton mee

well the roasted meat was jus fantastic!! optimum taste and really gd! hahaha...the wanton mee..well its alot of pork filling and v little prawn, v average la..but still gd enough for 2 hungry stomachs..ahhaha

so after the really wonderful lunch, celest and i walked over to her shanghai sembcorp company, in the rain actually, in an attempt to make celest richer... went into the company, celest then went up to the finance office(i think) and i stayed at the ground floor to wait.. well..i was leaning against a wall near an elevator looking at ppl like going in and out of the building..some ppl were drenched, most had umbrellas, are in working clothes and have tt sian 'shit la i want work to end' face..then after stoning for a while..i realised " come like the ppl taking lift so little? esp on my side.." then sudd, i decided to turn back and look..and was like "holy #$%&", there was a long queue behind me!! apparantly they think im waiting for the elevator! was like mega paiseh when i told the lady jus behind me im nt waiting for the elevator..didnt know how she looked at me(can imagine though) cuz i tried to avoid her eye contact when she walked past me..hahaa

so after a while celest gotten richer, and we decided to go to raffles city.along the way, celest and i passed by a small store selling cheap sushi..we couldnt resist and jus bought 2 small boxes, jus for tea later on.. and oh yea..shanghai has a raffles city! hahaha..

walked in with the intention of buying shoes cuz the imitation reebok shoes im wearing has evolved until it can talk alr..which is nt a gd thing for shoes of cuz.. walked ard the sports city in raffles city which is located in shanghai city and saw this blue and black nike shoe.. i tot it looks gd..and asked for the price, 500rmb(S$100) nt a bad price for a real nike product.. walked ard abit to check whether they are anymore cooler shoes. didnt managed to find any so i went back and got those blue black nike shoes!! yay!! hahahaha
after tt celest and i went up to the food court to slack abit..and coordinate with her juniors. well apparantly celest's junior's , jy and my are coming over to shanghai in dec to visit us!! woohooooooooo!! hahaha...(ah yea..they are celest's hc juniors, i jus happened to know them thru camp sparex, a ntu tkd camp for jc students) its going to be so much fun! well initally the 2 girls did tell me abt their supposed plans to come and visit.and i tot there's quite a big chance they cant come cuz well..parents kan chiong, scared china nt safe wont let 2 girls jus go like tt..bust then, they somehow managed to convince their parents and they are coming! hahaah..celest asked her mom for air tix prices and dates and all..woohooo..will be planning their itinerary soon..hehe..and ah yea..ate some sushi tt we bought from 静安寺 earlier on at the food court..

after tt, celest and i walked ard abit b4 we walked out of raffles city to look for our dinner places..some pics of 人民广场..

chinaman standing in front of raffles city with his loot..

so celest and i walked ard abit..then i rmbed 'hey..there's this restaurant tt ive been with my parents and my mom's colleague to eat..serves great fish in cooked in some really spicy stuff and oil..shld go try!' then the quest to search for our dinner is on!! well along the way the smell of smelly tofu and guo tie entered our noses.. of cuz mere sushi for tea isnt enough to keep celest and i..and so we bought our appetisers..

smelly tofu with smelly smell but doesnt taste smelly

vege guo tie

so after walking along 云南中路 for a while...celest and i found the seafood restaurant called 上海人家 or TNARUATSER in engrish.. no idea what TNARUATSER(This Nothing AR i have no idea what tt means) stands for or means.. might be jumbled up words for all u know..

one reason y u shld learn one knows what TNARUATSER really means..its easier to look for a 上海人家 than a TNARUATSER..

well after looking thru the menu celest and i ordered some mushrooms and the sichuan dish, 沸煮鱼..the fish cooked in oil and spices.. after a short waiting time our braised mushrooms arrived..and after a 1st taste...woahhhh..its cold!! omg..they serve like cold mushrooms?! its nt even lukewarm, its jus..cold..celest was like saying 'wont it be better if its hot?' i was like ' oh yea..lets get tt ppl here to heat it up' then we got the service ppl, who looked at us with a weird look, to heat it up for us..soon after 沸煮鱼 and hot braised mushroom was served..

our heated up braised mushrooms

the spicy but fantastic 沸煮鱼

well the 沸煮鱼 was really delicious cuz the fish is really fresh, and somehow they cook it until its pretty soft..nt so soft until it splits when u grab them with ur chopsticks, but soft and tender enough tt its a real gd feeling when u eat them.haha...of cuz..this dish brings tears of joy to celest's and my eyes.. every mouthful, after savouring every bite of the fish, celest will carefully wipe her tears of joy away with her napkin, while i jus wail in glee, with tears flowing freely from my eyes and my fist resonating, in eating such gd 沸煮鱼..T.T

after we finished and paid the bills and all..while walking out of TNARUATSER, celest jus stopped a while and said..'er..wait...i think the mushroom is a cold dish leh' i was like ' huh really meh? i dun rmb its a cold dish leh..' after tt both of us went out of the restaurant to check the menu provided.. and was written really clearly under cold dish..our braised wonder the service person looked at us weirdly..imagine us asking him to heat up a cold dish...fantastic..>.<

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