Monday 15 September 2008

the chinaman is back..and blogging again!

and guess what..after 1 week of absence from the online world, im backkkkkk!! oh yea..chinaman's back in shanghai after 4D3N in 南京.. more on tt plenty of pics to sort out and back to the events after 25aug..

tues 26aug..1 day after the flashfloods in shanghai..working life..went back to expected right? and so im still onto the vb program tt zhang yan arrowed me to do..later tt ard 10am, zhang yan came to find me and asked me to attend a meeting my the PED(process engineering department). oh yea..forgot to mention.. im in the PED for corning..hahaha..nt the ZBD(zuo bo department) as much as i opted for tt during the selection of companies.

so then again the quite stunnded me followed zhang yan for the meeting, my 1st here in corning. and there.. the supposedly entire PED team(except my partner, he was somehow nt needed for the meeting) was all there. My sup, zhang yan, Captain Safety(he gave the safety brief during my 1st day of work, dunno what his name is so i named him Captain Safety), GIOS(guy in orange shirt), random corning PED staff 1, random corning PED staff 2 and of cuz myself...

meeting started with sup asking me how my progess with zhang yan's program was. I was so so tempted to tell him "oh yea..did what zhang yan asked me to do..then she arrowed me to add a graph, i did tt..then she arrowed me to make the program able to clean her socks, i did tt..and now she asks me to make the program able to point out the exact location of a sweet in how the %^&* can i complete this thing if zhang yan keep arrowing me?!"

but then...end up all i said was "ya..program's ok..ironing out some issues with the automatic scanning in the file but the readings are all ok"(i said tt in chi ok..dun small see my chi!! hahaha) then they starting discusing abt the defects of fibre optics and how to show them out in a program..or so i inferred..

after i finished talking sup jus remarked abit and asked me whether got probs or not.. i said no la even though my head is almost bursting thinking of how to 'automatically' feed in the file. then Captain Safety with a 150wpm(wpm=word per min..150wpm beats most indians except the most hardcore ones in sg) said smth like "BAD CLAD 以dao dao dao dao dao"(no kidding tts what i heard). Then random corning stuff jus shot back at Captain Safety..then Captain Safety muttered some words in high speed and everyone is jus talking their own stuff.. then..i saw..SCANDAL!! apparantly GIOS and zhang yan had been v quiet..and guess what..cuz they are pda-ing!! oh yea..doing public display of affection.. 1st i caught GIOS carrassing zhang yan's elbow touch here and there.. then later he played with her hp and talked to her only, jus looking at her and no one else.. then later, he flexed his arm to zhang yan. either GIOS jus started pumping his muscles or he tried but failed miserably cuz i dun see a single muscle at all.. i was thinking to myself "GIOS, can u pls go to 人民广场 after work to shoot electric into zhang yan's eyes instead of doing it now?"

anw my stomach growled really loud during the damn paiseh leh..imagine ppl talking here and there then suddenly *growling stomach* and the rooms goes quiet for a while...mega plastic bag for me to hide my face thing meeting ended soon after my stomach growled..

then after a week of fighting with the Z monster..during the weekends on 28th aug, friday...its 'explore the shanghai time!' hahhaa..after lessons went to metro city with celest to have lunch..went to the ground floor where food republic is..then while walking ard..saw this quite interesting store..its kinda like yong tau hu where u pick the ingredients tt u want to have for ur main dish, then they cook it up for u..or rather they stir fry(i think) everything tog and add the number of bowls of rice tt u want and tada..lunch...

we choose brocolli, ham, mushrooms(2 diff kinds), chicken and yea..lunch..hhaha..abit oily but nt bad...pretty gd food...

anw..after tt..after training long and hard under celest while paying her with pmts..celest decided to put my lvl 1.5 bargaining skill to the test..a test tt will determine whether i get the extra 0.5 exp to lvl up to lvl 2 bargaining skill or stay on as a lvl 1 bargaining noob... and the exam hall 七浦路 where there are tons of small stalls in a giant departmental store tell sells cheap and imitation clothings, bags, accessories and alot of other stuff... took train to 南京东路 and walked all the way(its abit far from the station) despite the rain(small rain like these will nt stop chinaman from leveling up in his bargaining skills)to the big departmental store of 七浦路.. went to the 1st departmental store of 七浦路..nth much at tt place..looks pretty ulu and alot of stuff looks went on to the 2nd department stall jus opposite of the 1st..

2nd departmental store is much bigger than the 1st, got more clothes(and more fashionable ones) and lots and lots of stores..celest and i 1st started window shopping abit..then started to look at some clothes and kiv-ing the shops.. then later on..while walking to a fake adidas goods store.. then ok...saw this 2 clothes nt bad..rdy to alr put it at a fixed price of 25rmb(S$5) per shirt..which is alr v nv bargain in the end.. then later on walked ard and met up with joey, one of the gip students.. well 七浦路 isnt a safe place...its the opposite..joey's bag,the bottom part, got slashed opened by some girl(or so he claimed) cuz she wanna steal thing joey discovered the culprit b4 she stole his stuff but the dmg has alr been done..

anw joey brought celest and i to this shop tt sells cheap wallets..jus what i was looking for cuz my wallet chui..saw this wallet gg for 18rmb(S$3.60). wanted to bargain but its at fixed price still didnt get to show off my bargaining skills.. later on..walked ard and saw this shop selling fake branded polo t! oh yea...shopkeeper quote us a price of 85rmb(S$16) per shirt. granted its cheap for a shirt in singapore, much less a lacoste shirt, its still ex in terms of shirts in 七浦路. so its bargaining time!! but unfortunately its joey who bargained for us with the shopkeeper and managed to bring the shirt down to 35rmb(S$7) per a red lacoste polo t for myself without the chance to show off my bargaining skills.. last chance was at this bag store tt sells fake branded bag for v cheap price..but then again..fixed price..even though i got my puma for jus 30rmb(S$6) i didnt get to lvl up my bargaining skills...=(

celest,joey and i met up with fuquan for dinner..and so our plan was to cab down to 南京西路for our dinner...prob is...cabbing was drizzling..and 4 of us were out in the streets pathetatically and frantically trying to hail a always most of the cabs ignored us or jus plain dun even wanna stop for us.. celest's "dun steal my cab or ill kill u aura" didnt work cuz it doesnt attract cabs to jus chases the potiential cab stealers away from us, though if she can work on an aura tt attracts cabs tt would be gd.. but well in the end..the 4 of us decided to jus walk to the nearest mrt station (南京东路) tt is accessible to 南京西路 to take mrt.. but along the way..we chanced upon..a 美食街!! oh yea..ate at some kinda yong tau hu style(whole day is yong tau hu style man!) 麻辣粉丝..

added toukay, sasuage, meatballs, veges, chicken wing..

ended off with a cold lemon milk tea and finally walked all the way to 南京东路站and took the train back home...

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