Sunday 28 September 2008

nanjing day 2!! =D

WARNING: posts from here on abt the nanjing trip will be picture heavy..hahah... well which might be gd in a way la.. so i dun need to type tt much+i dun need to think of what to type so much la.. hahaha back to the nanjing trip.. its sat, 16 sept, day 2... celest and i planned abit b4 leaving the apartment to exceplore... so after a while of planning we decided to go to the 四方城which is located at the foot of 紫金山 and from mapbar, we found a route there.. which is to transfer bus 49(i think), walk, transfer bus 20(i think..i cant really rmb the bus numbers..)up to 四方城.. so we started off from our apartment at close to 11am towards 四方城...

oh's out the outside of celest's apartment looks like...
kinda looked like hdb flat right? haha..cuz celest said its owned by some sg guy.. but least its pretty safe.. there's always a few fit looking(yea fit looking..some guards are so fat, they prob couldnt outrun a baby...) guards always on lookout at the main entrance.. well gd enough..haha.. anw..celest and i then made our way towards the 1st bus stop.. which..was pretty much a workout.. cuz we went to the wrong bus stop at 1st..ahahaha.. then took the bus for 1 stop(oh yea..tts what asked us to do..take bus 1 stop.. but we had to follow.. i mean.. if nt we have to waste $$ for taxi or time to walk) . So at the next stop, we decided to ask locals where to walk to to take bus 20... and to our horror, the 1st 2 locals said "这里没有20号巴士".. and.. oh yea.. stunnded!! told us to take bus 20 next..but there was no bus stop for bus 20 nearby??? we actually almost gave up and wanted to hail for a cab liao..but then.. heng heng we tried once more and asked a lady.. which gave us directions to take another bus up to the foot of紫金山..

well this time celest and i were more successful and quickly found the bus stop... well its oso another 1 stop ride.. but then.. u see.. celest and i tot the bus driver will stop automatically at every stop.. but noooooooooooo, he didnt see anyone standing at the door waiting to alight so he jus drove past our intended drop off stop!!! mega sianz lor.. ended up we dropped off the stop after the intended one for 四方城...

well since we saw signs tt shows an excellent exhibit straight ahead..called "THE TOILET"!! its nt jus any toilet or 'a toilet'... its "THE TOILET"... prob some royalty used it for their royal ans the nature calls or it might be their secret meeting place during wars.. either way..we didnt see no ordinary toilets tt needs a 10cent entrance fee.. we saw "THE TOILET"...

the sign to the holy ancient relic --THE TOILET

pics arent allowed for this ancient relic passed down from generation to generation for different usage..i had to quickly snap this pic to show all readers how 'holy' "THE TOILET" is...

more pics of the places near the 明孝陵..

celest and i walked abit more till we reached the entrance of the 明孝陵... it costs 70rmb to get in..and then again.. celest and i found out from a gip senior tt we will be coming here for the sch field trip... bian lor..take pic outside the 明孝陵...

wedding couple taking pics outside 明孝陵!! a tomb! wedding pics outside tombs?!?!

anw..after tt.. took some pics ard 紫金山 while walking down to 四方城
bicycle man got right into my pic while i was taking pics...anw..tts song mei ling's villa

anw..celest and i walked to the bus stop we were supposed to stop at earlier, to check out 四方城.. but.. but.. 四方城 was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!!! oh yea... celest and i searched high and low for it tt day but seriously we couldnt find where 四方城 is lorrrrrrrr!!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!! then was alr 1pm.. and we decided to take bus to 新街口, a shopping district in nanjing to have our lunch... but..after waiting for almost 20mins.. the bus is nowhere to be seen.. when it rains it pours huh..... anw.. celest and i hailed a cab(had to snatch it from old china guy who thinks he has shld get the cab even when he jus STOOD there with the rest of ppl in the bus stop in front of us while celest was the one who flagged the cab down...)

'tour guide' cum shun bian tourist discussing with zhou gong her plans for the next few days..

well after alighting from the cab and walking ard abit.. we settled for some 鸭血粉丝at this place(cant rmb whats the name..i always forget restaurant names one..haha).. well 鸭血粉丝 is nt really like duck blood vermicilli.. its more like duck innards vemicilli..


then we walked ard 新街口 abit..including a walmart which sells bolsters!! hahaha... apparantly chinese ppl here dun like slping with bolsters.. so far.. this is the only place ive seen selling bolsters..

after 新街口, celest and i headed for 夫子庙 aka confucious temple.. boarded the nanjing's mrt and went towards 三山站.. of cuz..generally the mrt of nanjing looks and feels like those in shanghai...except nanjing only has 1 line so far.. (shanghai currently has 8 lines.. alot more still under construction)

shanghai's train tells u to becareful jus in case u get ur fingers pinched.. in nanjing, they asks u to 'care the gap'...

dont hold back door...

when we reached 三山路, we followed a really big crowded and headed towards 夫子庙...

夫子庙 in the day...

celest and i oso went to check out the 小吃街 and had a sort of dinner in 夫子庙

what pic shows is the shark meat satay(i think its chicken though...taste alot alot like chicken) and 狗不理包子 and celest's hand... both shark satay and 狗不理包子 are decent enough. On the other hand, celest's hand..hmm nv try but think it will taste quite bad.. but prob is if i eat celest's hand, ill end up with no teeth (cuz she will tkd me right in the face..) jus to be safe la huh..dun eat.. hhaa.but still.. .. hahaha.. well we oso ate some chui glutinouse rice with beef and some kinda erm.. well cut up skin of smth with some sweet sauce..

anw..more pics of 夫子庙at night(its alot nicer at night)...

after the long walk at 夫子庙, celest and i took bus and headed back to the apartment... super tired then..but really had lots of fun!! looking forward to day 3! =D

Saturday 27 September 2008

Nanjing day -1, Nanjing day 0 and Nanjing day 1! =D

so..monday, 8th sept, began alot like any other... sian, tired, dun feel like getting out of bed and full of monday blues in premonition of another boring week of work..but.....smth to look forward to this weekend! hehe.. apparantly mooncake festival in china is a 3 day holiday(well actually we were lucky cuz this yr is the 1st yr they implement a 3day holiday for mooncake festival..usually its a 0 day break..).. but bad news.. mooncake festival falls on a sunday,14th sept.. so end up holiday for this yr's mooncake festival is 13th-15th sept(sat-mon).. well..ok la..shldnt complain too much.. after all... we are the 1st batch of gip students to get mooncake festival holiday.. and its a long weekend too.. gd enough for chinaman to leave his 2nd home of shanghai and visit nanjing!! hahaahh

hahah..anw, my hair's starting to get long... havent really decided where to cut..but mayb at this place cuz they are professionnel..

anw..tahaned the week of boring work and dodging arrows from zhang yan until thurs night..haha.. thurs, 11 sept, night i went to 上海体育馆 and met celest for dinner.. we had dinner at this restaurant called saizeriya.. a v v cheap italian restaurant(mayb saizeriya means cheapo in italian or smth..)... anw..yea.. the restaurant serves really cheap food.. and pretty decent tasting too.. haha.. one main course is like 10-15rmb(S$2 - 3) and dessert is like 5-10rmb(S$1-2).. so cheap tt even locals find it cheap and so the restaurant was filled with ppl ordering plates after plates of food to statisfy their hunger.. dun underestimate the china ppl's appetite.. its surprisingly huge.. even a prc girl with a waist the size of a chopstick can prob eat more than me.. and i ordered some cheese on hamburger hotplate for 15rmb(S$3) and a champaign grape ice cream worth 6rmb(S$1.20)

hamburger with cheese on it+egg+potato.. size is pretty decent.. and all for S$3

champaigne grape ice cream

and who says china ppl arent 'hip' enough..

aunty with hair even more 'hip' and standing higher then celest's... wonder if she uses 3x as much wax/gel/secret formula tt makes hair stands as celest does...

and later..after our satisfying dinner, on the mrt back to our shanghai apartment...we saw.....

ok.. ill give the benefit of doubt to this lady(looks wise she's quite nt bad la.. i think.. as far as i rmb..haha), her black heels must have been broken and she has only 1 black heels at home.. the other darker coloured heels somehow broke when she wanted to wear them today morning... so she only has bright green heels left in her wardrobe which can match her black stockings....

fri, 12 sept.. morning was lessons again.. slept pretty late the day b4 cuz due to packing of clothes and stuff for my nanjing trip.. so end up.. when the movie was being shown.. i feel asleep... hahahaha.. hey..1st time i slp during tt lesson ok! ive always been awake for the rest of the times..hahah.. then after tt.. celest and i cabbed down to 静安寺 to have lunch 1st.. went to the basement of the shopping centre we went to last week for the roasted meat food.. and yea.. as expected.. every single restaurant was crowded.. hahaha.. so we decided to buy a small snack 1st...

hahaha yea..its takoyaki.. haha.. anw..after buying(b4 eating them) celest and i got seats for a jap udon restaurant after waiting for a while.. cuz it was too crowded we submitted our names to 2 diff restaurant(udon and thai) so that whichever restaurant calls our name 1st then we eat tt place... so obviously the udon restaurant called our name 1st.. well.. even though there were crowds, the service there was pretty gd.. i of the better ones ive seen here in china..hahaa.. they offered to put my slightly big luggages(did i mention i was carrying a pillow along with 2 smaller bags with me earlier? hahaha)in a corner so that there's more space for walking ard and were really polite most of the times.. anw..celest and i quickly ordered a beef udon with egg for our lunch..(b4 the meal came celest and i finished off all the takoyaki.. hey.. we were hungry u know.. haha)

and udon..was superb.. seriously seriously nice! hahahaha.. its pretty much jus perfect, nt too salty, nt too cold and all... and the soup taste and meat and waaaaa...i type like tt i 害myself become hungry alr!! hahaha...

anw after our really zai lunch, celest and i headed to her companies shanghai headquarters to collect our train tix and then after tt cabbed down to 上海火车站 to take the train to nanjing!! super excited then lor!!! ahhahaha... 1stly cuz gg to nanjing(and playing) there for the 1st time... and 2nd 1st time taking train oso..ahaha


and so after some baggage checking, and waiting for a while... i was on the train to nanjing liao..ahahaah.. 1st time taking a tain..and i must say..its really comfortable.. seriously(no wonder celest falls asleep like even when her movie from her potable cinama is still running..haha).. and its 93rmb(S$18.60) for travelling over to nanjing.

pic from inside of the train(koped from celest)

keep clean inside..

this is called direct translation of chi into broken engrish..

anw..after 2 hrs of train ride celest and i finally arrived at nanjing!!yay!! hahahahah... took a cab and went on to celest's apartment to put my stuff down.. well.. the cab driver.. is a super heavy smoker.. seriously.. at most almost every single second of the journey..his cig is either in his mouth or in his hand... anw after putting my stuff down, we took the same cab with the same chain smoking driver to 湖南路 for our dinner..

1st pic in nanjing!! =D


then celest and i walked abit till we reached our dinner place.. a restaurant tt serves really gd porridge..really really really really gd porridge..haha

this is the 麻辣花生tt i bought

after a really gd dinner, celest and i walked over to 狮子桥步行美食街

celest and i at 狮子桥步行美食街

after tt celest and i snatched(oh yea..we really did have to snatch) a cab back to her apartment, really lor, its like..3-4 grps of ppl snatching cab from us!! hhaha...but..u know..u all know what kinda aura celest has..hahaha, one look from her can turn potiential cab snatchers into er..well lets jus say they dun wanna steal liao la, haha....and tt ends day 1 in nanjing! hahahah..