Wednesday 6 August 2008

IA in china

hey all..ok so a while of nt blogging..cuz of what..cuz of work laaaaa..hahaha...yea.. work.. seriously, i didnt do alot during my working hrs of 8am-445pm(usually until 5 cuz of talk to sup and wait for friends and all) but yea..still reach home really hungry and tired...ok more abt work...

anw as u all know i work in Corning Fibre Optics in the ulu 200qinjiang road.. some history abt Corning. Corning(150 yrs ago) started out as a glass making company.. then in the 1960s it oso started manufacturing fibre optics(1st company to do so btw) and its still manufacturing fibre optics until now.. currently the company is researching on green laser and more fibre optics stuff but of cuz its top secret and all and i dun get to know all details blablabla..

well on the 2nd day of my work, in the morning jus outside 漕河泾high tech park MRT..i saw 2 superheroes bravely fighting a deadly villian known as Hunger... These brave heroes risked their lives everyday jus to keep 漕河泾 safe from Hunger himself... so of cuz i have to take a pic and make sure their efforts are known to all..even in sg..haha

they the foreground wearing pink with an apron tt hides the deadliest utensils to cook, saving a helpless chinese guy from Hunger, Roti Prata Girl™, with her trusty sidekick who's leaning on the tree--Oilboy™.. Oilboy provides the oil and Roti Prata Girl expertly fries up roti prata.. and in the background(slightly covered by the grateful chinese who was saved from Hunger by Roti Prata Girl™)..working as hard as always.. the Popiah Guy™.. he's camera shy but tt doesnt stop him from packing a mean punch to Hunger...and a tasty popiah too...

even i had to seek help from Roti Prata Girl™ and Oilboy™ once cuz of a surprise attack by Hunger early in the morning...

and tts how their roti prata looks like...of cuz their roti prata consists of more oil than dough(courtesy of a job well done by Oilboy™) and i had to squeeze most of them out..but then again..tastes jus as gd as the ones in sg..

well reached the REAL Corning and had a company tour in their factory itself.. had to put on fierce looking googles, lab coat, some coverings over shoes and a covering for the head too...

shoe coverings

fierce looking googles

took a v interesting company tour in the factory where they make the fibre optics itself... glass specially imported from america is brought to a v $%^&*ing hot furnance(yea..i did go close to the furnance and saw its temp, >2000) glass is melted and pulled into a v thin core and then the slightly thicker cladding. After tt, 2 protective layers are added and the end result is a fibre optic slightly thicker than twice ur hair..

pictures courtesy of wikipedia..i cant take pics inside the factory

well..ordered 'bento' sets from our food caterer for mentioned earlier..200qinjiang road is ulu and its either u bring ur own food in, buy from food caterer or start hunting...and here's a pic of the bento set..

just like most food in china...bento set has the following ingredients:

Oil--60%, Salt-20%, Food-20%
but of cuz..cures hunger anytime..hahah

anw..sup gave me work to do on the 2nd figure out the source code for a certain program used in the factory..and here's a screenshot....

oh yea..u are right..its vb6(visual basic 6.0) in chinese!!! great...nt only do i have to understand the code but i have to decipher the chinese commands..doesnt help if the vb textbooks given to us are chinese too..fantastic..haha..

Will blog more from work and of cuz..the drama tt happened on the "You name it , I horn it bus"™ ....

1 comment:

tostubi said...

Hi! sorry i'm a me student heading to corning next month. happen to saw ur blog. just wondering i hope u're a csc student cause i hope they dun ask ME students to do VB do they? does the pay happen to be above 2k to be able to afford a house?

hope to hear from u soon. Thank you very much!