Tuesday 12 August 2008

Thurs recee, fri celebrate(a v long Part 2 of a 3 part special)

well onto the 2nd part of the 3part china adventures special... those looking for more hot action from the buses will have to wait cuz so far till now other than those 2 incidences, nth special happened(thankfully for me).. anw..onto last thurs 7Aug..

Obviously ill skip the various details abt work on thurs morning besides it being boring and me valiantly defending against the Z monster(in which i barely made it out alive but still the Z monster did wound me by making me nap for few seconds)..either way i won correct liao la.. after work, got sardined and made my way to 延安西路站 with celest and my company guys to find shanghai jiao tong university(where ill me mugging and napping during lects for the next 13 fris and sats)..
then again...when we reached the so call jiao tong university, guess what...ITS THE WRONG ONE!! apparantly shanghai jiao tong uni is so big tt it has to split itself up ard shanghai.. oh yea..hopelessly lost..we all turned to this security guard which quickly pointed out tt the jiao tong uni we are looking for is a 10mins walk from where we got lost.. then again..u have to overestimate the timing given to u by locals..somehow a 5mins walk(or so they say) nv seem to be 5mins..more like...15mins..

anw..finally reached the shanghai jiao tong we gip students will be studying in..

and no..this isnt the location of fright night for insinyur '09(combined engine camp '09)...its the EEE block for shanghai jiao tong..looks abit old and creepy(see..im sure u guys back in ntu will appreciate S1 & S2 now!!) but well its taken in the evening and i didnt put any whatever mode on(besides flash..ok..blame my nt-tt-zainess in taking pics)

and tts the lee wee nam(library) of shanghai jiao tong...looks less creepy than the EEE block though.. of cuz more pics to come of shanghai jiao tong.. anw, as most ppl know, recee takes up lots of energy..so dinner was at a steak house near the entrance of jiao tong...and its pretty gd!

more pics outside 徐家汇...

pic of metro

celest+myself+my company guys

oh..and on thurs..celest and i found out tt line 8(the mtr line tt goes back to our home in shanghai) stops service at 945pm...the sign at the mtr said 1005pm line 8 stop service..but prob cuz of either the olympic mood tml or due to pure laziness and the inability to horn at anyone, the train driver decided to go home 20mins early, leaving celest and i stranded at 人民广场..

thankfully..celest trained long and hard at nanjing and developed the "dun steal my cab or ill kill u" aura...so much tt no chi guys or families who value their very lives decide to come within 10cm of us..finally got a cab after 20mins of waiting+chasing and safely reached back home...

Fri, 8aug 2008, waking up at an early time of 9am(so its early for celest...she's usually either still on bed or half asleep during lects at this time..) we had a v light breakfast and at 1pm..heading for 南京西路站 for our lunch...

jus out of the mrt station..into a shopping centre...we stopped at the shop 'Coco' selling pudding milk tea..its milk tea with pearls with sweet pudding..and the taste rox!!walked ard the shopping centre abit..then we cross the street to find.....

yea..u saw correctly..jus outside of 南京西路站is the 小吃街(small eat street) or where there are various small food stalls ard the entire stretch of road..

this store was our 1st stop and celest and i tried the 生煎包..the larger(and tastier) version of a xiao long bao..

yea..of cuz there's a way to eat this.. step1- bite a small part of the top, step2-drink the soup, step3-put some vinegar, step4-finish the rest of the bao(some locals here can stretch their mouths to near inhuman limits to finish off the bao with 1 bite..i suggest if u cant stretch ur mouth tt much jus eat it in 2-3bites)..well failure to follow the steps will end up spilling the soup from the bao(tt happened it me..T.T)

after the bao..we went for..bbqed stuff!!

bbq mutton!(finger is celest's and its nt part of the food...)

bbqed scallop! (3 for S$2..start getting jealous..)

bbqed oysters!(oso 2 for S$2...start getting jealouser)

bbqed stuff were cheap and great...recommended to all who loves food!! haha..

after tt..we went to the 张江高科站which we tot has some shopping centre..we tot la..so when we reached there..there's nth but eateries... then..tragedy struck!!! celest's beloved slippers was KIA(killed in action)..strap broke.. it will always be remembered.... so we chased down a cab and asked the taxi driver to take us to the nearest shopping centre..in which is....

celest bought a new pair of shoes there, i got a new shirt..and did some food shopping.. tired smell tofu outside of carrefour..smelly tofu with salty chilli.. chilli is seriously made of salt or smth..anw..cabbed and took train back to 人民广场..

went walking ard tt area and..well..shops were closed early!! must be cuz of the olympics opening later on tt night..either way..went to this small shop to settle our dinner.. ate the tofu mian xian..

and the prawn version of the xiao long bao..

after tt..took some pics of the area!! haha

so after nearly 7hrs of walking and eating..for celest case its 6hr30mins of walking+eating and 30mins of dragging due to her KIA-ed slippers..we made our way home for the olympics opening..and to end off this v long post..a pic of me trying to be an olympic torch bearer..notice the wordtrying....haha

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