Sunday 10 August 2008

bus drama(part 1 of 3 part special)

ok..since there is alot to blog abt for the last week and the weekend itself, william-the-china-man will be blogging a 3 part special in choronological order.. starting with the drama on the "You name it, I horn it" bus..

well..normally after work from Corning back home is a bus ride on bus no. 205 to 宜山路站, then from there another 45mins mrt ride back home.. getting up on bus 205 is a task for no mere mortal... its a task where only the strongest, toughest and the most kiasu person..

guys show off their non-chivalryness by pushing ladies young and old aside so they can get seats in bus.. but still, I see the lady so 可怜 so i will like let the ladies(only ladies..sry guys) go past me up into the bus 1st.. well..the ladies do show their gratitude to me by pushing me away from the bus entrance... of cuz when the bus finally moves everyone ends up sardined against one another..

one fine day..jus after squeezing up the 205 as usual... nearing 宜山路站, sudd..a girl screamed.. then the already crowded bus started giving space to smth on the floor.. i tiptoed and saw this guy spasming.. ya..his body was jus shaking non stop..obviously bus stopped and 85% of the bus ppl ran out and squeezed up another 205, leaving some helping chinese and 4 v blur sgeans... tt guy was stopped spasming alr 30mins later..police came..(amazingly it took 30mins cuz the bus stopped jus 100m to a nearby hospital..)well then again.. after quite a while of questioning(from what i can make out, tt guy was stressed from work or so he said) the bus driver and the police sort of decided he's ok and jus continued the journey.. so the guy suffered from epilepsy. also, bus driver suffered from frustration cuz he started horning at anything and everything for the last part of the journey after tt drama..

in another drama..same squeezing up bus and all..ended up i was at the the 2nd stop or so..b4 the bus moved off..this fat(really fat) aunty was running towards the door.. bus door opened to let this auntie run up.. apparantly her velocity never dropped..and jus ramped into me knocking the wind out of me(force is stronger than a turning kick from da nic..or equivalant to a brick wall running into u..)...well her chest was on my back..(*vomit*) and i dunno what the ^%&* was touching my butt..( i nv dared to look down) but well i jus MST-ed(mental skill training) thinking tt the fat auntie behind me is a supermodel... how badly tt failed...and had a super long ride back to 宜山路站.. T.T

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