Sunday 17 August 2008

Sat slack+sun slacker(part 3 of the 3 part special) now its the last part of the 3 part special on the events tt happened last week..the slackest and so far the most fun weekend b4 the sch starts this week..(or a few days ago..haha)..
oh b4 i start..forgot to add this at the last post..apparantly at carrefour, we all bought smth tt well..kinda looks like char kway teow..its called 凉-dunno-what(cant rmb alr..)..ya..haha..but they way they make it is kinda cool..1st they peel of some circular kway teow like stuff on a big metal plate, then they put all sorts of veges and sauces on it..they wrap it up, cut it and mix all of them in a big bowl...and the results is

pretty much looks and tastes like char kway teow..except much much more veges..hahaha tt wraps up a long fri..besides watching the olympics opening and waiting forever for a really tiny sg squad to appear...then again..the tiny sg squad won silver for table tennis(females).. congrats to li jia wei and gang! (though they lost to china but at least they fought valiantly in the finals)..

sat 9 aug, 2008..planned to go out in the afternoon but slacked the day away instead cuz well..lazy la..ahhah..7hrs of walking leh..must rest abit what..hahaa.ok la..either way..went out to 徐家汇on sat night into metro city and ate republic!! haha..well its alot like food courts in sg...but there's some small eateries in the food court..

anw..tried the pork chop baked rice...pork chop was gd+alot alot of rice oso..but overall nt bad..haha

soup is way starchy though(super thick..almost feels like drinking glue...)

after tt walked ard the shopping centres in 徐家汇...which is pretty orchard road like in prices of shirts, shoes and all..lots of places to shop and walk exercise after a heavy meal..

oh..for those in ntu tkd..u know y smths shifu nv goes for training..cuz he is busy shooting adverts..haha

add headband, a few wrinkles and viola..ntu tkd's shifu!! hahaha..

well sunday afternoon had lunch at a nearby noodle house at the apartment...then after tt was farewell to celest cuz she has to go back to nanjing cuz her workplace is there...nanjing is ard 500km from shanghai and takes ard 2hrs to get there by train.. 2 roomies and i went to a shopping centre near shanghai indoor stadium for dinner..

tts a shot of the shanghai indoor stadium..and..on sun..there was a soccer match gg on!! haha...argentina vs i-dunno-who..didnt hear their opponents..apparantly it was alr like 87mins when we reached there..and 100s of police officers+dogs were stationed outside the stadium..and all hell broke loose when the ppl came pouring out..police barring ppl crossing certain streets, squeezing, pushing..everything..well..who asked us to go near a stadium during the olympics..

anw..ate at a jap restaurant..which la..hahaa..then had dessert at another nearby place...tried their mango pancake thingy...kinda looks diff from what i imagined...

top layer is the pancake like stuff, white part is whipped cream and of cuz the yellow in the centre of the stuff is was sweet though...

after tt..feeling the mon blues, we all went home to have a gd rest..and start another week of..well...boring work..hahaha..till the next post!

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