Saturday 2 August 2008

China's public transport

so..ive been in china for 1 week...and its time i do an intro on..public transports!! stories of IA can come later of cuz..yea..well generally public transport in china and singapore are the same..but of cuz there are differences..and time to show..public transport no. 1! starting with.....

bicycles!! they are everywhere in china..they can be found on roads, pavements, outside workplaces, outside supermarkets, in MTRs etc etc.. and oh yea..nt sure how much 1 costs but shld be quite cheap in china.. its gd for transportation and even gd for romance! ive seen couples hugging while cycling.. tts called love- china version..

buses comes next..comfortable and fast.. but lots of ppl takes buses every morning and evening(during rush hour) much so they experience how sardines feel in a can.. sometimes, whenever a crowded bus passes by..ill still stare in awe at how some ppl managed to squeeze up there...
anw..bus drivers here in china swear by an oath tt they must horn at others at least once during every one of their routes..up till now, i havent seen a bus which doesnt horn. Bus drivers horn at cars, taxis, other buses, people of all ages, old frail lady crossing roads, dogs, cats, mice, viruses.. hence their slogan is "You name it, I horn it"™...or how abt "Home Of the Reckless Nationals"™ aka HORN™..think i still prefer "You name it, I horn it"™ shld be their slogan!

"You name it, I horn it"™

Jus like all public transports in china...bus drivers are blind to white lines on roads we poeple call "zebra crossings"

Next up..taxis!! the slowest form of public transport in china, well tts if u count in waiting time... unlike in nanjing where celest says tt ppl snatch taxis from them and they have to chase after the taxis they in shanghai, taxis saves u the trouble of running by not even stopping at all... yea..there are a few incidences where my housemates and i wanna take cab...

nt sure whether we stood at the wrong side, or shld use our legs to flag instead of our arms, or jus looked like we all have a murderous intent..none of the cab we flagged has stopped.. ive only took cab once in china and tts on the 1st day we arrived in china where celest and her mom flagged a cab down so tt we could bring all the stuff we bought from supermarket back to our apartment, and tt ride lasted 5mins. after tt, the other time my other roomies(without celest) and myself wanna flag cab, none of them stopped..

oh drivers dunno that "zebra crossings" or white lines on the road tt makes cars give way to pedestrians, existed.

Lastly, the MTR(still no idea what tt means..), the fastest and easiest way to travel ard most of shanghai..and oso the cleanest.. most of their stations(or those tt i saw or went past) are underground..and airconned+ cleaned(i even saw cleaners inside the mtr cleaning the train while ppl are standing/going home)..inside the station looks alot like underground station in sg.. minus the city link and all...

tts a shot from陆家浜站(lujiabangzhan) or the nearest mrt station from my house here in mtr stations, jus like some stations in sg..there will be adverts pasted along the enterance on the walls...and one such poster caught my cool tt i had to take a pic of it..

my legs are itching to kick after i saw this poster, how i miss tkd trainings..hehe.....(for the non-chi side of the poster means higher, faster, stronger)

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