Sunday 24 August 2008

1st day of school

okkkk..1 week since the last post.. tt shows tt..I'M REALLY DOING WORK!! much tt i reached home tired and jus fall onto the bed soon after dinner.. ok la..i know i msn some(if nt most) of u all during work but hey.. gotta keep myself sane too during work u know..nt tt im slacking! hahaha..

ok anw..1st day of sch was last fri, 15 Aug..but then again..b4 i start with the 1st day of sch, i wanna intro 2 places 1st..its the underground shopping centre of the Sci and Tech museum(上海科技管站)..yea..its a shopping centre in the underground mrt itself full of imitation clothes, shoes and olympic fridge magnets.. then again..the time tt celest and i went there, there wasnt really alot of ppl.. so nt really in the mood to shop..

then again..i saw a blue polo-t tt kinda looks nt bad.. so i proceeded to use my lvl 3 bargaining skills and started bargaining with the shopkeeper.. shopkeeper says 95rmb, i say 40 rmb, shopkeeper says 70rmb, i say 40rmb, shopkeeper says 50rmb while pleading and saying jus 10rmb only pay abit blabla, i say ok la..50rmb... felt proud of myself when i got the shirt at almost half price..but then... celest(having a lvl25 bargaining skill) said tt i sux.. nt only did she plan a tough training program tt i have to follow throughout shanghai with includes painful stretching, treating her pudding milk teas without complaining and carrying heavy bags after shopping in supermarkets, but celest demoted my bargaining skill back to lvl 1!!! NOoooooooooooooo!! T.T

well after tt proceeded to 陆家觜and..went into the biggest shopping mall(in shanghai? need to wiki tt...but well at least biggest so far ive seen)ive seen in both sg and china..

its called the super brand mall..and its a shoppers paradise... pro and amatuer shoppers alike can come test their shopping skills and their stamina with this 10 lvl mall(8 lvls + 2 basements).. even the most veteran shoppers will be pushed to the limit.. singapore and china sports association acknowledge this as the ultimate test for the stamina chinese shoppers..

pic taken at lvl 2 of the shopping mall..cant get all the lvls into my camera..tts how big it is..anw..celest and i walked ard the shopping mall.. if nt for shifu's nanyang house training and 50kicks, we couldnt even get thru half the mall.. i still had to waste some stamina in trying to keep celest from falling into her temptation of buying every single polo t in a shop or any winnie the pooh stuff..

went to this big supermarket tt promises us "today everyday less price"(yes tts their motto or smth in engrish) and wants to help us "fresh our life"

well besides their bad engrish everything else regarding food is gd in the supermarket..including sweet pineapples and cheap ice cream! found this pretty nice looking sushi place which sells pretty cheap jap food..had our dinner there to satisfy our jap food craving..

and after our dinner b4 we wanted to cross over to the mtr statoin...we was raining super heavily!! so fierce tt there were ppl selling umbrellas outside of the shopping center.. then again..with her powers and her "dun steal my cab or ill kill u" aura celest managed to grab a cab in the midst of the big rain(i did nth and jus follow only)and cabbed back home..

well onto the 1st day of sch!! met most of the ntu gip students at 徐家汇 exit 13 at 8am and headed to shanghai jiao tong for our 1st lesson.. well.. reached main gate and later on one of the teachers in charge led us to our classrooms... well we are all studying in a building for exchange students.. lesson on fri was on 中国当代文与中国社会(smth abt china's society) with 郭老师(its a teacher from china, nt the one in ntu tkd studying art in NIE and making pots as big as herself...) watched a..well china movie abt life and law in a poor countryside in china.. show wasnt tt bad..but prob is.. 3 ppl will be called upon to present every next lesson! JIALAT!!! present in chinese somemore!! MEGA JIALAT!!! 郭老师goes according to class list.. index no. is 6! tt means week 3 of sch im gg to present, in chi.. gg

well lessons lasted for 3hrs and after tt had lunch at steak king again! hahaha

apparantly, upon closer inspection of steak king's menu..they sell fried human meat!*gasp!* particularly fried french imported direcly from france..and it only costs 20 rmb.. only for the brave!!

steak king oso sells a diff version of alcohol but prob taste like alcohol(cuz its really jus alcohol) called Alcohal...

of cuz lunch was gd as usual...shopped ard abit at 徐家汇b4 gg back home at ard 3pm to support li jiawei and the sg table tennis team against korea...

of cuz more adventures happened after watching li jiawei's match

TO BE CONTINUED.... (this one will really be continued when i can blog..)

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