Monday 26 April 2010

turn the beats back!

last week's exam was horrigible.... well ok i shldnt really complain so much since im supposed to know the entire core instead of relying on patterns of past yrs and so but still...this yr's qns is so so so so different!!! i was like expecting earth's bulge and i practise until pro alr.. turn out there's almost NO qn on it except for 1 theory qn... turns out to be a derivation qn of some plane earth prob..arghhhhhhh.... even part 1 got 1 pattern qn on the cell radius when cell splitting is used..arghhh... totally nv seen b4.. cell splitting was jus a single slide in my how pattern can the profs be..let us try to grad in peace laaaa... hahahaha

super street fighter 4(ssf4) is going to be released in a days time!! officially la...yet alot of ppl somehow got copies alr...somehow man..dunno they preorder or what la.. but FINALLY they have themes for everyoneeeeee... oh yea!! im a huge huge fan of sf and i do love their themes esp the classic ones. the 1st sf4 some of the themes were jus...'meh'.. ssf4 composer(of if its the same person gd job anyways) nailed the themes well..haha... boxer's, claw's all sounds gd...even new chracters like hawk theme is great(not so techno-y like ken's...)..

but the theme that got stuck to my mind is cody's theme.. it totally suits him... dark and troubled past, from hero to criminal(likely framed for what he has done...though constantly looking for fights isnt that lawful either) do turn off the side music if u wanna hear the themes..

i was worried abt the sf3 character's themes too..namely dudley's, ibuki's and makoto's one..cuz they were all pwnage in sf3 esp dudley's... makoto ssf4 theme's isnt the style i particularly like..but well.. dud's was way gd... it has dignity! hahahah

i tell u..if im prob going to spend my 1st pay on ps3, ssf4 and an arcade stick..oh yea throw in msg4, soul calibur 4, tekken 6, ff13....ahaha

my next exam is like 2 days time..on wed...seriously sucks..its open book but somehow while doing the pyps the open book seems...useless... or nt say useless la..nt as useful as i tot...scary really.. open book exams are always the hardest =(

well mugging time.... i do wish for exams to end soon..but the prospect of playing dota with ed makes me feel like prolonging exams till 7th may..seriously..hahahah... i rather torture myself than get tortured playing with et3000..

oh..its her bday today! :D

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