Monday 3 May 2010

exams are overrrr!! for a really long time...

its like 3 days overdue but.. exams are overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!though i still have fyp to go but this calls for early celebration!! hahhaha... then again..till the majority finishes exams.. i oso stuck at home mostly.. ok la..there's ffx and dota...but too much oso sian eh.. well..there's autumn concerto too...hahahaha..ok pretty occupied with massive nuaing and at times going out roaming some streets till the rest finish exams..heheehe

then again..after all the agony and slpless nights exams have certainly going to miss them... ok la..nt really exams but sch life in general... life in ntu was certainly one of the best moments in my life..lots of things happened, the good, the bad.. but hey we all grew up.. and really i had much more fun in ntu than anywhere else i suppose...hahaha... esp ivp those are the hardest days, juggling sch work and competition but those were the most rewarding days..esp when my team go up take medal.. proud lehhhh..ahahaha..think my uni life revolves ard tkd...mostly.. ok there's still insinyur of cuz! :)

well time to go complete my ffx! hahha..yea abit slow..the time i got ps2 i was busy was ivp stuff..nv got time then after to play've plenty of time! hehe...i hope fyp presentation wont be too alr in massive holiday mood..hah

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