Saturday 22 May 2010

another rant containing the word "et3000"

yes to all our horror and fear and emoism et3000 did jio us to dota..but then again..somehow or rather.. he didnt feed as much as we expected him to... i mean we expected a like 0-20 in a 1hr game..but no la...51mins i think ard 1-6 only... its..nt so gd but nt too bad to start out esp after nt playing for a few mths.. but then... his farming was..really really chui..i mean seriously.. cuz when we played(apsp) he was on the other team...with only a 1-6 and using a pretty easy character to farm he only got 2 items, boots and battlefury... jx with a 0-6 bm got threads(more ex version of boots), battlefury and bkb...

so...being insanely free and bored i decided to find out what the prob was for et3000's farming.. oh yea i did found out alright the reason for et3000's l33+ farming skills.. he was running ard doing nth half the time!!! ya..nt even hitting creeps, nt even killing neutrel creeps..nth! he was jus running ard, getting himself killed, run ard again to no where with no aim.. tt explains how his items were crap...

well et3000 is now in indo..i guess for his grad trip..after that he come back dota...i wonder how his farming will be :/

besides being massively dotaing and ffx-ing i oso went back training k!!! its super tiring lorrrrr.. shifu on fire or smth..or mayb the training was alr toned down... and its still killer la... hahaha.. after the warm up i alr cannot take it..then all the multiple kick here and there and the 4x low high low high without the kicking leg touching the floor... man...tiring lorr..hahaah

oh yea!! last week i went to the getaway cum surprise bday party for 3 of the sajang,ojang members affiliaties and whoever was real fun!!! ok la..only watch scv, eat eggs, fruit salad and pizza and cake and stun over how jp can finish the "pull toilet paper game" within 3.08s(tts the best timing in my average is like 15s..mayb i jus nv practise enough..haha), listening to laserbeam getting high over a tv show exclaiming "i spoiler, later sure got sand..sure got sand one"

and we nv knew tt laserbeam was secretly a female! hahaha... see even the welcome card says so! too bad after this time we cant book the apartment alr... need a min of like 6 days stay.. sadded..its much much nicer than chalets..hhaha

am going to japan..soon!!! so going to spam on food there, snacks(yes ill buy lots back)..and..more food la..haha

well yup..gotta read up abit for the interviews coming up... really looking forward to tues!! :):):)

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