Wednesday 26 May 2010

being strong....

isnt that easy i suppose... well mayb i am more emotional buy hey.. sucks to get hurt.. nt blaming anyone(mayb except myself) but still it does...

I've learned how to smile...even when I'm feeling sad

its nt a random quote from anywhere... its from the best game so far i've ever played... one tt almost made me cry at the ending as well(man i feel paiseh telling this la... i mean..what kinda guy cries over the ending of a game..well..mayb i am the one..but hey..the ending's so gd, such a big twist from what u thought out to be and so sad as well... u gotta play and see it for urself..haha)--FINAL FANTASY X..

and its from my fav character...

there's a really gd reason y she says tt thru the game and i wont spoil it to anyone..

funny... how that sentence totally relates to me now... but time will heal everything... still while healing.. tts another story eh..

though... even though i cant help but feel those emotions,really strongly.. im nt going to let emoism and sadness affect anyone else...esp nt...more of me but abit of............

this is my story.. and its not going to be a sad one.. i'll work it out, whether long or nt but still i'll make it... bet on it!

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