Monday 12 April 2010


Lets count

3 days to fyp demo

10 days to exams

25 days to fyp presentation

? days to work

alright alright stop here for now la..dun wanna think or count until so far yet huhhh..hahahah..

wa lao the future eee generations are so gd...they are spared from heng's course! no more pudge!!! luckyyyyyyy... haii.. all the wasted time while doing his stuff and still get nth much in return..shld have spent more time on fyp..hahaha

i cant say im that ready for the demo on wed, besides the formal i've brought to hall.. man... the way prof g hinted we needed formal..lets jus say it doesnt sound really nice..but hey... better to overdress than to underdress...or so a crazy person once told me..

10 more days to exam! 10 more days to the final exam im gg to have in crazy to say this but im going to miss exams! ahha..i mean i hate them to the core really, but the journey of mugging tog with friends, quarrelling over ans and all and after tt comparing how much we have died-ed after each paper is really fun.. i mean nt then but when u think back of it... thats one of the things im gg to miss after i grad..honest! hahaha

kinda hooked to watching ssf2t(super street fighter 2 turbo) tourney matches and pro gameplay.. widely regarded as the best sf ever created its still played by pro players up till today(u rarely see a fighting game ard 1996 lasting until now with many tourneys still being conducted).. well though i think 3s(street fighter 3-3rd strike) is the best and smoothest sf so far out there..

but anw... one of the techniques to own for ssf2t is to control space.. or distancing.. equally as impt as tkd i must say(which i really hope to get much better in..well for tkd..and mayb ssf2t)... watch the vid above, the guile is extremely gd at distancing, backfisting ryu's face like 3x ftw..well due to the fact tt guile's sonic booms recover much faster than ryu's ahhhhdugen(hadoken) and if the distance is correct guile can backfist ryu into some pretty gd dmg, very gd against projectile spammers in general.. and very very nice gief comeback against boxer too.. man i jus miss playing these classic games..ahhaha

ok..back to 4152.. took jus a short break to blog abit..hahaha

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