Wednesday 21 April 2010

dont madder, lets daughter

man..after all this almost 3 mths since ed last appeared on garena and played dota but man we're all still talking abt him..i mean like how noob ed will always be, how he can leave teh aegis behind after killing rosh cuz he dun wanna drop his bracer, how ed cant tell illusions from the real stuff, how ed's reaction speed is so slow it makes a snail seem like it can run..
the reaction thingy is so thru..ed always smokes or does his aoe stuff AFTER the hero has left the all highly suspect tt ed doesnt use hotkeys..but come on.. it cant be tt slow right? hahahaha.. but no..ed totally re-defined and brought the noobness lvl back down.. worse still.. ed is breeding!! yes.... room 40 is now ed-infested.. all sorts of noobs lurk there, waiting for a chance to spoil game, ragequit or stun players like us with things only ed could possible do..

like what vic said during one of our convos

Victor says:
his is the nightmare that parents use to scare kids into behaving
if u dun behave...i will show u et3000's replay games
then use the camera to auto follow et3000

even the future kids will fear ed! hahaha.. u dun need to cane ur kids in the future.. jus make them watch ed's replay vids.. cfm within 10mins ur kids will beg for forgiveness

and jus as i tot ed is of the past and only mini-ed like ppl who breeded(engrish intended) from ed lurks in garena...

ih-VAHN says:
holy smoke...et3000 told me hes going to install garena after exams!!!

this is seriously a disaster concerning national garena security... man.. ed.. the noob of all noobs.. is backkkkkkk.. OMG.. and prob even noober than ever.... the main causer of rage quits, more ed-like noobs breedings somehow.... disaster when emo god (who is mega whiny and ragequitty now i must say..if u doesnt kill he will keep spamming 'gg' and soon after if things go worse ragequit) and ed lanes tog!!

to think tml is my exams... =X... good luck to all!!

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