Wednesday 31 March 2010

qgy again!

after winning toc always come......... QGY!!!!! hahahaha..the celebartory dinner!! woooo... this time it was at sakura again but at dhoby green and nt orchard.. well the food is more edible but stories of ppl getting stomach ache was all must be all those sashimi! most ppl spammed those stuff like no tml!'re some of the pics from qgyyy

my team pic~ missnig pauline and teresa.. kr tried to imitate pauline though..haha

pat and me.. pat..well she's the most no confident member i've taken so far, yet..i dare say her improvements are the most and the front thrust one of the best of any member i've taken so far..

with wen en! she has the least strength in the team.. suddenly she ate steriods or smth 1 week b4 the compt and her pattern looked so much stronger then..haha

assylan and me! b4 he was in my team, i nv knew he has 5 sets of pink shirts, smiles and laugh extremely easily(jus by looking at wen en he can laugh).but he's a natural, least worrying of all my team members..haha
really my team's national colour is pink, they once wore all pink to and assylan has a wallet whose interior is pink!!!!!!

the legendary shifu and myself!

the gift my team gave me..really nice..hah. the story of them making the gift was even funnier..haha

well...literally double knife hand blocks..for those non tkd ppl, double knife hand blocks looks like this

ding tai yang move of sajang, done with knife hands... well there's a guy who feel like knifing himself behind my he must be stressed in sch

here's jp. the tresurer of our club..she's a v nice girl until...

until u owe her $$ like cw here.. see, lesson learnt.. never owe jp $!

well the guys at my table... due to space contrains we are squeezing into a seat meant for 4.. missing winnie somemore u know..6 ppl squeeze into seat for 4! haha

the hand and shoulder injury gang..

a really glam pic of wen en,prob she's damn stun anyone would take a pic of her then but assylan is forever camera ready

the pain during sparring gang, kr looks like he's going mad here...

rach and me.. she was my ojang member, then this ivp upgrade to ojang AI, really proud of that..haha
here's another 2 chiljang members who upgrade to AI status too..haha.. cj and crystal
with one of the eejang team members denise! she joined insinyur too and well..i didnt know..too many freshies la..hahaha
ntu tkd dragon slayerssssss...
team heavily injured..hey..tkd is safe k..we all were jus suay..ahhaha

2 weeks later fyp demo, after tt exams, the fyp oral presentation... did i mention my oral presentation is pushed forward cuz my prof is flying off..arghhhh

ok la..but after tt..its play, grad trip and yog tkdddddd!!!

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