Wednesday 10 March 2010

post ivp withdrawal symdrome this time 1mth ago..heck even 2 weeks ago or last week, i would be training the sajang team or kicking some handmit..mostly training the team..haha.. now im jus sitting here and well..i mugged for my quiz yes but well..i jus tot of really going back to those training days.. sure it was tough..but hey it was real fun too! hahaha...

yes ivp is over! lots of tears, sweat, blood for some..but hey..its common..hahaha.. on the 5th was pattern.. and i gotta say all our pattern teams did really well! they all did their best and walked away as champions, even for some who has no medals to show..but well...doesnt matter really, for them to have come so far, i think they are champs alr! i'll post up pics once all of them are uploaded..hahaa

then again..i gotta rant this.. i kinda think, esp for pattern, its sometimes really going over to the unfair and biased region alr.. well i know some guy who did koryo for what.. 7.5? ok his pattern is gd yes..but 0.5 pts more than the 2nd place person? pls..his pattern is nt so ownage until tt phase u know... its like, the game is being judged by whether ur own sch judges are there to help u press a high score or smth rather than the actual skill u have, which totally sux really. i dun mean our own players will own every single other sch, its jus some of the scores us or the other schs got is plain unfair! and i dun think our sch ref practise this "cheating"..i mean, come on..if nt my one of my sajang indiv girl,teresa, would have gone to the finals..arghhh.. hope that it would really be a test of skills than a test of politics at times.. ok rant over..haha

its over alr..rating wont bring the deserved medals of some of the teams/indivs..

well the teams did well..and the sparrers wooooo..they did extremely well too! frankly we had doubts at 1st..sending in fresh sparrers or those who had no exp at all into the ring for the 1st time..and its nt 1 or 2..its many.. of cuz everyone gotta start somewhere..but well..too many ppl starting from scratch makes u worry ya? hahaha.. but...they all did extremely well! hahaha... really great job to the sparrers and coaches! of cuz pics will be out once our zai photographer posts them up...

still to end it off..we are the champions yet again!!! =D

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