Wednesday 24 March 2010

and its my pretty ghey 100th post!

i finally reached a 100th post!!! wow..hahhah..though i know i havent been blogging regularly.hahaha... hey taking a break from the crappy fyp stuff ya... almost done in the report..jus need heavy touch up..haha..yea..pretty heavyyyyy

i went for a tournament last 1st after my injury and my 1st as a bb..i lost my 1st round, to my cat's eventual champ but hey..its cool.. though i sparred pretty fearfully the 1st 2 rounds, got my act tog(kinda too late though..but still it felt way gd to score him a few in the last and he scoring me less..much less) and yea..had a great 3rd round..ahahaha.. gotta train more(dota as i havent dota for so longggg) when i have the time..nationals here i comeeee!!!

talking abt sparring..some long overdue sparring pics from ivp 0910!!! i finally had some time to scan thru the few albums ard..hahaha

lets start things off..with lizardking pwning his opponent

and randal usual
nice slide in!

backthrusts are really a common sight now since 2 points(instead of the usual 1) are awarded
The beast rdy to hunt his opponents down

and just last ivp, this kick wont have been counted at its work 3 pts!! behold the unstoppable cresent kick..
sparring rule #10: always pose for the camera whenever there's a rest time during sparring..or when u lead ur opponent by 9pts
guess the expression tells u how great darwin's kick feels
hailing all the way from china, the girl who doesnt need to train but still pwns her oppoents, ends up on poster for her last min head kicks then wins gold, all done within 1 ivp... cj!!
she is so pwnage that even her coach has to bow to her..
the beast giving his opponent a feel of his kick

unspoken sparring rule #17: always cry when ur coach smiles

who says love cant blossom on a battlefield?
kicking ur coach is the best way to warm up
see..that work didnt it..warming up by kicking the coach enables u to reach for higher heads
hopefully there's more sparring pics i can show u all.mayb some from the last tournament if i can find them.hahaha..

and this its nt one tt is related to tkd..its more related to insanity and lameness..whoever typed this letter really added too much sugar to his/her morning coffee

man..1stly installing a security lock on the guys toilet?? wth..i mean.. ok if u install it at the girl's toilet i understand..its to prevent peeping toms.. but guys toilet?! to prevent peeping toms too??? wth....... man... the number of gays outside my hall must be increasing, so much that the sch wanna prevent gays from spying at guys bathing.. and what's this? the kind soul who kept the door open is blasted and hall office threatened that they will lock up the toilet for this? man what the $%^&* is this? primary school toilet oso never control until so bad..

the stuff the does when it has to wanyang itself for yog.... its as bad as ed leaving aegis there for potm to take..seriously... its extremely crap..

well now..rant over with the extreme wayang of the sch... oh wait..they are fencing up useless areas..izzit to prevent wild boars from coming in or the atheletes from escaping into the forest to get their fair share of mosquito bites... man...our tax money on useless job!

okok..fyp time!! really looking forward to qing gong yan! hope this sakura is better than last yrs!! =D

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