Wednesday 17 March 2010

when V vs D

i gotta say this again, fyp really really sucks.. hahaha.. man i prob have no time to complete or barely enough time to complete la... so ya la..arghhh.. and somemore need to write report at the same time.. ultra sian man... ok alr at chap 3..still writing halfway, 3 more chaps and one appendix to go..haha =(

had a stunner like this week man... 1st sparring in cks this yr again.. haha.. my 1st bout as a black and 2ndly my 1st bout after i recover... frankly im nt scared of getting hit in the lefty but more scared of falling down really... keep telling myself MUST put hand up , MUST put hand up while falling, if i fall..i hope i dun..hahahaha.. but wa..i think the most heart stopping moment at 1st was during the initial boutlist come out.. i saw my name and HOLY $%^ I SPARRING AGAINST ONE OF THE NTU ALUMNI LEGENDS IN THE 1ST ROUND!! all i tot was countless GGs and how im nt gg to get 0-25.. but..then..well i didnt know there was further balloting..and out nt fighting the legend, but our notourious legend mr V is..hahahahahaha.. omg.. kept laughing my heart out.... notourious legend vs ntu alumni legend.... couldnt have a better match than tt.hahaha

argh the ivp pics are like half half lehhh.. i dun see all the indivs or the pattern teams or smth..even sparring abit little... mayb the main photographer busy ah.. ill jus wait for her magic ba..ahhahaha

next week if e lessons! tut, no lect and i hope no labbbbbbb!! haahhaha..i hate lab..3hrs of sian-ness maximum..haha..

anw.. sajang outing, cks and qgy here i comeeeee!!

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