Thursday 5 November 2009

no more centipedes...

it has almost been a mth since i fractured my wrist getting used to the 1 handedness but of cuz i wish i can fully use my other hand soon la..haha

anw after tt op ive been going back hospital once in a while for checkups and physio.. had my 1st physio like last thurs morning..seriously it was soo scary...though it really wasnt tt painful...wss more nervous than scared the 1st time round.. anw think my the-rapist is oso a v nice person, she says she usually wont push too she says la huh..but 1st session i alr kena push the wrist backwards abit too ok la..tahanable...well besides all the testing and measuring of wrist movement at the therapy centre there's the heat pack treatment which is jus warming up ur muscles by squashing ur hand with an oversized heat pack...

had my removal of stitches done jus yest..well again i was more nervous than in gd thing it went smoothly..10mins and it was done!! on the same day was physio #2.. my ususl the-rapist was buy so i got another..this time the-rapist2 wasnt tt kind..twisting my forearm alot..(though she did say my fingers and forward movement was gd..) again had tt heat treatment and then used the eh...i call them machines smth like a gym machine..smaller versions for wrists to aid their movement..well..the-rapist2 jus left me there to do the machine exercises myself..till ok..finally session session is on thurs..
so..time to show u all what i've managed to do..rmb i started from an immobile wrist tt hurts to even move an mm...though i still got lots more to go..

before i start..the end product is the movement of a normal wrist..u can try the exercises..wont show the final objective here..haaha
starting off with the side view, and the 1st exercise for the fingers, jus keeping them straight..yea.initially my 2nd finger esp was its all straight again
next is thumb dexerity...supposed to touch all fingertips with the thumb and all the finger section seperating lines on the pinky as well and the 1st line of the palm, the last one i couldnt do for now
the final thumb dexerity exercise as demoed by my right hand..
of cuz im still working on my thumbs up sign...
next is bending wrist forward and emitting light from fingertips
and now my worst exercise..doesnt seemed like i moved but im bending my wrist backwards...haha
front view of my metallic its easier to take ref to....
the next 2 exercises, i call them the extreme waving motion, have to wave at the max possible angle of a non-metallic healthy wrist(if u cant do it without swinging the rest of ur arm place ur arm on the table and wave using only ur wrists...tts the angle i need to reach)
wrist rotation comes after tt...
yes im moving here forearm motion.. without moving ur elbows face plam towards and away from urself...its really hard for me for now...

those are the home therapy stuff im supposed to do..1mth later i take pics of my progress and see the diff..hahahaha...

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