Sunday 22 November 2009

the new way of spelling screwed: H-R-M

well this is how some ppl's hrm exam paper looks like and how everyone's shld look like in a short while's time..

thank you so much MH and starfish and whoever who set this sucky exam paper for making it very hard and giving us low morale.. thank you for torturing us for the 2hrs like u all did for the past 3 mths... yes i really love hrm but i really dun wanna take it next sem so u all dun have to do this to let us all enjoy the bos shit again...thank you once again MH for ur paper...

hrm felt like a war..even though i prob lost it..4 more to go...ens coming up..argh...need to brush up my history and my current affairs(yes..ens is engineer and society..and yes how does it link to singapore in 1950s i have no idea)

gd luck to all who still have exams....

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