Sunday 8 November 2009

sonic boomzzzz

jus today when i opened my internet browser i chanced upon this...(rmb to turn off the side music if u are watching this!!)

yea the prince of persia movie trailer! im nt a great fan of prince of persia but then anw im a gamer and yes ive played prince of prob gg to watch see..coming out in may 2010...argh...long wait... well looks promising though... video game movies dun naturally do well cuz fans wants all stuff from the games included but movies can only be like max 3hrs long(i guess)? then well u cant fit an epic game into 3hrs of film, or u can jus tt u need to be real gd to do so... well as long as prince of persia is better than this movie...

I rmb liking it when i was a child seeing the sf characterss come alive but then again..when i rewatched it later was horrible..plotwise and character development..hahha

then again...street fighter cartoons didnt do well at all... take a look at this compliation of all the stupid parts of the cartoon(again i tot it was the in thing then...)

and if u still arent convinced....

oh man i shld be studying and nt talking abt street fighter and prince of persia..hahha...crap 11 days to exams and i still have no mood at all! though i alr read thru and practised a little of one subject..but still.. arghhhh...

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