Monday 30 November 2009

last stretchhhhhhh

finding it increasing hard to sit down and jus mug.. i mean yea i got 2 papers left on thurs and fri but i keep feeling i got lots of time..ok i jus gave into temptation to dota with the gang once in a while...hahha..gotta train up b4 i feed even more than ed does right? hehe..speaking of which ed better train up his om,riki,potm..i mean prob every single hero he wanna use later his smoke jus now was.....killer...i mean...killer to himself cuz it didnt silence or make many heroes miss(which is the whole point of smoke) rather he exposed his skinny invisible self for 2s(riki will fade within 2s at lvl1 ulti) and got himself pwned..several times...yea... ed improved alr(i will nv ever forget his tiny last time).. hahah

vic and i wondered whats a pro nick mentioned by zy... mayb it includes ours(excluding a certain et3000)

oh yea got introed to a pretty nice drama series by pauline..autumn concerto! haha..taiwanese far i only watched ep1...yesyes its nt alot but i find it quite nice so far..hahaha..dun dare to keep watching too much b4 exam ends if nt ill jus keep watching and watching and watching and not studying..hahah

partially wondering what to do after exams too...of cuz mass slacking tt would be a 1st..then ivp camp..though i cant spar but i jus wanna stand in a corner and slave, i mean maid, benard will assist me..i mean he has no choice unless he wants another durian feasting.. wahahah...slave, er maid i mean, till my hand fully recovers..wahaha.. then after tt its fypfyp while slacking in btw..penang trip... ah..oh yea...potiential ubin trip again! haha...

when i started this blog i was thinking nv to post emo-y stuff or stuff tt u know...feels emo..ahha...tempted to do so now but nah....this will still be my ranting/rubbish/laming area... =D

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