Friday 11 December 2009

extreme makeover

well...yea..extreme was my belated bday gift..haha..a pretty fun one too.. was sorta tricked on wed by pauline to meet in city harvest to have lunch..then when i reached..well only eo was ard but later on paulien and xuanie came... then after tt left kfc near harvest there..then i tot..ok mayb taking bus to jp or smth..then noooooo...sudd after a series of twists and turns they led me to a salon! hahah..say ya..this guy wanna dye hair... so yea...i think see the pic for urself la huh..haha

tadaaaa..hahh...surprised? no? lol... its pretty cool and really fun la thru the dye hair process...hhaha.. after tt went to jp to buy clothes! hahah..totally extreme makeover man... well...felt like a fashion model for once..keep changing clothes! haha..but it was fun la..then off to timbre to chill and eat... really fun =D

had dinner with my great ojang team on thurs...ahha..think all of them were stunnded to see my funkier hair..hahah.. gotta thank them for the g2000 shirt they gave me..and the extremely extremely sinful really choc cake! ahha =D

today was ivp camp..and man..shifu training damn siong la...mayb cuz half the time im trying nt to swing my arms and/or lose balance.. rather well..20,30,40 forward short turning kicks is tiring to me...and prob 90% of the club... guess shifu after nt taking trainig for the whole of exams is rather high..

tml's the 2nd day..more technical training...will see how it all goes..haha

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