Monday 28 December 2009

10 emo commandments

In the year AD2009, just right after christmas(cue superman music), while our one and only emo god is doing his most holy stuff of dotaing, suddenly, he uttered out a few phrases, phrases that caught mere emo disciples like gz, vic , ivan like the emo grail. These phrases are subsequently translated to old engrish and from then on they will be refered to as part of the 10 emo commandments, made by the emo god to govern all rules and dota and emoism. Emo readers and fellow converts alike, witness this event as I unfold the 1st 4 emo commandments to for your emoism pleasure. Make known this emo commandments hold true for all emo dota games no matter the version and emo converts to be.

1)Thou shalt know that everything starts out fair
This is especially true for dota games as commented by our one and only emo god, czy. His reasoning is cuz every game starts out 5v5, hence its fair.

2)Thou is incompetient if thy teammates leave
This rule states that if your teammates leave, it is your fault that you are incompetient enough not to make then stay and feed the emo god. No its nt the leaver's fault, the teammate are incompetient as declared by our emo god.

3)If thou can push and don't push, thou might as well go die please
Our emo god is not a kind one, yet if u follow him ultimate emoness awaits. So if the emo god calls for a push, he means it. If not, be prepared to be tked(team killed) several times.

4)After thou has raxed thy enemy, if thou don't back, thou might as well eat shit
The emo god has declared that after raxing the enemy, we should not stay and kill helpless heroes and destroy random buildings that provides 100+ gold. We must back, or suffer the consequences of eating shit.

And there it is, the 1st 4 emo commandments. Follow these rules and your dota will be emo. Very emo...

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