Thursday 31 December 2009

30th ubin

had a trip to ubin yest, with pauline, xuanie,eo and jp.. haha..was fun! 2nd time to ubin and 1st time i went back with my metallic arm. initially i was even afraid tt i wont be able to cycle properly cuz of my new fear and falling and hurting myself again. hhaha..but it all went well though i didnt cycle tt fast i think..but least i know i can cycle again..hahaha...

well..going over to ubin somehow destroyed some ppl's common here's some of the well... crazy comments.. (grammatically correct ans and intended meanings are bracketed)

*while boarding the
boat to ubin*
X: I'm getting carsick!

*later on while resting from cycling*
X:HEY! i saw wild boar!
JP: Wild ball(boar)?! whats tt?
EO: shan zhu la(山猪啦)! shan zhu(山猪)!
P: What's b-a-l-l(she claims she's thinking d-a-l-l..but we all heard ball)?
W: its 球(ball) right?
P: *stun* hahaha
everyone else: *max stun*

*after cycling..while eating coconuts*
P: hey the housewife(housefly) likes to eat coconuts!
JP: I like to lick(ice cream) than suck(ice cream)! (do take note she nv mentioned the ice cream word when she said tt lick and suck sentence)
everyone else: *max stun*

*while on the boat back to sg*
X: I'm getting carsick!

well yea..ubin sure has a way to destroy all common sense..hahaha

31st today...later gg to the overlord's house as dotaaaaaaaaaaaa!! hahaha

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