Tuesday 5 January 2010

happy new yr!!

Happy new yr ye emo disciples and fresh emo converts!!!!!!!!! and of cuz to everyone else yet to convert to emoism! hahahaha... its alr day 5 into 2010...no nt too exciting yet..well except for the fact tt ed dotaed with us and got his ass handed to him by teammates and opponents alike.. then again..tt reminded me one thing...

the only and only emo god czy proclaimed ed to a new title... THE EMO CATALYST!!!! yes..he is tt catalyst tt triggers emoism in anyone and everyone dotaing..yes...nt many ppl can take his slow reactions or obvious mistakes to heart and nt emo over them..take a look at this case studies and u know y he is THE EMO CATALYST!!!!

case 1: his jugg ulti's when there's 4-5 creeps ard his enemy.. yes, many a times he does tt..even thru freq reminders tt he shld(for lvls up to 15 max) jus spin when there's too many creeps ard the enemy and ulti them later if can..but NOoooo... he has to ulti them 1st cuz its cool then whiff(miss..its a fighting game term..usually used when a ken/ryu shoryuken spammer hits no one with his 10th shoryuken in a row) his spin and let the opponent ran away.. it happened i tell u..this exact thing happened..and we missed a chance of killing a half hp balanar who has a mega kill streak..to think ed has used jugg since dec last yr playing plenty of games with him...

case2: nt learning ulti for his bloodseeker.. man smths we wonder whether THE EMO CATALYST!!!! can read the skill descriptions or nt.. nt learning ulti for bloodseeker? then how is he supposed to hunt ppl early on... needless to say we got owned really bad..hahah.. and he tot rupt(bs's ulti) is some kinda ownage ulti tt instakill heroes.. guess he needs to read and reread the skill description..

case3: nt learning glaves of wisdom for silencer..the skill tt silencer usually kills with 98% of the time..its like a sk with no stun or a zeus with no nuke... need i say more? and as expected we got owned pretty badly.. gd thing emo god wasnt ard if nt he would have ragequitted the moment ed says he nv learn glaves or the moment he reached his 5th death..which is exceedingly quick i tell u..

3cases is enough to justify y ed is THE EMO CATALYST!!!!

well.. mr thx did tk(team killed) someone on the break of new yr..hahahaha... tts prob his happy new yr msg to gz... thx to gz: " HAPPY NEW YR GZ!! hope u liked pudge's rot when i swap him to u!! =D"

well..abit no life leh... i kinda spent the new yr with dota..hahahaha... ok la..with food, bball and other stuff too..but primarily dota..hahah

next mon gg to get owned by gws man... what kinda stuff can i show him for my fyp?!?!?! arghh!!! i cant even rush out half the gui to show him man...... i need a change in prof!!! lol...

finally pattern training has started! hahaha..going abit slow now..prob will pick up later..hope everything goes well...as like most ppl when they started pattern, they need more training la..but i think they will do well after a few weeks of training...

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