Wednesday 13 January 2010

To I2R

been heavily dotaing the last week b4 sch reopens, ie 5th jan-11th jan.. pretty much there.. we all took turns to emo over ed's fantastic play.. his jugg still ulti's 5 creeps but sudd he switched to bs.. well..he did improve..abit...jus a tiny least he can kill some sole intel hero or a weak one standing ard... but still, its ed, 0-7 are common for him..

and guess what.. IVAN TK-ed VIC!! see see...vic last time keep saying i tk-er...but ivan's was worse... ivan tossed vic's medusa into a grp of enemy.. at least hx get pwns in a blaze of glory when he's surrounded by 5 heroes, vic's med was totally owned when ivan tossed him to 5 heroes.. painful yet funny to watch... of cuz after tt vic usual..hahahah

went for tkd retreat on the last fri b4 sch reopens..was quite fun...gossiping sessions glaore...and seeing benard drunk and nt drunk behaves the same except when being drunk he's jus 10x more irritating... when he's drunk he kept insisting he isnt drunk(jus like when benard is normal he always kept insisting he will eat durians when he so hates them), stole another person's drink claiming tt she's drunk(epic i tell and when we asked him to go back room and slp, he dun want! say nt tired...10mins later he's slping on the pavement... pro ed! u're pro!!! well on top of tt jp became mrs rusky..ask her for more details.. rusky seemed to have so much connection tt it..erm...did an action related to procreation to jp..well..ask her more..i shant say anything else..haha

and..FINALLY I GOT MY FULL TEAM BACK! finally finally finally finally!! but unfortunately one got sick for the 1st possible full team training! arghhhhh..hahaha..nvm la..sure got full team training one..sure got..

man...i finally went down to I2R to show tt ive created a simple gui for my fyp only to get a task 10x more difficult... well...time to chiong i guess..for the greater good! i mean for my fyp!! hahaha

i've changed the side song btw..its a nice piece called "To Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X composed by Nobuo Uematsu, the man himself..the epic almost every series ff composer(unfortunately he left square and ff12 soundtracks isnt composed by him..=( ) ..the anti emoing song...which we all need ever so often when we dota..esp when a tiny namaed Darth tosses u into 5 heroes

and vic..i didnt copy u..i put up the music 1st!! u tot it but u didnt put it.. wahahahha

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