Sunday 25 October 2009

the 5cm centipede

so i guess i wont be ever needing a cast for the recovery of my wrist fracture..had an appt on fri..doc took out the bandages and changed my wound dressing..and there i saw it..the 5cm "centipede" near my wrist..or the cuit where the surgeon made la...seriously with the stiches it looks like a centipede..
well i cant show the actual centipede pic..i think would be too

anw ya...then surgeon came in, he said my wrist is straight now, no need for casts and ask me go take xray then later come back for his review. so after waiting for eons, got my xray and saw the b4/after... b4 x ray was a crooked mess of bones, can see the obvious slant, the after surgery..well obvioulsy its straight again...with a fairly huge metal support+screws..ouch yea..haha.. after tt went to the rehab centre to learn the rehab exercises..

i really think my therapist talks and sounds like ming na, one of my tkd much so ive to look twice at the name tag to ensure it isnt ming na im talking to..haha...learn the simple exercises and the-rapist made a plastic splint for me for support..quite cool they way they made the splint..they put the plastic solid piece in water, mould it to the shape of my hand and added the velco straps..
after therapy, joined the tkd gang for them spar..i miss sparring soon soon, ill be back.. but b4 tt its therapy+exams... argh! at least the gd thing is tml is the final hrm presentation...or izzit gg to be another redo???!!

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