Saturday 17 October 2009

one armed emo chinaman

last 2 weeks were hell weeks, 3 assignments, hrm(enough ranting abt posts is enough to cover all the rants), 1 quiz and the temporary loss of an arm...haha..

yes i am typing this with 1
well abt the temporary fine tues night..was at training destressing and all..then gotta spar with one of my friends..sudd..while i was about to kick him..somehow either he pushed me and i fell or i jus lost balance and i all happened so fast..then..somehow instinctively i stuck out my left hand(falling to the left ma), heard a loud crack when i landed and cant move my wrist liao..the pain

ok..nic called ambulance...and told me likely fracture wrist..true is..went to a jab at my thigh(yes..leg there..thigh) to numb my wrist for initial x ray..came out its quite a bad fract...part of wrist is misaligned+broken into 4 waiting for eons, a female doc came with a few nurses..poked my left, right hand..fed a whole load of anethesia and constricted(stopped blood flowing with a machine) my left hand, injected a whole load of anethesia into my left, (the nurses was holding my left arm, the other my right) and the doc gave me the worse ever hand massage in my life, or so she said she was trying to align the bones....

after tt hand was casted, 2nd xray, needed to go back appt on thurs.. how my hand looks like...
completed with a thumbs up i tried to do...
now of cuz with a casted arm..the bc started calling me...
oh yea..yangguo
ok anw..went for appt and doc said i need to op if nt ill have a disfigured wrist for life..tues going for op..jus 1 need to stayover...after tt my wrist will be healing ok, then go for therapy..
ok la..will update after op!! lol..anyone v brave can give me some of his/her bravery..i really really hate IV(which will be done b4 i go into deep slp fpr the op)

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