Tuesday 20 October 2009

jus like wolverine...

im back from op and feeling less giddy alr...though i vomitted nt too long ago..haha..but vomitting makes me feel better.. sadly there goes my snowfish...

well my op was scheduled at 1230pm..so have to reach hospital at 1045am..yea..reached at 1020am though...then ok..registered, waited..then went in day surgery ward to take weight, change to op clothes and wait lor...wait wait wait...my name was called, nurse asked a few qns abt whether i got eat after midnight la, gir allegery or nt, teeth ok or nt etc.. and brought me to the op area liao

ok...reach op waiting room, another nurse took over and re asked me the exact same qn..the ok..waited for a while then the operating room nurse came in and re asked the golden qns and brought me into the op room.. op room was well..as wat u all see in movies and tv show..yea..complete with the bog overhead lights..

then a doc came in..asked me those qns again to like quadruple cfm..then she tole me abt the op procedure.. ill get IVed..then after tt ill ko..then they will put a breathing tube thru my mouth...then after tt insert the metal support into my wrist(to become like wolverine as ernie mentioned...hahaha) while the IV feeds med to y system..so ok lor..

i hate IVs cuz i had a horrible exp with 1 a few yrs back in NS..had fever for 4 consecutive days.. so the med officer told me to rest in sickbay..ok..then, yes i was IVed by a medic...i still rmb wat he said to me right b4 he stabbed me with the needle..his exact words were

"ill be IV-ing u. ill do it on ur non master hand(left) 1st, if i miss(the vein i guess) ill do it on the right, if i miss again ill try the left again..if still cannot ill tell the doc to do"

yea..fantastic....superb..obviously after tt statement i sian diao la..then he proceeded to IV me..and boy..it doesne feel like an injection..its more like stabbing me...gd thing he got the vein on his 1st try....

ok..bsck to today..well the doc's IV didnt hurt!! was surprised..lol..expecting some kinda huge pain..but its ok...lol..after tt the doc asked me to breathe thru some mask, then told me she's injecting some med thru the IVed area..then i KO liao..lol..

after wat felt like a nap i woke up..feel ultra dizzy and yea, the world was spinning like tt..ok nurse pushed me to ward..had a rest there till my parents came..ate some biscuits and milo in the hospital..

ok la..it was an exp..which i really wish nv to go thru again..haha..fri will be my 1st therapy session...

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