Friday 23 January 2009

of training and results...

well..this prob will the one of the quickest updates i have..hahaha... prob this post will last till at least next wed ba..cny prob too busy(or tired) to blog lor... hahaha...

anw...well.. while makaning supper today had an sms from fq saying IA results out liao.. wa..sudd scared supper tt time hands oso shake..hahaha.. but well..ok la..came back hall to check, ok quite okok score.. so nt bad..happy enough.. ms pro leh? she oso did well la..jus tt her gpa too high and ownage alr so overall jus deprove a little.. jus one tiny bit.. v v v v tiny bit of deprovement... but make no mistakes, ms pro is still v pro! yea! esp this sem! i sense tt she will thrash all of us again... ok la.. sacrifices has to be made ma.. i willingly sacrifice ice creams for ms pro to do well..wahahah..=P

ok la..dun talk abt studies this stuff alr.. onto training.firstly.. i clashed with ms pro and prob gave her an ugly looking bruise on her shin for the next few days =(.. haiyo.. sry if i abit whiny..but must rant la.. hahaha.. wa i chose nt to wear groin guard(or protection for the factory, well u get what i mean..i no need describe alr)... tot..ok la..last few trainings all quite safe..think today wont kena.. WRONG LOR!! sparred with 1 white belter today.. then..i nt only kena kick once..but twice la! wa lao... damn pain la! T.T.. nth much i can do besides cursing myself for nt wearing groin guards and jumping ard like some ape to dissipate the pain.. well its nt the white belters fault..i mean..accidents happen..and jus tt his kick happens to go vertical instead of turning in..(hey..i make tt mistake at times too! sparrers with no groin guard beward!! muahahah) least its better than er..i think..1 week ago? or izzit 2 weeks ago? i cant rmb..i jus rmb during tt training..we all line up in 1 row la.. then got 1 person in front of the line, tt person is the defender, the rest are attackers.. so the attackers one by one go and try to kick the defender. of cuz the defender has to siam and kick back la.. then after 1 big cycle on the attackers side, the defenders will swap.. so came my turn..then defend defend defend.. aiya.. right instep chui..nvm..cont training.. so it came to this black belt.. who.. well..kinda pwned me like tt suay guy pictured below...

btw..tts chu mu yan..taiwan olympics tkd sparrer pwning mr unknown(sry dunno his name la)

ok black belts leg landed on the right half of my face... sianz lor... totally kissing his foot like tt..hiaz.. guess need to learn to siam more head kicks... haha

oh..well kinda rant finish liao ba... since this post will prob last past chi new yr.. i wanna wish all my friends(who are oso my loyal blog readers) a happy and prosperous chinese new yr!! happy 牛(niu) year! =)

恭喜发财! 新年快乐! 年年有余! 身体健康! 万事如意!

财神到!~~~~~~财神到! ~~~~~

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