Monday 12 January 2009

1 week of sch... +10 things i really like abt shanghai v quickly... 1 week of sch has passed by alr.. so now its week 2 in ntu!! sianz.. all the tuts la, labs la coming alr... today alr got lab lor... nt tt hard..but jus sianz la.. 3hrs of doing boring stuff.. its ok if its 3hrs and it starts at 10am..but nooooo.. it starts at 830am!!! T.T.. hahaha.. ok la.. was (trying to) doing tuts for the last few days.. EPIC FAIL man.... either i stuck at qn1 then gave up or i stuck at qn2 then gave up...mega sianz lor... pro was too obviously pro in her subjects/IA and her charm, her china ways(during shanghai) and whatever things u can think of , but still she oso will win u one, and got offered a place(well...willingly or nt)to go some part(currently unconfirmed) of china again.. this time as an exchange student.. hahaha.. so another few(mayb) weeks of going china again! she abit sitting on the fence for this la..sure its a gd opportunity..but again..away from sg for a while.. and if she go back to shanghai sure sianz one what.. hahaha... so to help her..must say the 10 things i like abt shanghai... wahhaha

10 things i like abt shanghai

10) more carefree life
well even when it seems that shanghai is the financial hub of china and tt many locals(china) said tt shanghai is a v stressful place.. then again.. trust me.. its less stress than sg.. ok la..mayb cuz i intern or what... but then hor.. at my workplace... pace abit the slow la. like when supervisor want me to get things done he will always say "尽快" (jin kuai-correct word or nt i nt sure..) which means "try asap".. sg boss huh..cfm will say "U BETTER HURRY LA..IF NT I PAY CUT U! WAHAH" so..quite relaxing la.. at least when working as an intern there..hahaha

9) ninja girls
u wont see anyone dress like tt at any other me...
i dunno her real identity.. but this particular ninja girl is said to be able to gobble down 生煎包s and PGTs like they were nothing.. and she loves to put her (quite small but still deadly) fists near ppl's face often asking them to give her treats... beware.......

8) big beautiful lights
oh yea.. shanghai owns sg in this department.. totally own... haha.. cuz sg isnt jus big enough to put so much lights.. and shanghai lights are pretty interesting at times too.. nt the usual boring "merry christmas" or jus a row of bland looking orange lights on the shopping centres... its jus grand...
this one is in nanjing

7) 七浦路
30rmb(S$6) for polo ts? no prob.. ok la..the only prob is its fake la... but if u do overlook tt part(hey..their fake lacoste looks quite real ok), its cheap clothes!! hahaha.. need cheapskate but looks abit abit like real nike bags?? no prob... u can get 1 at 50 rmb!! wallets? u can find them there... obession with baby clothes? oh yea.. there got sell children/baby clothes too? whatever cheap skate stuff u think u need, 七浦路 got...

imagine this.. fairly big piece of chicken with cheese on top, some potato wedges and corn.. sounds nice right? and for.. S$3?? ppl will say "crazy ah? S$3 u eat chicken lice(rice) la... eat what western?" oh saizeriya.. tt big piece of chicken with cheese on top is jus 15rmb(~$S3) and its a restaurant! nt some road side stall u know! hahaha.. even though i working tt time 1 week eat 2-3 times. but then.. its still cheap and gd... really really worth it... too bad cannot show u the pic of the chicken cuz i nv take.. can only show u other stuff.. haha

S$2.5 cuttlefish

S$1.20 ice cream S$2.50 speggetti

5) 好乐地(i think its written like tt..)
yup..the haoledi ktv.. hahahaha... its jus screaming cheap if u k overnight(12mn-6am) for ard 30rmb per person(S$6)..ive only k-ed once there..but then again..i really enjoyed tt night... and haoledi is nt some rundown place..its looks and feels alot like kbox... for all u k-fans, jay chou wannabes and singens alike... haoledi is the place for u to train...

whether its showing professionnelism...
or asking ppl to take care of green..
warning ppl to beware of grasses and pinching doors
or forbiding ppl to die...(i didnt take this pic..koped from internet)
engrish is everywhere!! hahaha.. i cant take all the engrish but well... u get the basic idea..u know..ahhahaha

ice cream pies anyone? for those who has a sweet tooth and loves icecream..iceseaon is the place to go! relatively cheap and really really nice..

after looking at the pics.. if u are an ice cream fan and dun feel like craving for more..smth is really really wrong........

the place which celest and i visit almost every week! hahaha.. alot alot of food there.. though alot of stores selling the same food too.. haha but still.. we go there eat almost every week... cheap and gd food.. let the pics do the talking!!

and the no. 1 thing i like abt shanghai is......... *DRUM ROLL*

1) PMT(pudding milk tea)/PGT(pudding green tea)
yeap... prob my fav drink( and prob celest's fav one too) in shanghai... fav bubble tea, fav drink..both.. hahahaha... its jus cheap(S$1.20) has a generous amount of chewy sweet pearls and well..the pudding and tea jus tastes real gd... whether its pmt(pudding milk tea) during the pre-melamine era and the pgt(pudding green tea) during the post-melamine dynasty... u'll( and at least i will) crave for more after the 1st drink... must get if u go shanghai!!(+shopkeeper looks like angie.. =P)

pre-melamine era pmt

post melamine dynasty pgt

so yea..tts my 10 things i like abt shanghai... coming up next
10 things i DONT like abt shanghai/china *evil smile*

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