Sunday 4 January 2009

1st day of school..tml..... T.T

right in hall.. blasting 说好的幸福呢 in my single room.. awaiting for sch tml..(hahahaha.. ah yea.. i got single room.. since like b4 i left gip..i jus loan out to my fellow bc member to stay..wahhaah)

suddenly 27th dec - 5th Jan went by so fast lor... one turn eye(一转眼), sch start tml... wa lao.. I STILL NT READY LEH... ahha.. thanks to ivan i got at least 3/4 of the required notes.. tml morning will be printing out the last set + tuts.. decided nt to use ivan's tuts la..unless i cannot copy in time..if nt ill end up like seeing his ans and get lazy and nv do tut.. hahaha least the only gd thing is to be able to try out the mr bean from can B soon.. so i heard its nt bad... hey.. having tao hui b4 lect for breakfast sudd sounds like a gd idea.. IF its gd.. hahaha..

oh yea.. i stressed nt only cuz sch starting and nt only cuz i forsee ill suck at IE, microP, electromag, and the other 2 electives.. but... oh yea.. being the ojang AI.. hmm.. i always wanted to be an AI..u know..teach ppl.. sounds fun and exciting la.. so i was thinking i was rdy for the challenge.. right now... rdy for the challenge.. but.. jus stressed..cuz i have to train the members well in a limited time.. but my fellow AIs, XEnon and CJ are in pattern teams themselves.. meaning they will be MIA for some trainings... if 1 MIA nt so bad.. if both MIA.. wa..take training myself... tt.. i havent done b4.. nv expected myself to do..but.. think one day might kena.. haha.. but well whatever the reasons/situation.. my goal for the team will, remain the same

"their best ojang during IVP..."
ok some explanation.. of cuz.. IVP gold for the team is gd.. but.. tts nt my main aim.. i want jus do their best pattern for IVP..their very best, their most in sync, most accurate one... whether gold or nt.. we'll let the judges decide.. the ojang team..will step out of the court after pattern with no regrets, no accusations of who did which part wrong..only a sense of satisfaction tt they did their very best ojang in tt point of time..

hahahah.. cheem as it may be..ya..tts my goal for them.. the ojang team.. haha..

well.. 1130am lesson tml, the only week i can have a 1130 lesson on mon.. after this week 830am got lab liao..T.T...

till the next updates... prob more rants abt lects..hahaha

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