Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Yr from sgman!!

hahah.. 1st blog post of the new yr.. well.. ok la.. alot of ppl who had access to com posted on dec31st.. jus b4 the new yr to recap 2008.. but then... well.. i had access to a com.. but i didnt do tt.. CUZ I WAS BUSY PWNING VIC'S @55 IN DOTA!! MUAHAHAHAH =P.. come on.. i need to start the new yr with some thing i can be proud of ma.. having said tt.. pwning vic is smth i could really be proud of..esp when he was like 5m in front of me and cursing.. wahaha

okok..time to recap the events of 2008.. of cuz... was a yr tt lots of great events happened..

jan 08-march 08-- bascially ivp period.. was selected and in ojang '08 for ivp pattern.. the blue belt pattern (pattern can be seen here).. well jus like sajang '07(my 1st ivp pattern team), it was really.. a siong period.. plenty of tough times, scolding, losing temper at times blabla.. but of cuz... there was more fun, more laughter, more bonding with the team members, "scandal" sharing etc.. overall.. tough but really fun period.. haha..

ojang #1

the jumping pic which took like ard 6 tries to take.. hahaha

jan 08-march 08-- besides pattern.. there's sparring as well.. being a blue belt.. i was a newbie to sparring tournaments.. ah ya la.. in the past got spar b4 tournament style la.. in ivp camp, in sparex.. but during ivp.. sparring feels diff leh.. as in.. got (lots of) ppl see/cheer u on, an opponent who definately ISN'T tt friendly to u(totally diff from fighting someone u know).. and yea, the pressure of winning. sure.. u can say "aiya.. i only fight for exp exp, winning 2ndary one la...." but at tt moment.. being friendly and losing becomes 2ndary, pwning ur opponent and winning becomes priority.. sure does not apply to everyone.. but.. well i can really admit.. tts what i felt and think then...

ivp ended with an ojang gold and a sparring silver.. couldnt be more satisfied than tt.. =)

march 08-july 08-- well.. after ivp.. was.. exams!!! the dreaded exams! sianz... hahaha.. did try to mug really hard for it.. though.. i dun think i mugged alot in the end.. still slacking ard, doing dunno what... hahaha... exams.. ok la.. did soso but.. got an ugly D for one of my cores.. pulled my entire gpa down.. sux... must work hard next few sems liao...

the design and innovation project.. was doing on smart homes kinda stuff... well dip was where i gained a few v minor skills such as learning how to use vb, practise on C programming etc... but really.. i think the project was largely successful due to zai ppl like jon, ty and daniel... haahha... i copy and paste and modify from internet...hahaha

zai dip team!

in btw dip.. 1st june was the 20th anni!! hahaha.. ok la.. event.. was jus mingle and eat.. but i really kinda like tt event.. to the 20th anni organising committee u all did a gd job! hahaa.. simple and get to bond with others+ can wear nice

table 13(i think its 13)

my zai loggies

sajang '07
ojang '08
after dip..came alot alot alot of other fun events.. 1st up..sparex-- the camp for the jc tkd clubs.. last yr(07) i was the organising committee.. this yr.. im a GL.. for the most eviliest grp.. VEGA! =P

the 3 sweet looking GLs for the most evil grp..
Vega grp pic 1

Vega grp pic 2

after sparex.. was the 1st national poomsae(pattern) comp... one of my ojang teammate, xi er, and i decided to try out the mixed pair pattern.. well..this time was jus really for fun.. no pressure and all.. hahaha.. in addition to the mixed pair i joined indiv pattern.. ahhaah.. tt one felt abit more stress cuz no one beside me to share the attention.. so the judge can see all my mistakes..

got gold for mixed pair and 3rd for indiv.. =D

mixed pair team!

pic with the "goddess", celestine pro lee(the amt of medal she has in her hands owns...)

july 08-- its time for insinyur!! hahahaha... insinyur is an engine camp for eee,mae,cee and common engineering students.. no im nt the freshie..rather im an oldie there alr.. hahaa.. im one of the MPs(main programmers) organising the camp.. 6 days of fun! hahaha.. ok la..damn tiring oso.. haha..

my zai programmer grp


SP night!

july 08-dec08--- tts when i transformed into chinaman.. hahaha... went for GIP(global immersion program) which lasted from july 23rd-dec 27th.. 5mths of working and studying(abit of studying only) in shanghai china... it was... an big eye opener.. haha.. nt only to shanghai in particular, but to chinese culture, their working life, playing, eating, drinking.. also travelled, played, buffeted, sang, slacked in shanghai for the last 5mths.. of cuz..i do miss home.. alot during tt period of time..

dec27th-dec31st-- dec27th 725pm, i turned back into sgman! muahahah.. ok la.. back in sg then.. then after tt dec 29th buffet with the BC members, dec 30th- recee of campsite+ super mega tiring 1st tkd training in ntu again.. then dec 31st-yea.. dawned at vic's house pwning him in dota as usual.. hahaha..

well.. tts my 2008 summarised up.. v summarised actually.. if really need to blog everything will take like 5 days liao.. hahahaha... with this entry..ill welcome.. 2009!!

lets hope 2009 will turn out to be a even more fun filled and exciting yr than 2008.. =)

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