Friday 30 January 2009

happy chi 牛(niu or can be read as new) yr!

happy chi new year to all!! yr of the ox and recession....

hahaha...didnt officially wish the readers here on monday, or 初一 cuz well..i was in msia coming back to sg..and after tt immediately went to bai nian at relatives house lor... tired man.. hahaha
went to msia to visit my father's side relatives again on cny eve and morning of cny..well..same as always.. kampong house, lots of ppl talking, young cousins screaming(though half of them are nt alr..cuz they alr puberty), drinking etc etc.. eh..but this yr abit diff lor..i drove on 初一, when gg back to sg tt time..muahhahaa.. nt all the way la..jus part of the highway back to sg... its quite fun to drive leh..hahaa.. well cuz i dun do it often..and 2nd its the 1st time i was like 100km/h...woooooo..hahaha of cny at relatives house oso same..u know..take hong bao, them asking u abt life and stuff.. u asking them how things are.. eating and more eating..think i gain weight liao leh.. havent officially weigh myself so tts y got the "i think" in tt sentence above...but..shld be got gain la..cant be eat so much nv gain..hahaha...

ah then after tt.. on 初二, went( as per every yr) to my parent's uni friends yearly gathering... ya.. they all gather every yr during cny.. kinda like a catch up + eating session.. actually... think its kinda fun u know..hahaha..mayb shld organise smth like tt every yr..prob like after uni, esp after most ppl gets married or smth... gd time to catch up and eat and discuss abt life.. past life esp..the great uni times..sounds fun eh? hahha

ah..after 初二..of cuz got sch lor...aiya.. as usual i nv do tuts la..hahaha... nooo..nt as usual. i mean.. i last few weeks paper blank its cuz i DUNNO how to do..diff from nt least i tried..haha.. ms pro oso nv do..but she too pro alr so she everything 1 look oso can solve..cant compare with her one la..hahaha..

and haiz..things ard other places are going crazy...esp with a small issue blown big case..i dunno leh..y ppl wanna hurt others thru spreading rumours, giving misunderstandings like tt huh? intentionally? stabbing others cuz others "stabbed" or seem to "stab" at them b4? wanna watch "show" from one side? feel gd when the entire grp of friends are doubting or quarrelling with each other? or feeling gd when he/she sees one of my close friend telling me she will end her friendship with me if such issues crop up again? smth for which i half the things mentioned seems to be off from what i actually did, if i did them in the 1st place.. well..frankly... i cant be bothered with this anymore.. let this issue "die"..

anw...well.. this issue wont affect me so much la... hahaa.. i still other stuff to worry(yes i worry alot i think) like ojang.. they are gd..but can be way way better(if any of u ojang girls/guy) is reading u know what i think of u all...) and of cuz the piling tuts and lab reports!! argh..i hate lab waste of time..... =(

this weekend is going to be busy man.....

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