Friday 30 January 2009

happy chi 牛(niu or can be read as new) yr!

happy chi new year to all!! yr of the ox and recession....

hahaha...didnt officially wish the readers here on monday, or 初一 cuz well..i was in msia coming back to sg..and after tt immediately went to bai nian at relatives house lor... tired man.. hahaha
went to msia to visit my father's side relatives again on cny eve and morning of cny..well..same as always.. kampong house, lots of ppl talking, young cousins screaming(though half of them are nt alr..cuz they alr puberty), drinking etc etc.. eh..but this yr abit diff lor..i drove on 初一, when gg back to sg tt time..muahhahaa.. nt all the way la..jus part of the highway back to sg... its quite fun to drive leh..hahaa.. well cuz i dun do it often..and 2nd its the 1st time i was like 100km/h...woooooo..hahaha of cny at relatives house oso same..u know..take hong bao, them asking u abt life and stuff.. u asking them how things are.. eating and more eating..think i gain weight liao leh.. havent officially weigh myself so tts y got the "i think" in tt sentence above...but..shld be got gain la..cant be eat so much nv gain..hahaha...

ah then after tt.. on 初二, went( as per every yr) to my parent's uni friends yearly gathering... ya.. they all gather every yr during cny.. kinda like a catch up + eating session.. actually... think its kinda fun u know..hahaha..mayb shld organise smth like tt every yr..prob like after uni, esp after most ppl gets married or smth... gd time to catch up and eat and discuss abt life.. past life esp..the great uni times..sounds fun eh? hahha

ah..after 初二..of cuz got sch lor...aiya.. as usual i nv do tuts la..hahaha... nooo..nt as usual. i mean.. i last few weeks paper blank its cuz i DUNNO how to do..diff from nt least i tried..haha.. ms pro oso nv do..but she too pro alr so she everything 1 look oso can solve..cant compare with her one la..hahaha..

and haiz..things ard other places are going crazy...esp with a small issue blown big case..i dunno leh..y ppl wanna hurt others thru spreading rumours, giving misunderstandings like tt huh? intentionally? stabbing others cuz others "stabbed" or seem to "stab" at them b4? wanna watch "show" from one side? feel gd when the entire grp of friends are doubting or quarrelling with each other? or feeling gd when he/she sees one of my close friend telling me she will end her friendship with me if such issues crop up again? smth for which i half the things mentioned seems to be off from what i actually did, if i did them in the 1st place.. well..frankly... i cant be bothered with this anymore.. let this issue "die"..

anw...well.. this issue wont affect me so much la... hahaa.. i still other stuff to worry(yes i worry alot i think) like ojang.. they are gd..but can be way way better(if any of u ojang girls/guy) is reading u know what i think of u all...) and of cuz the piling tuts and lab reports!! argh..i hate lab waste of time..... =(

this weekend is going to be busy man.....

Friday 23 January 2009

of training and results...

well..this prob will the one of the quickest updates i have..hahaha... prob this post will last till at least next wed ba..cny prob too busy(or tired) to blog lor... hahaha...

anw...well.. while makaning supper today had an sms from fq saying IA results out liao.. wa..sudd scared supper tt time hands oso shake..hahaha.. but well..ok la..came back hall to check, ok quite okok score.. so nt bad..happy enough.. ms pro leh? she oso did well la..jus tt her gpa too high and ownage alr so overall jus deprove a little.. jus one tiny bit.. v v v v tiny bit of deprovement... but make no mistakes, ms pro is still v pro! yea! esp this sem! i sense tt she will thrash all of us again... ok la.. sacrifices has to be made ma.. i willingly sacrifice ice creams for ms pro to do well..wahahah..=P

ok la..dun talk abt studies this stuff alr.. onto training.firstly.. i clashed with ms pro and prob gave her an ugly looking bruise on her shin for the next few days =(.. haiyo.. sry if i abit whiny..but must rant la.. hahaha.. wa i chose nt to wear groin guard(or protection for the factory, well u get what i mean..i no need describe alr)... tot..ok la..last few trainings all quite safe..think today wont kena.. WRONG LOR!! sparred with 1 white belter today.. then..i nt only kena kick once..but twice la! wa lao... damn pain la! T.T.. nth much i can do besides cursing myself for nt wearing groin guards and jumping ard like some ape to dissipate the pain.. well its nt the white belters fault..i mean..accidents happen..and jus tt his kick happens to go vertical instead of turning in..(hey..i make tt mistake at times too! sparrers with no groin guard beward!! muahahah) least its better than er..i think..1 week ago? or izzit 2 weeks ago? i cant rmb..i jus rmb during tt training..we all line up in 1 row la.. then got 1 person in front of the line, tt person is the defender, the rest are attackers.. so the attackers one by one go and try to kick the defender. of cuz the defender has to siam and kick back la.. then after 1 big cycle on the attackers side, the defenders will swap.. so came my turn..then defend defend defend.. aiya.. right instep chui..nvm..cont training.. so it came to this black belt.. who.. well..kinda pwned me like tt suay guy pictured below...

btw..tts chu mu yan..taiwan olympics tkd sparrer pwning mr unknown(sry dunno his name la)

ok black belts leg landed on the right half of my face... sianz lor... totally kissing his foot like tt..hiaz.. guess need to learn to siam more head kicks... haha

oh..well kinda rant finish liao ba... since this post will prob last past chi new yr.. i wanna wish all my friends(who are oso my loyal blog readers) a happy and prosperous chinese new yr!! happy 牛(niu) year! =)

恭喜发财! 新年快乐! 年年有余! 身体健康! 万事如意!

财神到!~~~~~~财神到! ~~~~~

Tuesday 20 January 2009

10 things tt i er...dun really like abt shanghai

jus back from a really really siong training and im eating supper as i type this..hahaha..actually u all readers will prob expect updates on mon or tues night..usually mon la..jus cuz yest was too tired alr... today..still super mega tired..but at least nt as bad as yest..yest got alot of lessons and a really long and VERY boring briefing on the chingay canvassing....

okok..onto the main part of this blog post....

the 10 things i dun really like abt shanghai
(cannot say dislike la..too strong a word..haha)

10)Shanghai is really big...way big
ah pretty big to us sgeans who live in a tiny red dot for quite some time of our lives.. haha... shanghai itself is a tiny part of china..but wa... like 1 side of puxi to airport alr takes like 2hrs... ok la..airport is ulu..but still..shanghai v the locals 20mins walk is quite me..its jus crazy....

9)over salty and oily food
quite alot of food is gd in shanghai..but..quite alot of them are oily and overly salty too... even i this kinda food lover took a while to get used to it.. imagine..u ordering a bbq octopus, after waiting for 10mins and taking ur 1st bite..ur 1st tot is "did i order octopus with a dash of salt or salt with a dash of octopus" trust me..salt with a dash of octopus is nth gd..and i tried it a few times at chui-er bbq stores..haha..places like the really awful Joyful(hey rhymes) sells chicken with cheese on top which is more accurately written as chicken with oil and fats on top.. those health conscious ppl beware! (apparantly locals there are rarely fat..mayb cuz they walk too much alr...)

8)fluctuating weather
well this happens esp during winter.. during winter hor..usually the average is ard.. say lowest 8 to highest 12-14... but some was like.. 12-17 degrees..which is gd la..quite warm(then la.. i still need to wrap myself like popiah in order to walk outside) but hor..some days will be like.. 2-8 degrees..or worse.. -3 to 7 degrees(tt night when i was out with celest's juniors..-3+wind blow... can freeze)..its like u wanna tell shanghai or whoever u believe is controlling the weather "can u make up ur mind??"
ok..this one i know happen once in a 100 yrs..lets jus call me suay ya.... the day tt flooded was like any other normal day.. monday somemore..suffering from mon blues+ raining heavily in the morning.. so like.. ok lor..rain heavy..then i reach 宜山路站, there was mini waterfalls along the stairs liao..wa lao..sainz lor..shoe wet..but socks inside still took mrt(then i didnt know got straight bus to my company) and walked.. then when exit the station.. it was like HOLY #*($@*@()#*... the entire stretch of road is flooded..
ankle lvl..but sianz alr..then walk walk...then sudd became knee lvl...kns la...can swim to work lor...hahaha...end up half the cpy was late for work..jammed for the entire morning...

6)ppl snatching taxis
jus when u think u got a taxi..some middle aged to old guy comes running out of nowhere to snatch ur taxi away... its totally sianz lor.. they hide anywhere from inside shopping centers to under bushes..jus to make some poor person flag a cab for them b4 they magically appear and equally magically take the cab away from the person who originally flagged it...

5)kan cheong ppl pushing u, ppl cutting queue
kan cheong ppl pushing u usually happens during peak hour travelling in mrt or bus... smths..locals dun believe the bus driver tt the bus is full or tt 5-10mins of waiting for another bus will kill them.. so they jus rush and push and squeeze in in any way possible...even when u think the bus cant take anymore ppl..hey! another 2-3 ppl jus squeezed in....

cutting queue happens often...esp when buying train tix... sudd when u feel like u will nv reach the receptionist chances are many ppl are cutting ur queue.. best ive seen is when i was buying my tix from the recep some old aunty chaped in and wanted to buy tix lor... sianz leh... i was half buying tix alr and u still chap in?!?! @$^#@&*$#@&$(

4)poor services
shanghai has quite a few of those...unfortunately... waiters and waitresses who bo chap.. but shanghai poor services mainly comes from the phamacists and other owners of small shops.. those tt will scold, give black face and all... hey..we are here to buy ur stuff at least treat us with some courteosy man... i will rmb the hospital incident for a long time lor.. call and ask abt the price of consultation, whats the procedure, do i need to bring passport cuz im a foreigner blabla.. tt lady over the line said v rudely "要来看就来看!!!!!" crap..i was jus asking cuz i dunno the procedure right??

3)chui traffic shanghai..traffice jus plain sux... prob most of china oso like tt.. zebra crossing are there cuz the govt has too much white paint to spare.. so they painted zebra crossings.. white useless lines on the road... no cars ever stopped for me while i cross their "zebra crossings" b4...they are jus plain useless..other than tt.. endless horning, chionging, illegal u-turns... china's roads are like some kinda school children who ran amok...

2)ppl "kaaaaaaaaaaaaa pui!!!"
warning! if u hear the "kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" part, do nt ever turn ur head in tt direction.. i repeat, do nt turn ur head in tt direction!! if nt u'll see some guy spitting...spitters are everywhere..and even though its illegal to spit in china... if the police really catch those spitting, i think half the china's population sure kena... but even if u dun see..must get rdy to siam fast fast... esp if the spit comes in ur direction...

and the no1 dislike is......*drum roll*......
yea..this u see everyday during peak hours travelling..and u cant escape them... shanghai and china too many ppl la...everyday sure squeeze one... up till body to body lor..ok la..guys will 赚到if they body to body with chio bu la..but the girls sure nt worth it one lor..esp when they have to squeeze thru tons of men and other women everyday..strangers touching them... sure sianz one... so...tts my no.1 dislike in shanghai! hahaha summaries my most dislikes in shanghai..hahahaha... mayb after reading ms pro can easier consider whether wanna go exchange or nt..haha..

ah..ivp coming liao...5 more fast lor... ok la..ojang so far nt bad la..but their 1st real tests will be the club performances, followed by the sch/public performance whichever comes 1st.. ojang are all zai ppl.. jus hope they can and will take the 5 more weeks of boring and repetitive training..

ah yes..of cuz..i need to catch up on tuts...soon..really soon....

Monday 12 January 2009

1 week of sch... +10 things i really like abt shanghai v quickly... 1 week of sch has passed by alr.. so now its week 2 in ntu!! sianz.. all the tuts la, labs la coming alr... today alr got lab lor... nt tt hard..but jus sianz la.. 3hrs of doing boring stuff.. its ok if its 3hrs and it starts at 10am..but nooooo.. it starts at 830am!!! T.T.. hahaha.. ok la.. was (trying to) doing tuts for the last few days.. EPIC FAIL man.... either i stuck at qn1 then gave up or i stuck at qn2 then gave up...mega sianz lor... pro was too obviously pro in her subjects/IA and her charm, her china ways(during shanghai) and whatever things u can think of , but still she oso will win u one, and got offered a place(well...willingly or nt)to go some part(currently unconfirmed) of china again.. this time as an exchange student.. hahaha.. so another few(mayb) weeks of going china again! she abit sitting on the fence for this la..sure its a gd opportunity..but again..away from sg for a while.. and if she go back to shanghai sure sianz one what.. hahaha... so to help her..must say the 10 things i like abt shanghai... wahhaha

10 things i like abt shanghai

10) more carefree life
well even when it seems that shanghai is the financial hub of china and tt many locals(china) said tt shanghai is a v stressful place.. then again.. trust me.. its less stress than sg.. ok la..mayb cuz i intern or what... but then hor.. at my workplace... pace abit the slow la. like when supervisor want me to get things done he will always say "尽快" (jin kuai-correct word or nt i nt sure..) which means "try asap".. sg boss huh..cfm will say "U BETTER HURRY LA..IF NT I PAY CUT U! WAHAH" so..quite relaxing la.. at least when working as an intern there..hahaha

9) ninja girls
u wont see anyone dress like tt at any other me...
i dunno her real identity.. but this particular ninja girl is said to be able to gobble down 生煎包s and PGTs like they were nothing.. and she loves to put her (quite small but still deadly) fists near ppl's face often asking them to give her treats... beware.......

8) big beautiful lights
oh yea.. shanghai owns sg in this department.. totally own... haha.. cuz sg isnt jus big enough to put so much lights.. and shanghai lights are pretty interesting at times too.. nt the usual boring "merry christmas" or jus a row of bland looking orange lights on the shopping centres... its jus grand...
this one is in nanjing

7) 七浦路
30rmb(S$6) for polo ts? no prob.. ok la..the only prob is its fake la... but if u do overlook tt part(hey..their fake lacoste looks quite real ok), its cheap clothes!! hahaha.. need cheapskate but looks abit abit like real nike bags?? no prob... u can get 1 at 50 rmb!! wallets? u can find them there... obession with baby clothes? oh yea.. there got sell children/baby clothes too? whatever cheap skate stuff u think u need, 七浦路 got...

imagine this.. fairly big piece of chicken with cheese on top, some potato wedges and corn.. sounds nice right? and for.. S$3?? ppl will say "crazy ah? S$3 u eat chicken lice(rice) la... eat what western?" oh saizeriya.. tt big piece of chicken with cheese on top is jus 15rmb(~$S3) and its a restaurant! nt some road side stall u know! hahaha.. even though i working tt time 1 week eat 2-3 times. but then.. its still cheap and gd... really really worth it... too bad cannot show u the pic of the chicken cuz i nv take.. can only show u other stuff.. haha

S$2.5 cuttlefish

S$1.20 ice cream S$2.50 speggetti

5) 好乐地(i think its written like tt..)
yup..the haoledi ktv.. hahahaha... its jus screaming cheap if u k overnight(12mn-6am) for ard 30rmb per person(S$6)..ive only k-ed once there..but then again..i really enjoyed tt night... and haoledi is nt some rundown place..its looks and feels alot like kbox... for all u k-fans, jay chou wannabes and singens alike... haoledi is the place for u to train...

whether its showing professionnelism...
or asking ppl to take care of green..
warning ppl to beware of grasses and pinching doors
or forbiding ppl to die...(i didnt take this pic..koped from internet)
engrish is everywhere!! hahaha.. i cant take all the engrish but well... u get the basic idea..u know..ahhahaha

ice cream pies anyone? for those who has a sweet tooth and loves icecream..iceseaon is the place to go! relatively cheap and really really nice..

after looking at the pics.. if u are an ice cream fan and dun feel like craving for more..smth is really really wrong........

the place which celest and i visit almost every week! hahaha.. alot alot of food there.. though alot of stores selling the same food too.. haha but still.. we go there eat almost every week... cheap and gd food.. let the pics do the talking!!

and the no. 1 thing i like abt shanghai is......... *DRUM ROLL*

1) PMT(pudding milk tea)/PGT(pudding green tea)
yeap... prob my fav drink( and prob celest's fav one too) in shanghai... fav bubble tea, fav drink..both.. hahahaha... its jus cheap(S$1.20) has a generous amount of chewy sweet pearls and well..the pudding and tea jus tastes real gd... whether its pmt(pudding milk tea) during the pre-melamine era and the pgt(pudding green tea) during the post-melamine dynasty... u'll( and at least i will) crave for more after the 1st drink... must get if u go shanghai!!(+shopkeeper looks like angie.. =P)

pre-melamine era pmt

post melamine dynasty pgt

so yea..tts my 10 things i like abt shanghai... coming up next
10 things i DONT like abt shanghai/china *evil smile*

Sunday 4 January 2009

1st day of school..tml..... T.T

right in hall.. blasting 说好的幸福呢 in my single room.. awaiting for sch tml..(hahahaha.. ah yea.. i got single room.. since like b4 i left gip..i jus loan out to my fellow bc member to stay..wahhaah)

suddenly 27th dec - 5th Jan went by so fast lor... one turn eye(一转眼), sch start tml... wa lao.. I STILL NT READY LEH... ahha.. thanks to ivan i got at least 3/4 of the required notes.. tml morning will be printing out the last set + tuts.. decided nt to use ivan's tuts la..unless i cannot copy in time..if nt ill end up like seeing his ans and get lazy and nv do tut.. hahaha least the only gd thing is to be able to try out the mr bean from can B soon.. so i heard its nt bad... hey.. having tao hui b4 lect for breakfast sudd sounds like a gd idea.. IF its gd.. hahaha..

oh yea.. i stressed nt only cuz sch starting and nt only cuz i forsee ill suck at IE, microP, electromag, and the other 2 electives.. but... oh yea.. being the ojang AI.. hmm.. i always wanted to be an AI..u know..teach ppl.. sounds fun and exciting la.. so i was thinking i was rdy for the challenge.. right now... rdy for the challenge.. but.. jus stressed..cuz i have to train the members well in a limited time.. but my fellow AIs, XEnon and CJ are in pattern teams themselves.. meaning they will be MIA for some trainings... if 1 MIA nt so bad.. if both MIA.. wa..take training myself... tt.. i havent done b4.. nv expected myself to do..but.. think one day might kena.. haha.. but well whatever the reasons/situation.. my goal for the team will, remain the same

"their best ojang during IVP..."
ok some explanation.. of cuz.. IVP gold for the team is gd.. but.. tts nt my main aim.. i want jus do their best pattern for IVP..their very best, their most in sync, most accurate one... whether gold or nt.. we'll let the judges decide.. the ojang team..will step out of the court after pattern with no regrets, no accusations of who did which part wrong..only a sense of satisfaction tt they did their very best ojang in tt point of time..

hahahah.. cheem as it may be..ya..tts my goal for them.. the ojang team.. haha..

well.. 1130am lesson tml, the only week i can have a 1130 lesson on mon.. after this week 830am got lab liao..T.T...

till the next updates... prob more rants abt lects..hahaha

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Yr from sgman!!

hahah.. 1st blog post of the new yr.. well.. ok la.. alot of ppl who had access to com posted on dec31st.. jus b4 the new yr to recap 2008.. but then... well.. i had access to a com.. but i didnt do tt.. CUZ I WAS BUSY PWNING VIC'S @55 IN DOTA!! MUAHAHAHAH =P.. come on.. i need to start the new yr with some thing i can be proud of ma.. having said tt.. pwning vic is smth i could really be proud of..esp when he was like 5m in front of me and cursing.. wahaha

okok..time to recap the events of 2008.. of cuz... was a yr tt lots of great events happened..

jan 08-march 08-- bascially ivp period.. was selected and in ojang '08 for ivp pattern.. the blue belt pattern (pattern can be seen here).. well jus like sajang '07(my 1st ivp pattern team), it was really.. a siong period.. plenty of tough times, scolding, losing temper at times blabla.. but of cuz... there was more fun, more laughter, more bonding with the team members, "scandal" sharing etc.. overall.. tough but really fun period.. haha..

ojang #1

the jumping pic which took like ard 6 tries to take.. hahaha

jan 08-march 08-- besides pattern.. there's sparring as well.. being a blue belt.. i was a newbie to sparring tournaments.. ah ya la.. in the past got spar b4 tournament style la.. in ivp camp, in sparex.. but during ivp.. sparring feels diff leh.. as in.. got (lots of) ppl see/cheer u on, an opponent who definately ISN'T tt friendly to u(totally diff from fighting someone u know).. and yea, the pressure of winning. sure.. u can say "aiya.. i only fight for exp exp, winning 2ndary one la...." but at tt moment.. being friendly and losing becomes 2ndary, pwning ur opponent and winning becomes priority.. sure does not apply to everyone.. but.. well i can really admit.. tts what i felt and think then...

ivp ended with an ojang gold and a sparring silver.. couldnt be more satisfied than tt.. =)

march 08-july 08-- well.. after ivp.. was.. exams!!! the dreaded exams! sianz... hahaha.. did try to mug really hard for it.. though.. i dun think i mugged alot in the end.. still slacking ard, doing dunno what... hahaha... exams.. ok la.. did soso but.. got an ugly D for one of my cores.. pulled my entire gpa down.. sux... must work hard next few sems liao...

the design and innovation project.. was doing on smart homes kinda stuff... well dip was where i gained a few v minor skills such as learning how to use vb, practise on C programming etc... but really.. i think the project was largely successful due to zai ppl like jon, ty and daniel... haahha... i copy and paste and modify from internet...hahaha

zai dip team!

in btw dip.. 1st june was the 20th anni!! hahaha.. ok la.. event.. was jus mingle and eat.. but i really kinda like tt event.. to the 20th anni organising committee u all did a gd job! hahaa.. simple and get to bond with others+ can wear nice

table 13(i think its 13)

my zai loggies

sajang '07
ojang '08
after dip..came alot alot alot of other fun events.. 1st up..sparex-- the camp for the jc tkd clubs.. last yr(07) i was the organising committee.. this yr.. im a GL.. for the most eviliest grp.. VEGA! =P

the 3 sweet looking GLs for the most evil grp..
Vega grp pic 1

Vega grp pic 2

after sparex.. was the 1st national poomsae(pattern) comp... one of my ojang teammate, xi er, and i decided to try out the mixed pair pattern.. well..this time was jus really for fun.. no pressure and all.. hahaha.. in addition to the mixed pair i joined indiv pattern.. ahhaah.. tt one felt abit more stress cuz no one beside me to share the attention.. so the judge can see all my mistakes..

got gold for mixed pair and 3rd for indiv.. =D

mixed pair team!

pic with the "goddess", celestine pro lee(the amt of medal she has in her hands owns...)

july 08-- its time for insinyur!! hahahaha... insinyur is an engine camp for eee,mae,cee and common engineering students.. no im nt the freshie..rather im an oldie there alr.. hahaa.. im one of the MPs(main programmers) organising the camp.. 6 days of fun! hahaha.. ok la..damn tiring oso.. haha..

my zai programmer grp


SP night!

july 08-dec08--- tts when i transformed into chinaman.. hahaha... went for GIP(global immersion program) which lasted from july 23rd-dec 27th.. 5mths of working and studying(abit of studying only) in shanghai china... it was... an big eye opener.. haha.. nt only to shanghai in particular, but to chinese culture, their working life, playing, eating, drinking.. also travelled, played, buffeted, sang, slacked in shanghai for the last 5mths.. of cuz..i do miss home.. alot during tt period of time..

dec27th-dec31st-- dec27th 725pm, i turned back into sgman! muahahah.. ok la.. back in sg then.. then after tt dec 29th buffet with the BC members, dec 30th- recee of campsite+ super mega tiring 1st tkd training in ntu again.. then dec 31st-yea.. dawned at vic's house pwning him in dota as usual.. hahaha..

well.. tts my 2008 summarised up.. v summarised actually.. if really need to blog everything will take like 5 days liao.. hahahaha... with this entry..ill welcome.. 2009!!

lets hope 2009 will turn out to be a even more fun filled and exciting yr than 2008.. =)