Saturday 11 October 2008

Nanjing day 3 part 2!! =D

well after lunch of cuz u all know we headed to 雨花台..

entrance to 雨花台

map showing the huge place of 雨花台

currently a v beautiful place with lots of flowers, grand buildings and small lakes.. well actually..this place used to be used for something more darker... 雨花台in the past was a execution site cum prison for the non-communist party(whatever-T it is...i was totally confused by the KMT, the GMT , the WOT(whatever other T) they can come up with)... but now..its a big memorial site with lots of beautiful flowers, scenery and grand buildings.. well dun let the dark side get to u huh.. hahah.. lots more beautiful pics to come!

stone statue of 'the patriots'

apparantly along the way uphill there's some banners hanging on trees telling ppl tt nanjing wants to be a 文明城市(cultured and civilised city) and wants the citizens to be honorable(市民光荣) and blablabla.. well..apparantly the chinese and the PRs in china needs to be reminded to be a gd citizen and work towards a cultured and civilised city.. haha

this banner reminds ppl to be environmentally friendly.. oh yea.. seemed to work v well with ppl still spitting on the floor and anyhow littering...

after walking right from the main entrance, we came to this really huge place.. well actually all the places are huge..but this one kinda looks grand..

after climbing up the njh(nanjing house- a kinda of chinified nanyang house found at 雨花台), celest and i saw the Mao Zedong memorial place..

went into the memorial hall and we free rode a group being lead by a tour guide.. tour guide explains the glory of Mao Zedong and how he helped china grow blablabla.. then after tt is 3 bows to the huge Mao Zedong statue located near the entrance of the memorial hall and its sort of a free and easy time..

will aka chinaman : hey... my chi nt tt chui ok! it kinda says 禁止牌照(or smth close to tt..)... u arent supposed to take photos of tt big statue..

celest aka she-who-walks-into-photos: *take pics* huh? really ah? ok lor.. *continue taking pics*
well ok i broke the rules and took a quick pic of a small statue of Mao Zedong inside the souvenier shop..haha

after tt we continued downwards to the building with the small swimming pool... but we missed the memorial hall exhibit which closes at 5pm.. we reached at ard 505pm...sianz

the swimming pool

chinaman acting emo

china's national anthem(aka march of the nationals), its abit small to see, so actual lyrics i found thru wiki is here

walked thru the huge building...

beautiful lake...

pavillion tt commerated the patriots..

apprantly green grass is so deadly u have to beware of them...
statue drawing of the communist ppl

statues of the patriots

well right again from the pavilion and we hit a beautiful pond with a gd view..

stone carvings are found all over 雨花台

and then...we walked towards a 明孝陵(ming tomb) located in 雨花台..and along the way there.. we heard someone operaing!! oh yes! tt guy was singing jus like in opera like tt.. screaming at the top of his voice some unknown language of a song(latin?? is tt what they usually sing?).. well.. obviously im nt the art loving kind so i cant appreciate his 'screaming of unidentifiable words' in 雨花台itself.... anw...reached the 明孝陵... v eerie looking if i might add

guardians to the forest of deadly grass..

after leaving the ming tomb, celest and i saw some signs up to the tomb of the unknown soldiers... so decided to climb up and check it out... but then.. bad mistake.. it was a mega uphill climb...

hit some entrance to prob a park or smth..... has drawings of pandas on its wall..and it was closed! argh...

well after the panda walls a little more uphill and we reached some rememberance of...i forgot!! hahah.. then again the unknown soldiers tomb was still quite a dist away.. and our legs are aching alr! even celest who is an expert at shopping and has almost infinite stamina when it comes to walking started to feel a little tired.. jus a little.. while i walk until tired alr.. so we jus went down the hill and started walking to the exit of 雨花台...

stone writings of unknown words rmbing unknown stuff but i know is nt rmbing the unknown soldiers...

saw the pagoda on the way out.....

this pic was taken while walking out of 雨花台.... a nice pic to end the day at a beautiful place... =D

but kudos to the nanjing and china govt to turn this dark place in the past(it was an execution ground if any has forgotten) into somewhere tt nt only commerates what their heroes did but oso beautify the entire area so much tt its seriously breath taking.... for tt the govt has my really big respect.. =)

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