Tuesday 21 October 2008

the 10s of pure pleasure...

well if anyone did see part of the previous blog post yest night... half of it was wrong huh..hahaha..apparantly i accidentally missed out a week of events.. the one where i had some kind of instant pleasure.. of cuz, u'll find out later what im talking abt..hahaha.. in any case, i decided to seperate the events from 15th sept(or nanjing trip day 4) to the things tt happened on 18th-21st sept..

anw..so back to 18th sept.. well as i was saying... the mid autumn festival ended on the 18th sept(tues) and yea..ill was jus totally filled with tues blues.. even after i made my amazing discovery... work still went on as per normal and seriously.. i gotta learn how to dodge arrows from zhang yan.. she's jus shooting me left right center will various tasks regarding the same program... well tts work i guess... apparantly every newbie of PED(process engineering depeartment) has to go thru the gruelling 6mth VB training.. even as an intern.. i wasnt spared.. neither was my partner... well the gd thing is both my partner and i are occupying a manager's office.. which makes slacking much much easier cuz of the gd view outside(and the poor view from outside to inside).. so whenever im stuck and i need a moment to 'think', i can easily msn/read manga and quickly minimise shld i even see a molecule of zhang yan or my sup....

well at least the week went by pretty quickly and its thurs night again!! aka training time.. haha.. this time celest and i decided to try to go for training on thurs, since well trainings start at 7pm and we both are alr outside after work... initally wanted to go sushi tei and have dinner but cuz of jam for celest's side, end up we met at steak king instead...somewhere closer to shanghai jiao tong..
ordered a speggetti(i think i spell wrong... eating always beats gd spelling..) caborana... ok la..decent.. but still steak king steaks are way better than their speggetti...

well after the dinner, we went for our 3rd(or so i rmb) tkd training... well thurs actually has less ppl than on sat... noticably missing are children.. haha.. sat training has a few children which looks like at most pri 6... thurs has no children at all..well prob cuz they still schooling on fri so their parents dun let.. which was gd oso la.. cuz.... the pimp love to smack butt boy isnt ard! hahahaha.. can train in peace.. ahha.. then as usual started with warm ups and (my most hated)stretching... then the instructor asked us to pair up and push each other down la, as in help each other stretch.. so celest came and help me..

to be honest..im nt flexible at all... seriously..ahhaha.. so even celest needs great efforts to pull me down.. then..china instructor saw me struggling..and decided to help me out...so he jus used all of his strength(feels like all la) and totally pushing me down.... and held me there for 10s.. i tell u.. its 10s of PURE PLEASURE..... i jus was tightening my grip on celest's arm everytime china shifu pushed me down lower... seriously..so far..nth beats tt 10s of "PLEASURE"..seriously.... i almost cant tell whether my legs were ard after tt hell-ish help given by the china shifu.... of cuz...celest jus cant stop laughing... after the crazy stetching, did the usual kicks and trained abit of pattern... tried learning chil jang... celest almost vomitted all her blood out teaching me the 1st few steps.. apparantly i cant get the correct hands to follow the correct command(psychomoto prob..really big one..).. I BLAME THE STRETCHING FOR MESSING WITH MY PYSCHOMOTO!!!

anw...fri morning, our teacher reminded everyone tt we are gg to get pwned.. she wants us to present anything abt the stuff tt she taught for the past 10+ weeks... sianz lor... present in chi lehh.. totally pwnage.. but i got the secret jab jab front short hard move(jab jab front short hard refers to akuma's ultimate move from street fighter) tt can help me survive the presentation next week.. mummy power!! muahahaha... my mom chi teacher.. so can help me...hahahaha.. =p

well after lessons, celest and i went to 静安寺 to make celest rich again... went down to B1 of the usual shopping centre and had lunch.. went to this restaurant called "Thai Full Restaurant".. its certainly full of ppl..so we both decided to try out their stuff.. preceeded to order a seafood tom yam soup+rice..

its seriously a disappointment... no nt taste wise..but the quantity.... sad lor! the tom yam soup the amount like those cabbage soup given in the food court tog with ur main course like.. damn pathetic can.... T.T... i quickly grabbed the menu and ordered the chicken wrapped in pandan so this tt meal is enough..

restaurant oso serves 'icy juice' which includes fresh strawberry shave ice...

after tt..celest and i decided to go to 中山公园 to check the place out... the mrt underground is some mini shopping centre much like the sci and tech museum... walked ard abit abit...bought some snacks and drinks then went up to walk ard 中山公园...

rmb to take gd care of green..

the garden in the city..

unfortunately after we've seen 玄武湖, 中山公园 jus dont cut it...

well after roaming ard 中山公园 for a while, celest and i went to 陆家觜's super brand mall for dinner.. after walking ard for a while, decided on a fish restaurant..tt kinda lets u choose a fish, a broth, some veges and side dishes...then they bring out the boiling pot of broth, put the freshly cut fish in..and start cooking for u...

while waiting to be served...

pic of person trying to take pic...'

then the fishies arrive...



after the fishies are finished off, we added some veges in...



added the beed fried omelette rice

ended with desserts, corn flavoured drink + 我的美人...

after tt...celest and i walked to mrt station and took train back to our house... im still walking pretty weirdly tt day.. thanks to the 10s of pure pleasure china shifu gave me... T.T

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