Monday 20 October 2008

Discovery: most chinese exhibit strong magnetic fields and selective hearing

back in the blogging scene once again! hahaa..well it was quite a busy week last week..quite abit of stuff to do and prepare+abit of slacking..

haha.. anw..continuing on nanjing day 4... went to 新街口's walmart to grab my bolster!! hahahaha..finally! seriously finally i got a bolster!! muahahhaah.. somehow the chinese really dun like to use bolsters or smth.. and its quite xin ku to nt have a bolster while zzzing, though still can slp la..haha.. then after the bolster shopping, walked ard and got myself some winter clothing.... winter's coming in ard late nov to must get prepared..haha.. after tt celest and i slacked at kfc, then i went to the train station and took a train back to shanghai..

pic from my seat..

bye nanjing(ill be back)!!

and so..its tues, 16th sept.. meaning, tues blues....sianzzzzzz... ok la.. dragging myself out of bed as usual at 550am in the morning... well.. then again..chinaman made an important discovery..actually 2 important discoveries that explain the habits and the daily life of the chinese..

discovery 1: Chinese have very powerful selective hearing

actually since im like here for 2mths, i jus realised on mon, 15th sept, that the mrt will make some reminders to ppl b4 boarding the train..which goes smth like "请先下后上,文明城车"(pls let the ppl alight 1st then board later, do culturally board the train).. but i, the great scientist cum Dr(Willame) discovered tt china chinese have selective hearing.. v powderful one!ppl boarding the train will always hear the reminder as "__ 先___ 上,_____ 城车" (board 1st, board the train).. which explains y chinese risk their lives,souls and the chance of leaving their gfs behind at the platform to push themselves up, most of the times against ppl alighting the mrt, to board them!! heck.. even when u scream "别推我!" , the chinese will hear it as "__ 推我! " .. hence they will follow instructions and continue pushing until they have no strength left or till u give them a huge fart...

discovery 2: Chinese exhibit strong magnetic fields and attraction

which explains the massive amount of pda-ing(public display of affection).. cuz china guys and girls esp when they become bfgf has a massive amt of magnetic attractive force btw them. they have to hold onto each other like poles, or hug each other and walk awkwardly and slowly in public(i call tt style of walking Hugwalk).. it takes great effort to seperate them. my test subjects often end up spitting on the floor, shouting loudly in public and pushing others in queues if successful in splitting them from their bfs/gfs..

while the younger to mid age guys and girls(bfgf) has magnetic strong attraction btw them, older aunties and uncles dun excatly have magnetic attraction to each other... they are instead magnetically attracted to doors of mrts, buses, taxis and most other public transport.. yup tts right.. which totally explain y they have to push ppl aside when trying to board public transports, cuz they have to SAVE the ppl from being squashed in btw them and the bus door or smth... ive seen countless aunties/uncles following doors of slow moving buses jus b4 they stop at the bus stop, nt cuz they are kiasu, cuz they are magnetically attracted by the door and cant seperate from them!

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