Monday 6 October 2008

Nanjing day 3 part 1!! =D

and im gg to use same excuse again...its been 1 week since i last blogged.. and y leh.. hahah.. cuz i went to 西安 and 南京(again) during china's national holiday(oso known as the golden week aka 黄金周). well unlike sg's miserable 1 day holiday(which coincedentally fell on a weekend this yr--right?) china's more patriotic (i think?) and gives a 1 week holiday to all so tt they could jus rest and relax on tt 1 week of holiday.. which means for most ppl its "mass migration".. oh yea.. the chinese do travel within their own country to other states to tour and have fun.... china's tt big u know.. hahaha..

anw..back to nanjing day 3!! since day 3 celest and i visited 2 v beautiful places... i decided to split them up into 2 diff parts.. so tt well the post wont be tt long, 2ndly i can put up more pics in tt 1 place.. cuz those 2 places are beautiful(and big..really big...)

so in the morning, checked out our travel map's recommendation and their v tiny pics on various tourist attractions tt will nt be included in the gip class field trip(ah yes..gip class field trip will be in nanjing).. and so we saw 2 pretty nice and (insert whatever explict or any other phrases tt u say when u exclaim out loud when u are stunnded) huge places, 玄武湖 and 雨花台 . so we decided to check them out... 1st stop---玄武湖!!

well this time mapbar didnt really bluff us.. tt webby did give us the correct bus to take.. though the getting down pt was abit off... well but anw... after trying our luck on getting down later at a bus stop called 玄武湖smth instead of 鸡鸣寺(mapbar asked us to get down at 鸡鸣寺) , celest and i got down, walked abit..and reached.. 玄武湖..

entrance to 玄武湖

1st stop... NOOoooooooo nt the ticketing office!!! tickets can wait.. when u see......

yeap...its cotton candy(棉花糖)!! reminds me of my childhood days during the street carnival near je mrt there.. normally when i was really young ill always bug my parents to buy some for me.. and they most of the time refuse!! hahaha.. since now no parents ard, and tt store is there in front of me... well i decided to get myself some..hehe.. relive the childhood days.. hahahaha

then after tt..we entered 玄武湖.. tix to enter costs 40rmb if i remember correctly.. anw.. after entering.. was greeted by a really big and beautiful lake...

and we saw some cool stone statues...

walked ard abit...and saw this reptile park.. well small one tt is... and the lady outside jus keep asking us to go in and have a look.. she says its v nice, lots of animals blablabla... well since its only 10rmb and we got lots of time.. y nt? paid 10rmb and went in.... BIG MISTAKE!! THE WHOLE PLACE IS MEGA CHUI..... NV EVER GO IN IF U EVER COME HERE.... and here are some pics to show u its chuiness...

WARNING: do not ever go into this place..(entrance of "reptile park")

fish being labelled as turtle..

usually the park plays a game with u called "spot the snake"

yea..they put a snake tog with a small bird which is aka breakfast

v small and pathetic alligator ends of this "reptile park"

right besides the "reptile park" is some ghost house... a ghost house tt blasts techno scary music.. oh yea..i know... the words "techno" and "scary" doesnt go tog.. but still.. they are blasting techno scary music.. and of cuz.. no pt wasting time there... so after tt disapponting "reptile park" , celest and i continued walking ard the park...

lotus park

and walked somemore...

and walked even more..

well... since the park is really beautiful, there will cfm be wedding couples taking pics here.. and.. its nt jus 1 or 2 couples... i counted 8 couples!!! haaha... so celest and i tried to be "professionnel" photographers and take other's wedding couple pics too.. hehe

wedding couple 1

wedding couple 2

wedding couple 3&4

well didnt manage to get wedding couple 5,6,7,8... hahaha...

and well above is the company doing the taking of the wedding pics.. and ... they have an office right outside 玄武湖... how convenient..hahaha

anw..after the really long long walk ard玄武湖, its time for lunch!! hahahaha... 湖南路is located pretty near 玄武湖... so celest and i dragged our tired legs with the little energy we have left..and went for lunch........suddenly... the road to lunch seems v v long....

Will Celest and William make it for lunch?

Will Celest be able to outeat William?

Will William finally be able to do the IFSK(imba flying side kick)?

Will Celest be able to take William's jokes without hitting him?

Will William be able to make more lame jokes?


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