Monday 27 October 2008

shanghai has an isetan with voilin girls selling perfumes!

well as u can expect after the training on thurs, 18th sept, and the 10s of pure pleasure(for me, for celest is 10s of dunno whether to laugh or cry..cuz well supposedly she says i have a really 痛苦face...which is laughable..but she oso pities me at the same time..aha) my entire body, esp my hamstrings is still sore..even after 2 days... every step is really like muscles damn 酸... but ok la..what doesnt kill u makes u stronger right?? wait till i can do splits.. tts prob gg to happen when only when china cars stop horning for 10mins straight..(which is near impossible)

so on sat,20th sept, day beings with the usual boring lessons.. in which most of us somehow survived... well actually i kinda think the class size is shirnking.. as in .. more ppl are ponning.. ok la..seriously, its normal i guess... given how "interesting" the lessons are.. i alr expect ppl to pon left right center really soon.. but our class v guai alr i think, the other class(fuquan's class or class B, im in class A) ppl come real late and alr got regular ponners, my class only max 30min late+random ponners..hahaa.. so the 1.5h of history lesson was spent in abt like 10mins trying to make sense of history lesson, 20mins of trying v hard to stay awake, and the rest of the 1hr in dreamland or stoning.. ditto for the culture lesson....

actually... celest and i v the garang..wanted to go for training again... even though for me it means getting 10s(mayb even 20s) of extreme hamstring pleasure... but end up, celest had to settle quite abit of stuff.. so nv go to training... but the only gd thing is.. we went to sushi tei for dinner again!!! hahahaha =D

S$3 sashmi

fried tofu

crap i mean crab hand roll
beef smth speggetti..i forgot what it exactly is..

jus like what the pics show..dinner was gd..hahaha.. nice dinner at sushi tei.. hehe.. well prob next week celest and i have to exercise the fats gained from dinner away..but still we will reward ourselves with better dinner.. then will train again to get rid of the fats from the previous 2nd dinner but ah.... nv ending vicious cycle. haha

sun, 21st sept... is spent at celest's and i (most prob fav) hangout in shanghai which is the 南京西路..hehe... well of cuz our 1st stop is to visit "angie"(the shopkeeper looks like my zai amp, curently an mp now...) and grabbed our pudding milk tea(pmt)... i still owe celest [infinity - 2] which can be simplified to [infinity] amt of pmt..T.T (then the melamine scare was non-existant, so its pmt for us..).. after tt we headed a few meters from the coco and had lunch at the 鸭血纷丝store..

had the set meal of 鸭血纷丝, the ru dan and 鸭肝..all for 15rmb(S$3).. the 鸭血纷丝 was the nice 鸭taste.. and the bowl was huge!! hahaha.. so huge tt celest and i think tt 2 ppl can share a single bowl lor! totally..but eat until super shuang.. haha.. then after tt decided to walk ard 南京西路 area...

well this time we didnt turn into the small eat street as usual... this time we decided to walk a different direction and explore the area futher... walked up abit and saw an isetan! hahaha... 南京西路area is actually quite built up.. the isetan tt we saw looks pretty new.. and yea.. looks jus a tiny bit like the isetan at home.... well prob contractors follow the same design ma..hahah... so celest and i jus walked into isetan la.. 1st floor, usual stuff-- girl's perfume and girl's manicure stuff and girl's stockings and girl's stuff..haha

walked abit into the main isetan area..then wowowoowwow..hahaha... saw some girls playing violin promoting perfume!! hahaha... obviously the main attraction are the violin playing chio bus and nt the perfume.... ah if any guys seeing the pics try nt to nosebleed huh.. though i think the pics oso nt v clear oso la.. haha.. cuz the girls are constantly swaying.. so mainly blurred pics..+ i had to stear clear of heads of other ppl taking pics/walking ard the shopping center/those tt jus station themselves in front of u to get a better view...
anw the violin the girls are playing arent for show only.. they do play really well.. haha

view from far..


closest decent pic i can get of the violin girls
emcee promoting the perfume

ppl will jus look anywhere within the emcee's frame besides the perfume..
well after tt, walked ard isetan abit more b4 celest took a cab to the train station to go back to her nanjing apartment... well..cant wait for next week man! haahaha.. cuz its.....

Tuesday 21 October 2008

the 10s of pure pleasure...

well if anyone did see part of the previous blog post yest night... half of it was wrong huh..hahaha..apparantly i accidentally missed out a week of events.. the one where i had some kind of instant pleasure.. of cuz, u'll find out later what im talking abt..hahaha.. in any case, i decided to seperate the events from 15th sept(or nanjing trip day 4) to the things tt happened on 18th-21st sept.. back to 18th sept.. well as i was saying... the mid autumn festival ended on the 18th sept(tues) and yea..ill was jus totally filled with tues blues.. even after i made my amazing discovery... work still went on as per normal and seriously.. i gotta learn how to dodge arrows from zhang yan.. she's jus shooting me left right center will various tasks regarding the same program... well tts work i guess... apparantly every newbie of PED(process engineering depeartment) has to go thru the gruelling 6mth VB training.. even as an intern.. i wasnt spared.. neither was my partner... well the gd thing is both my partner and i are occupying a manager's office.. which makes slacking much much easier cuz of the gd view outside(and the poor view from outside to inside).. so whenever im stuck and i need a moment to 'think', i can easily msn/read manga and quickly minimise shld i even see a molecule of zhang yan or my sup....

well at least the week went by pretty quickly and its thurs night again!! aka training time.. haha.. this time celest and i decided to try to go for training on thurs, since well trainings start at 7pm and we both are alr outside after work... initally wanted to go sushi tei and have dinner but cuz of jam for celest's side, end up we met at steak king instead...somewhere closer to shanghai jiao tong..
ordered a speggetti(i think i spell wrong... eating always beats gd spelling..) caborana... ok la..decent.. but still steak king steaks are way better than their speggetti...

well after the dinner, we went for our 3rd(or so i rmb) tkd training... well thurs actually has less ppl than on sat... noticably missing are children.. haha.. sat training has a few children which looks like at most pri 6... thurs has no children at all..well prob cuz they still schooling on fri so their parents dun let.. which was gd oso la.. cuz.... the pimp love to smack butt boy isnt ard! hahahaha.. can train in peace.. ahha.. then as usual started with warm ups and (my most hated)stretching... then the instructor asked us to pair up and push each other down la, as in help each other stretch.. so celest came and help me..

to be nt flexible at all... seriously..ahhaha.. so even celest needs great efforts to pull me down.. then..china instructor saw me struggling..and decided to help me he jus used all of his strength(feels like all la) and totally pushing me down.... and held me there for 10s.. i tell u.. its 10s of PURE PLEASURE..... i jus was tightening my grip on celest's arm everytime china shifu pushed me down lower... far..nth beats tt 10s of "PLEASURE"..seriously.... i almost cant tell whether my legs were ard after tt hell-ish help given by the china shifu.... of cuz...celest jus cant stop laughing... after the crazy stetching, did the usual kicks and trained abit of pattern... tried learning chil jang... celest almost vomitted all her blood out teaching me the 1st few steps.. apparantly i cant get the correct hands to follow the correct command(psychomoto prob..really big one..).. I BLAME THE STRETCHING FOR MESSING WITH MY PYSCHOMOTO!!!

anw...fri morning, our teacher reminded everyone tt we are gg to get pwned.. she wants us to present anything abt the stuff tt she taught for the past 10+ weeks... sianz lor... present in chi lehh.. totally pwnage.. but i got the secret jab jab front short hard move(jab jab front short hard refers to akuma's ultimate move from street fighter) tt can help me survive the presentation next week.. mummy power!! muahahaha... my mom chi teacher.. so can help me...hahahaha.. =p

well after lessons, celest and i went to 静安寺 to make celest rich again... went down to B1 of the usual shopping centre and had lunch.. went to this restaurant called "Thai Full Restaurant".. its certainly full of we both decided to try out their stuff.. preceeded to order a seafood tom yam soup+rice..

its seriously a disappointment... no nt taste wise..but the quantity.... sad lor! the tom yam soup the amount like those cabbage soup given in the food court tog with ur main course like.. damn pathetic can.... T.T... i quickly grabbed the menu and ordered the chicken wrapped in pandan so this tt meal is enough..

restaurant oso serves 'icy juice' which includes fresh strawberry shave ice...

after tt..celest and i decided to go to 中山公园 to check the place out... the mrt underground is some mini shopping centre much like the sci and tech museum... walked ard abit abit...bought some snacks and drinks then went up to walk ard 中山公园...

rmb to take gd care of green..

the garden in the city..

unfortunately after we've seen 玄武湖, 中山公园 jus dont cut it...

well after roaming ard 中山公园 for a while, celest and i went to 陆家觜's super brand mall for dinner.. after walking ard for a while, decided on a fish kinda lets u choose a fish, a broth, some veges and side dishes...then they bring out the boiling pot of broth, put the freshly cut fish in..and start cooking for u...

while waiting to be served...

pic of person trying to take pic...'

then the fishies arrive...



after the fishies are finished off, we added some veges in...



added the beed fried omelette rice

ended with desserts, corn flavoured drink + 我的美人...

after tt...celest and i walked to mrt station and took train back to our house... im still walking pretty weirdly tt day.. thanks to the 10s of pure pleasure china shifu gave me... T.T

Monday 20 October 2008

Discovery: most chinese exhibit strong magnetic fields and selective hearing

back in the blogging scene once again! hahaa..well it was quite a busy week last week..quite abit of stuff to do and prepare+abit of slacking..

haha.. anw..continuing on nanjing day 4... went to 新街口's walmart to grab my bolster!! hahahaha..finally! seriously finally i got a bolster!! muahahhaah.. somehow the chinese really dun like to use bolsters or smth.. and its quite xin ku to nt have a bolster while zzzing, though still can slp la..haha.. then after the bolster shopping, walked ard and got myself some winter clothing.... winter's coming in ard late nov to must get prepared..haha.. after tt celest and i slacked at kfc, then i went to the train station and took a train back to shanghai..

pic from my seat..

bye nanjing(ill be back)!!

and so..its tues, 16th sept.. meaning, tues blues....sianzzzzzz... ok la.. dragging myself out of bed as usual at 550am in the morning... well.. then again..chinaman made an important discovery..actually 2 important discoveries that explain the habits and the daily life of the chinese..

discovery 1: Chinese have very powerful selective hearing

actually since im like here for 2mths, i jus realised on mon, 15th sept, that the mrt will make some reminders to ppl b4 boarding the train..which goes smth like "请先下后上,文明城车"(pls let the ppl alight 1st then board later, do culturally board the train).. but i, the great scientist cum Dr(Willame) discovered tt china chinese have selective hearing.. v powderful one!ppl boarding the train will always hear the reminder as "__ 先___ 上,_____ 城车" (board 1st, board the train).. which explains y chinese risk their lives,souls and the chance of leaving their gfs behind at the platform to push themselves up, most of the times against ppl alighting the mrt, to board them!! heck.. even when u scream "别推我!" , the chinese will hear it as "__ 推我! " .. hence they will follow instructions and continue pushing until they have no strength left or till u give them a huge fart...

discovery 2: Chinese exhibit strong magnetic fields and attraction

which explains the massive amount of pda-ing(public display of affection).. cuz china guys and girls esp when they become bfgf has a massive amt of magnetic attractive force btw them. they have to hold onto each other like poles, or hug each other and walk awkwardly and slowly in public(i call tt style of walking Hugwalk).. it takes great effort to seperate them. my test subjects often end up spitting on the floor, shouting loudly in public and pushing others in queues if successful in splitting them from their bfs/gfs..

while the younger to mid age guys and girls(bfgf) has magnetic strong attraction btw them, older aunties and uncles dun excatly have magnetic attraction to each other... they are instead magnetically attracted to doors of mrts, buses, taxis and most other public transport.. yup tts right.. which totally explain y they have to push ppl aside when trying to board public transports, cuz they have to SAVE the ppl from being squashed in btw them and the bus door or smth... ive seen countless aunties/uncles following doors of slow moving buses jus b4 they stop at the bus stop, nt cuz they are kiasu, cuz they are magnetically attracted by the door and cant seperate from them!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Nanjing day 3 part 3!! =D

and do u think day 3 is over after 雨花台? NOoooo! hahahaha.. the night( well it was kinda like evening then) was still young.. so of cuz after a long tiring day of walking 2 super huge parks, celest and i decided to have something gd for dinner.. anw.. celest did mention b4 like during one day on her way back from work(ya..i think its work..nt the train station) from a cab, she noticed a few eateries & a really big starbucks at this road called 太平南路... so.. we took bus 2 from outside 雨花台 to 太平南路... which was ard like 10 stops away.. haha..kept checking the map.. and this time we cleverly did nt check mapbar.. so nv take to the wrong stop or need to walk or smth..hahaha

well.. reached 太平南路 and it kinda really reminds me of clarke quay.. v those kind of style place with big restaurants and pubs at tt area...

can u spot the liang seng fighter(celest)?

prob the chioest kfc in the entire nanjing..

again..can anyone spot celest here?(she really likes to walk into pics..)

nope..this is nt the restaurant we ate at...will get to it shortly..hehe

well after walking ard for a while, we eliminated most of the restaurants except for a few la... choice 1--Thai restaurant, choice 2-- steamboat, choice 3-1912 canto restaurant.... thai restaurant was abit ex..and well... basically it looks as normal as most other stalls selling S$7 tom yam soup..ok .. choice 1 out! choice 2, steamboat... looks gd..but super ex.. ok choice 2 OUT... choice 3 1912 canto restaurant.. food's gd(celest spotted a few she wanna eat), looks nt bad, ambience quite ok.. ok ACCEPT!! except 1 big prob.... its full.. have to wait for 30mins... ok celest and i decided to go out and walk ard... then.... jus a few stores in front, we saw this teppanyaki store with a signboard tt says like 70rmb for a whole lot of meat, veg and lots of food... we decide..mayb lets give this teppanyaki a shot.. walked in and saw....(yea china's famous for tt) tons of ppl too..but luckily got a place at the 2nd floor.. well actually the signboard outside turned out to be for lunch..but then again..since we alr sat down and everything there looks gd..we still decided to go on with eating there..

well walked up to the 2nd floor, sat on the same long table with a korean family and another small family too.. jus like most other teppanyaki places..the chef cooks in front of u.... and seriously..the chef we got.. was super zai... he kinda cooks art u know... nt jus flipping of veges/meat over and over again..but the way he scoops them up, the way he jus trickles the sauces onto them...zai.. hahaahah.. after a 5min "stare at awe" at the chef's skills, celest and i decided to share a beef set meal.. and seriously.. it wasnt the least bit disappointing.... its jus fantastic...

1st course: Sashimi

2nd course: salad

3rd course:(where things are starting to get alot better) mushroom rolled with beef

4th course: beef fat-a-tongue(as far as i rmb i think tts what its called, and no i dun think its beef tongue..)

course 5: beef slices

course 6: veges

course 7: beef fried ricecourse 8:miso soup

course 9: fruits

course 10: ice cream

after the really fantastic performance by the chef and the meal(oh yea..i was mega full too) and feeling super satisfied, we left 太平南路 and went back to celest's apartment.. a really great way to end nanjing day 3! =)

Saturday 11 October 2008

Nanjing day 3 part 2!! =D

well after lunch of cuz u all know we headed to 雨花台..

entrance to 雨花台

map showing the huge place of 雨花台

currently a v beautiful place with lots of flowers, grand buildings and small lakes.. well actually..this place used to be used for something more darker... 雨花台in the past was a execution site cum prison for the non-communist party(whatever-T it is...i was totally confused by the KMT, the GMT , the WOT(whatever other T) they can come up with)... but now..its a big memorial site with lots of beautiful flowers, scenery and grand buildings.. well dun let the dark side get to u huh.. hahah.. lots more beautiful pics to come!

stone statue of 'the patriots'

apparantly along the way uphill there's some banners hanging on trees telling ppl tt nanjing wants to be a 文明城市(cultured and civilised city) and wants the citizens to be honorable(市民光荣) and blablabla.. well..apparantly the chinese and the PRs in china needs to be reminded to be a gd citizen and work towards a cultured and civilised city.. haha

this banner reminds ppl to be environmentally friendly.. oh yea.. seemed to work v well with ppl still spitting on the floor and anyhow littering...

after walking right from the main entrance, we came to this really huge place.. well actually all the places are huge..but this one kinda looks grand..

after climbing up the njh(nanjing house- a kinda of chinified nanyang house found at 雨花台), celest and i saw the Mao Zedong memorial place..

went into the memorial hall and we free rode a group being lead by a tour guide.. tour guide explains the glory of Mao Zedong and how he helped china grow blablabla.. then after tt is 3 bows to the huge Mao Zedong statue located near the entrance of the memorial hall and its sort of a free and easy time..

will aka chinaman : hey... my chi nt tt chui ok! it kinda says 禁止牌照(or smth close to tt..)... u arent supposed to take photos of tt big statue..

celest aka she-who-walks-into-photos: *take pics* huh? really ah? ok lor.. *continue taking pics*
well ok i broke the rules and took a quick pic of a small statue of Mao Zedong inside the souvenier shop..haha

after tt we continued downwards to the building with the small swimming pool... but we missed the memorial hall exhibit which closes at 5pm.. we reached at ard 505pm...sianz

the swimming pool

chinaman acting emo

china's national anthem(aka march of the nationals), its abit small to see, so actual lyrics i found thru wiki is here

walked thru the huge building...

beautiful lake...

pavillion tt commerated the patriots..

apprantly green grass is so deadly u have to beware of them...
statue drawing of the communist ppl

statues of the patriots

well right again from the pavilion and we hit a beautiful pond with a gd view..

stone carvings are found all over 雨花台

and then...we walked towards a 明孝陵(ming tomb) located in 雨花台..and along the way there.. we heard someone operaing!! oh yes! tt guy was singing jus like in opera like tt.. screaming at the top of his voice some unknown language of a song(latin?? is tt what they usually sing?).. well.. obviously im nt the art loving kind so i cant appreciate his 'screaming of unidentifiable words' in 雨花台itself.... anw...reached the 明孝陵... v eerie looking if i might add

guardians to the forest of deadly grass..

after leaving the ming tomb, celest and i saw some signs up to the tomb of the unknown soldiers... so decided to climb up and check it out... but then.. bad mistake.. it was a mega uphill climb...

hit some entrance to prob a park or smth..... has drawings of pandas on its wall..and it was closed! argh...

well after the panda walls a little more uphill and we reached some rememberance of...i forgot!! hahah.. then again the unknown soldiers tomb was still quite a dist away.. and our legs are aching alr! even celest who is an expert at shopping and has almost infinite stamina when it comes to walking started to feel a little tired.. jus a little.. while i walk until tired alr.. so we jus went down the hill and started walking to the exit of 雨花台...

stone writings of unknown words rmbing unknown stuff but i know is nt rmbing the unknown soldiers...

saw the pagoda on the way out.....

this pic was taken while walking out of 雨花台.... a nice pic to end the day at a beautiful place... =D

but kudos to the nanjing and china govt to turn this dark place in the past(it was an execution ground if any has forgotten) into somewhere tt nt only commerates what their heroes did but oso beautify the entire area so much tt its seriously breath taking.... for tt the govt has my really big respect.. =)