Monday 26 April 2010

turn the beats back!

last week's exam was horrigible.... well ok i shldnt really complain so much since im supposed to know the entire core instead of relying on patterns of past yrs and so but still...this yr's qns is so so so so different!!! i was like expecting earth's bulge and i practise until pro alr.. turn out there's almost NO qn on it except for 1 theory qn... turns out to be a derivation qn of some plane earth prob..arghhhhhhh.... even part 1 got 1 pattern qn on the cell radius when cell splitting is used..arghhh... totally nv seen b4.. cell splitting was jus a single slide in my how pattern can the profs be..let us try to grad in peace laaaa... hahahaha

super street fighter 4(ssf4) is going to be released in a days time!! officially la...yet alot of ppl somehow got copies alr...somehow man..dunno they preorder or what la.. but FINALLY they have themes for everyoneeeeee... oh yea!! im a huge huge fan of sf and i do love their themes esp the classic ones. the 1st sf4 some of the themes were jus...'meh'.. ssf4 composer(of if its the same person gd job anyways) nailed the themes well..haha... boxer's, claw's all sounds gd...even new chracters like hawk theme is great(not so techno-y like ken's...)..

but the theme that got stuck to my mind is cody's theme.. it totally suits him... dark and troubled past, from hero to criminal(likely framed for what he has done...though constantly looking for fights isnt that lawful either) do turn off the side music if u wanna hear the themes..

i was worried abt the sf3 character's themes too..namely dudley's, ibuki's and makoto's one..cuz they were all pwnage in sf3 esp dudley's... makoto ssf4 theme's isnt the style i particularly like..but well.. dud's was way gd... it has dignity! hahahah

i tell u..if im prob going to spend my 1st pay on ps3, ssf4 and an arcade stick..oh yea throw in msg4, soul calibur 4, tekken 6, ff13....ahaha

my next exam is like 2 days time..on wed...seriously sucks..its open book but somehow while doing the pyps the open book seems...useless... or nt say useless la..nt as useful as i tot...scary really.. open book exams are always the hardest =(

well mugging time.... i do wish for exams to end soon..but the prospect of playing dota with ed makes me feel like prolonging exams till 7th may..seriously..hahahah... i rather torture myself than get tortured playing with et3000..

oh..its her bday today! :D

Wednesday 21 April 2010

dont madder, lets daughter

man..after all this almost 3 mths since ed last appeared on garena and played dota but man we're all still talking abt him..i mean like how noob ed will always be, how he can leave teh aegis behind after killing rosh cuz he dun wanna drop his bracer, how ed cant tell illusions from the real stuff, how ed's reaction speed is so slow it makes a snail seem like it can run..
the reaction thingy is so thru..ed always smokes or does his aoe stuff AFTER the hero has left the all highly suspect tt ed doesnt use hotkeys..but come on.. it cant be tt slow right? hahahaha.. but no..ed totally re-defined and brought the noobness lvl back down.. worse still.. ed is breeding!! yes.... room 40 is now ed-infested.. all sorts of noobs lurk there, waiting for a chance to spoil game, ragequit or stun players like us with things only ed could possible do..

like what vic said during one of our convos

Victor says:
his is the nightmare that parents use to scare kids into behaving
if u dun behave...i will show u et3000's replay games
then use the camera to auto follow et3000

even the future kids will fear ed! hahaha.. u dun need to cane ur kids in the future.. jus make them watch ed's replay vids.. cfm within 10mins ur kids will beg for forgiveness

and jus as i tot ed is of the past and only mini-ed like ppl who breeded(engrish intended) from ed lurks in garena...

ih-VAHN says:
holy smoke...et3000 told me hes going to install garena after exams!!!

this is seriously a disaster concerning national garena security... man.. ed.. the noob of all noobs.. is backkkkkkk.. OMG.. and prob even noober than ever.... the main causer of rage quits, more ed-like noobs breedings somehow.... disaster when emo god (who is mega whiny and ragequitty now i must say..if u doesnt kill he will keep spamming 'gg' and soon after if things go worse ragequit) and ed lanes tog!!

to think tml is my exams... =X... good luck to all!!

Monday 12 April 2010


Lets count

3 days to fyp demo

10 days to exams

25 days to fyp presentation

? days to work

alright alright stop here for now la..dun wanna think or count until so far yet huhhh..hahahah..

wa lao the future eee generations are so gd...they are spared from heng's course! no more pudge!!! luckyyyyyyy... haii.. all the wasted time while doing his stuff and still get nth much in return..shld have spent more time on fyp..hahaha

i cant say im that ready for the demo on wed, besides the formal i've brought to hall.. man... the way prof g hinted we needed formal..lets jus say it doesnt sound really nice..but hey... better to overdress than to underdress...or so a crazy person once told me..

10 more days to exam! 10 more days to the final exam im gg to have in crazy to say this but im going to miss exams! ahha..i mean i hate them to the core really, but the journey of mugging tog with friends, quarrelling over ans and all and after tt comparing how much we have died-ed after each paper is really fun.. i mean nt then but when u think back of it... thats one of the things im gg to miss after i grad..honest! hahaha

kinda hooked to watching ssf2t(super street fighter 2 turbo) tourney matches and pro gameplay.. widely regarded as the best sf ever created its still played by pro players up till today(u rarely see a fighting game ard 1996 lasting until now with many tourneys still being conducted).. well though i think 3s(street fighter 3-3rd strike) is the best and smoothest sf so far out there..

but anw... one of the techniques to own for ssf2t is to control space.. or distancing.. equally as impt as tkd i must say(which i really hope to get much better in..well for tkd..and mayb ssf2t)... watch the vid above, the guile is extremely gd at distancing, backfisting ryu's face like 3x ftw..well due to the fact tt guile's sonic booms recover much faster than ryu's ahhhhdugen(hadoken) and if the distance is correct guile can backfist ryu into some pretty gd dmg, very gd against projectile spammers in general.. and very very nice gief comeback against boxer too.. man i jus miss playing these classic games..ahhaha

ok..back to 4152.. took jus a short break to blog abit..hahaha

Monday 5 April 2010

crappy thief

well a few days ago was april fool..and i got the same person..arghhhhh..hahha.. how can i get fool like 3x by the same person?!?! and she didnt jus fool me at one go leh.. wa lao the last one was like kfc chicken selling for $0.10 on that day(1st april) only..the hint so big i dunno i still tio fooled.... =*((((((((.. shows how er...innocent i am..ahhaha.nt naive..innocent!!!! hahaah

well i still managed to fool 1 person..hehehe =P

still i had a dramatic sat instead...i was going to get my iphone on sat..yea after a little bit of convincing my parents agreed..also i wanna change the plan to under my name instead of my father's so i can have the student plan.. but when i reach singtel at west mall..things started to get a little strange at 1st.. i suddenly have 2 iphone plans under my name.. i was like huh? i mean.. i nv got any lines under my name b4.. could have by any chance they key or scan wrongly? so i asked the singtel staff to check la... wa turns out i really have 2 lines registered on 24th march and 25th march.. wa lao eh stun.. 24th,25th is wed thurs..and i was in schhhhhhhhhh... how i split and register...i nt naruto leh!!!

so we requested to see the cctv... lo and behold.. a fat, bearded guy with specs and a pink sweater is registering under my name, using the 11b i lost 5 yrs ago... 5 freakin yrs the staff didnt check on the face ok...since well ppl can change so much after they ord for 4yrs..but come on... my ord date is there, and it was ord like 4yrs ago! expired 11b alr!!! still ok nvm..the stupid pink shirt guy register under singtel 2 lines la..then go starhub oso register 2 plans for iphone.. cfm to sell one lorr...

no but it doesnt stop there!!! he still go bukit batok police station report "i" "lost" my nric.. WTH!!! i nv lost my ic b4 lor..and so he prob has a replacement slip stating tt i "lost" my ic blablabla... dunno do what la...dun give da er long can alr..zzzzz...

my sat was spend going police station, taking to singtel,starhub to suspend the account..heng m1 dun have if nt waste more time, then ko...but ok la..still had gd dinner..hahaha.... man cuz of the stupid thief my iphone kinda got delayed..ok la..i dun think tts the worst part.. he's using my 11b to freaking earn money and cause me mafan-ness!!!! rwarrrrrrrrrr

wait till he get caught mannn...wanna take a gd look at him..for wasting my sat, my time, my money and my time on possibly having a new phone.... rwarrrrr