Wednesday 3 June 2009

1mth gone!!

yeayea..but pretty busy during this holiday..ok la..nt so much until everyday nt at home or what la..but still busy enough..hahaha..but argh!! its alr 1 mth gone from the holiday!! gasp!!! hahaha

hmm...recap of what ive done..or what i can rmb after like finding out abt exam results.. lol...

went for main comm chalet right after knowing results to like..vent out..u know..hahaha..ok la..nv vent out..only drink alittle bit only.. but wenhui almost wanted to kill me by like mixing 95% vodka and 5% thing i didnt drink much of it if nt i wont last past the 6hr meeting!! woo..hahahaha.. yea..the longest meeting i ever had so far..i think the 2nd closest was one i had for tkd jus b4 uc..tts ard 5hrs long..hahaha.. 6hrs long discussing impt camp stuff..but hey.... camp will be gd!! hahaa..discuss so long sure zai one...somemore got zai ppl ard..hahahah

then train here and there on tues and fri..survived most of what shifu can throw..but shifu said this is jus the beginning..wa sianz..hahaha

then went to angie's 21st bday!!! hahaha.. ive gotta say i tot it would be a much more ppl attend event..but hey... its still really gd! hahaha.. gotta catch up with a few ppl at the yr3 and above table and food too! ahhaah..ate quite a few do u call it... "round pieces" of cake..hahaha

there's the cake..unique huh..hahaha..nt the usual rectangular stuff most ppl are used to seeing..haha.. those individual er...round pieces are what we ate... tot it was some engineering marvel tt enabled the cake to stand..well actually got a cardboard or some kinda cone in the center to hold it up.. haha

then jus today....its sending the netherlands fighter wong back home! haha..more 感动 event la... well 1 person did cry.... but was really fun having him ard..ill nv forget the kick he gave to my head! wahahahahaha... next time ppl upload pic ill kope and upload as well..hahaha

next week meeting prof to talk abt fyp..sianz.... he alr send some "threatening" mail liao..hahah. say can what see whether we keen for our proj or nt..v impt to start fyp now blablablabla....think ill jus camp in lab when sch starts la..ahhaha

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