Saturday 27 June 2009

shinigamis show them ur BANKAI!!!

finally i became less lazy and decided to blog after almost 2 weeks of absence..=P.. ok la..cuz ill be away and cut off from civilisation from 29th june to 10july due to annual ICT(in camp training)..yea 2 weeks..the tougher kind..hope time passes by quickly..(jus dread the 3d2n forest stay though)

anw...last week 18-21st i attended camp sparex, a camp to intro sparring to the jc kids(ok..i tend to call them kids cuz i feel so old among like more than half a decade older than old liao hor....hahahah). and i must say..i really really enjoyed myself! hahhaha.. i on abt helping sparex out cuz...well..i was in the 1st sparex comm!! wahahaha..ok la... either way sparex still going strong and evolved into a 4 day camp liao(last time 3 days..haha)..

oh...b4 i go this yr sparex grp name is........ SHINIGAMI!! hah

last yr i join i still abit noob(ok less noob liao..less noob la..haha) i nv really teach too much, but for the last 4 days in camp...this time i teach slightly more and talk until mouth dry and clashed until pain but well..after seeing the jc kids improving like wa..sudd become real fighers alr from the tensed up and over nervous kids the 1st time i saw them spar(sudd they really BANKAI-ed!), and like after they feedback(i overheard in toilet while bathing.. XD) that they really benefitted in the camp..somemore the jc kids like...bought small teddy bears for us and wrote on a nice card and presented to us gls on the last day!!! v v 感动 lor! and some write until oso..wa totally thank us for everything we taught them(sparring or nt) for the last 4 days..ahaha

im really happy for them la and happy tt they enjoyed themselves as well..hahaha..jus hope ill be able to join again next yr when i grad!! fast la hor..i going to grad alr..ahhaha... anw.. its time for some pics!!(again koped straight from fb so might be LQ..haha)

and of cuz 1st, presenting the zai shinigami gls! hahaha( left side most hardworking---->right side most slack)

the kids forming the sparex word..i wanted to be the exclaimation mark lor... epic fail(for me la) haha

chang showing off his blowing skills

on mrt during amazing race

after the finale(the tournament style sparring) of sparex.. the kids all did well!

ms pro and steph ko-ed yk here..

shinigami's verson of 庆功宴.. at mos burger..ya la..budget lehhh..haha

the unglam pic taken by wee kiat.. tt kinda make kr look like a drunk imho..hahaha
after a little bit of editing...

ok la..tts abt all for sparex..hahaha... last few days really jus went back sch to er...research and "research" la...hahaha.. fyp prof want us to start on fyp yea..go back and kinda show tt im doing smth la...i mean..i really do smth sometimes..but yea..sometimes la...hahaha..but wa..see some ppl v hardworking(READ: NOT MS PRO) and like touch their stuff la(like this guy i like to call wafer man..he's really touching his wafer or whatever throught the entire day i see him in lab..i mean like really working on it), really research la all tt ..pressuring but...well..end up i still slack more than i research..hahahaha

ict coming up..argh! those ntu tkd going for grading gd luck! hahaa..ill support u all in camp..wahahah...go double! and er..oh yea..hopfully i can go support those going for PA tournament as well..too bad i cant go..i dun wanna slp halfway while sparring...hahh

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