Friday 12 June 2009

F10 E Q

ok nt overly busy last few days or what la..jus too lazy.. ahhaah.. met prof a while ago abt fyp..he went to brief everyone abt fyp saying we need to start now la if nt will be late all tt... ok lor..i a way what he said was true.. he want us to submit a gantt chart for our plans for the next 2 sems.. die..hahaha..i barely know what i have to really do for my proj and he wants me to formulate a plan for the next 2 sems?! GG man..GG..ahhahaha.. well actually i have alr done up a chui draft..see how it goes la huh... hahaha.. guess gotta really start learning madlab now.. sianz..haha

ms pro is currently enjoying herself back in shanghai..again.. hahaha.. too bad she cant smuggle coco pmts or pgts back in sg.. =(.. then again i need to cut down on what i eat... hahah..failed my ippt single station again..pull ups.. argh! nvm la..2 weeks time will pass! wahahhaha...

anw..watched a v gd nba finals game 4 btw lakers and magic... lakers won in OT anw.. 98-91 if i nv rmb wrongly(yesyes my memory is poor..i jus watched the game like almost 15mins ago only....haha) game..for the 1st 2 quarters, magic was pounding lakers, doing everything correctly, execution,passing and defending and leading by 12.. 3rd,4th and during OT, lakers bounced back, nv giving up and eventually winning with 2 dagger 3s by veteran fisher..

and gg to relate this nba game to a game we played yest night...this game..most ppl shld recognise it...and zy..if u are reading this...this is for u..specially..u better read word for word...

ok..let me start off with the nba finals game.. 3rd quarter, lakers trailing by 12 pts, magic was seemingly hot, and a sub called trevor ariza shot 0-6(made 0 out of 6 attempts) in the 1st 2 quarter.. frustration for the laker team even for kobe bryant, their superstar, 3 fouls(a player can only have total of 6 fouls b4 he fouls out from the game) on 2 laker big men odom and brynum.. everything swinging in the magic's favour...

but.. trevor ariza, hungry for the win, didnt give up or F10 E Q in dota terms(aka quit game), even with a 0-6 shooting for the 1st 2 quarters, he shows confidence and drove in for his basket, and later added 2 3s..bringing lakers up to a 2 pt trail. later on in the 4th quarter, his hustle plays, his steals and of cuz along with fisher's 2 dagger 3s brought the lakers the victory, the victory they hunger for...

now..yest night..ok..i mean..the BC plays dota as a casual game.. a game for fun, laughing, bragging to each other in skills and of cuz the occational win.. we arent pros or what..jus playing for fun.. of cuz winning and getting a godlike kill streak is a bonus for everyone.. and one player jus wants tt feel of winning and godlike kill streak way too seriously.. and tts zy aka mr emo.. we gave him tt "mr emo" nick cuz he will go emo and talk abt losing the moment he senses tt we all are getting owned or when he was feeding..yea jus tt...

yest night we were all playing casual dota as usual... 4 friends+1 pub vs 5 pub(public) players.. the 1 pub in our team alr quit halfway..better tt way anw if nt all he does is jus run into enemies and give them free gold.. so left us 4 friends(myself included and zy being one of them). zy isnt doing well having a 0-3 kill-death ratio, im doing well with 5-0, ivan and vic doing fairly well too. but..he hungers to win, he hungers to own and have a godlike streak of his own.. sounds like the nba finals game today right where ariza, who wants to win badly, having a 0-6 shooting goes on with poise and confidence rarely found on subs and carries his team for the lead..but nooo... u know what zy did...

name blanked out for privacy reasons..

anw..yea..he LEFT THE GAME(aka F10 E Q)... leaving behind vic, ivan and myself to fight against 5 heroes and defend the world stick... and we had a chance to win!! the overall kill death for all was 15-16(us being 15) and the only other person who was owning in the enemy team was an early game hero who will be useful for the 1st 30-40mins or so..after tt the hero will jus be support/tank.. nt completely useless but certainly nt overly effective..

we were all scolding zy after the game.. really i said.. if u hunger for the win so much, if u really love the feeling of winning and owning even for casual dota games in which we by right shldnt be overly serious abt, then.. if we "seem" to be losing them, u gotta step up ur game! like ariza did today in the finals.. no..he didnt F10 E Q, he carried his team to a which fired up his teammates and brought them to a win.. he made plays, he pushed, he shot, nt letting his 0-6 shooting bother him at all...

while zy with a 0-3 kill death ratio, with an equal hunger for a win chose NOT to carry his team, instead giving up, quiting and hoping for a win the next time we play.. its nt the 1st time.. its like the 1398359375812390482903842908 times this happened...and yest night was one of the most rediculous one.. i mean.we DID have a chance to win even though it was 4v5..the opponents arent gd at all! zy quit, gave up..he wants to win yes.. but he jus wanna depend on teammates, KS, emo and say nasty stuff when losing or when he thinks tt he's losing, and F10 E Q eventually.. what kinda mentality is this?! if u wanna win, u see ur team losing or getting beat, carry them to victory.. it need nt be scoring (or killing in a dota sense) jus support, make plays, dun give up and NOT PULL THE TEAM TO A LOSS.. gd things will happen.. if we lose so be it! learn frm the mistakes!!

and this is jus a casual dota game..i can take it if he emorages and leave..what abt ur work next time zy? when ur proj runs into probs, or competition is too fierce, u wanna tell ur boss like u wanna F10 E Q out of the proj cuz there's "no point to continue" alr.. man.. wake up...

ok..ranted alot..but really..i do wish zy will change his said..dota is jus a game.. i dun care if he emorages and quit.. we all get sian diao..but will forget it what abt ur work? are u gg to pull ur team to destruction the moment u arent getting credit for doing work? or the moment u think the opposition is too strong?

A gd sub fired up his team and brought them to victory taking a 3-1 lead in the nba finals today when all odds were against him... of cuz we dun expect tt miracle to happen everyday even in dota.. but at least..have his mentality..

the team is losing, if u really hunger to win, then do smth urself, carry the team to victory instead of quitting and hoping for a win..

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