Friday 22 May 2009


haha..yest night was the release of the exam results.... v fast hor.. its like 1 mth into holiday only then the prof all mark finish ard..super scary.. haha.. anw..aiya..i deprove by abit...jus a little bit.... ok la...a bit sad oso..ahahah tot i can improve.... =(.. but really jus drop by abit. 0.02 pts only....hahahaha but ahhh.. need to work hard next sem man... no choice liao.. last 2 sems! rawr!!!!!!!(guess tt means less dota too..haha) pro or dr lee as she proclaim tts her future title, has done v v v v v well as usual.... she keep saying tyco but no la..cannot tyco until 4-5 As one leh.. ahhaah...tts y she's ms pro, the name given isnt fake ok!! until alot of As.. hehe.. now i has formulated william's 2nd law liao..hahah

william 2nd law states tt any qn tt ms pro thinks she's wrong has a 90% chance of being actually correct, 5% chance of being a breakthrough new ans tt no prof has ever tot of and given full marks, 4.9% chance the prof is stunnded by her overall pro-ness and give her full credit, 0.1% chance wrong

william 2nd law oso stats that any qn tt ms pro thinks she's correct then she's 105% correct

its tested and proven since yr1sem1 so tts y its a law...test and proven correct! muahahhaha

ok can go training and vent anger abit... this weekend busy man.. got rt, got chalet got alot of stuff to check and do..argh! well at least the research fellow i met yest didnt expect me to start fyp..but need to learn madlab abit la..hahahaha..but scary la..he say last fyp student do his stuff then end up like go up into journal dunno publish/win award in shanghai or what la... he say try to work towards tt... i lorr....... i nv win much awards b4 besides notorious how how? hahaha

on the bright side....insinyur is coming! so is sparex(sparex 1st though.hha) insinyur no prob la.. all the mp zai..i sit back relax oso can...hahaha(too bad they can relax..=P)

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